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Van mows down pedestrians near London mosque

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Seems like the despicable extremist EDL are buzzing about this attack judging by their comments here= http://hopenothate.org.uk/2017/06/21/edl-hails-finsbury-park-terror-attack/

Time for the hate preachers of the far right groups to be treated in the same manner as Anjem Chaudery and locked up for inciting hatred...


Sadly there are folks on our very own SF who share such vile hate filled sentiments; they just haven't the balls to say it out loud.

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Sadly there are folks on our very own SF who share such vile hate filled sentiments; they just haven't the balls to say it out loud.


Ive been on here a few years and never come across any regular posters who have shared such 'vile' thoughts or sentiments towards each other.

Are you talking now ? Recently ? In the past ?

You cannot glorify death or misery to fellow citizens.

I'm all for hate speech being condemned - and it being acted upon by the authorities.

Trouble is, defining hate speech, and free speech :help:

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Sadly there are folks on our very own SF who share such vile hate filled sentiments; they just haven't the balls to say it out loud.


Really ? Ive never once read a post on SF that was inciting hatred or preaching hate. I think you are confusing it with someone speaking their mind old boy.


Just because someone dosnt share the lefties fluffy bunny view of the world ,dosnt mean they are preaching hate.

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The comments are despicable but you could find similar garbage posted on social media in virtually any context, there is a model who posts on Twitter who was verbally threatened with rape whilst she was heavily pregnant by a number of sick individuals, its a blight on the net that it gives a voice to these vile people.

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  • 7 months later...
Radicalised in just 16 short days apparently. It just goes to show how quickly vulnerable minds can be taken by bad ideas.


indeed, specially on social media :(


"Your use of Twitter exposed you to racists and anti-Islamic ideology," she added.


"In short, you allowed your mind to be poisoned by those who claimed to be leaders."


Also like quite a few of the islamist extremists he was a bit of a loner and had a string of convictions


Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb also heard a list of Osborne's previous convictions - including a string of violent offences - spanning more than 30 years.


Osborne had appeared before the courts on 33 occasions for 102 offences, she was told.


The judge said Osborne's previous convictions showed he was a "belligerent and violent character".

Edited by melthebell
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Is anyone surprised by how easy it is to manipulate people. Throughout history people have been used and manipulated in fact whole countries are susceptible to following patently evil ideologies.

With social media it is easier and quicker to try and install bad ideas.

On the plus side there are also lots of groups and individuals countering the arguments.

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Well all of the scums excuses were not believed, hes just been sentenced to life, minimum 43 years, good riddence.



What stood out to me was he was given a minimum of 43 years , but old Hooky Hamza and Ramjam Choudry only received a portion of that for their terrorist crimes.


Just saying.

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