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Van mows down pedestrians near London mosque

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He is actually called Darren Osbourne , 47 from Cardiff.


---------- Post added 19-06-2017 at 21:01 ----------



Im happy to do that :)


---------- Post added 19-06-2017 at 21:04 ----------



How is that Mel ? :roll:

perpetuating your islamphobic bull**** on the internet, maybe poisoning others


As May pointed out today


"It is a reminder that terrorism, extremism and hatred take many forms and our determination to tackle them must be the same, whoever is responsible.


"As I said here two weeks ago, there has been far too much tolerance of extremism in our country over many years - and that means extremism of any kind, including Islamophobia.


"That is why this government will act to stamp out extremist and hateful ideology - both across society and on the internet, so it is denied a safe space to grow.

INCLUDING ISLAMOPHOBIA, wonder if EDL, Britain first and even UKIP will not be scrutinised for the scum they are?


---------- Post added 19-06-2017 at 21:20 ----------


and right on cue, what we've been saying for years

This incident risks playing right into the hands of those planning further attacks on vulnerable citizens in the UK.


Online followers of the so-called Islamic State have been quick to seize on the Finsbury Park attack as proof of what they see as widespread hostility towards Muslims who live in the West. Inevitably, it will be used by recruiters and propagandists to incite further attacks - extremism breeds extremism.


The one thing that far right anti-Muslim extremists and violent jihadists have in common is the belief that peaceful coexistence between Muslim and non-Muslim is impossible.


The unified prayers and solidarity across communities that followed recent terror attacks are anathema to them. Extremists of both types want instead to divide society and will keep trying to bring this about by criminal acts of provocation such as this.

Edited by melthebell
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It was just a matter of when and where that someone would take the law into their own hands without​ thinking their actions will play into IS hands. No doubt IS will use this to further their brainwashing the young who will be ready soldiers of death. RIP to victim.

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I find it really odd that some people seem to be deriving pleasure from last nights attack, a sort of villification of recent actions by Islamic extremists.


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?

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I find it really odd that some people seem to be deriving pleasure from last nights attack, a sort of villification of recent actions by Islamic extremists.


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?


Would the latest terror attacks had happened if we hadn't invaded Iraq etc etc?

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Guest sibon


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?


There have been attacks on Muslim communities throughout history. So the answer to your question is a resounding "yes".


Nice attempt at victim blaming though. Your agenda is showing through even more clearly than before.

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I find it really odd that some people seem to be deriving pleasure from last nights attack, a sort of villification of recent actions by Islamic extremists.


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?


I've only seen bits of the thread, so I don't know what said.


I find it really odd that some people seem to be deriving pleasure from last nights attack, a sort of villification of recent actions by Islamic extremists.


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?


I don't about these people, but I stand by what I've said in here for years even though no one agrees (or have ever said so):


1. Don't label any of these morons as terrorists, label them as murderers.

2. Media/news should stop giving these people 24/7 global continuous coverage, because that's exactly why they are doing it. And people shouldn't feed the media with so much response. Either of these would stop this IMO.


Reality: Though not possible these days, I don't think any of the recent (10 years or so) would have happened if points 1 and 2 were agreed. This all boils down to 11 Sept and their knowledge of global media as a new form of war.

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Would the latest terror attacks had happened if we hadn't invaded Iraq etc etc?


In my opinion , Yes they would.


I ask these people one question - would last nights horrific and cowardly act have happened if it wasn't for the latest Islamic terror acts?


No , i very much doubt it would.

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I've only seen bits of the thread, so I don't know what said.




I don't about these people, but I stand by what I've said in here for years even though no one agrees (or have ever said so):


1. Don't label any of these morons as terrorists, label them as murderers.

2. Media/news should stop giving these people 24/7 global continuous coverage, because that's exactly why they are doing it. And people shouldn't feed the media with so much response. Either of these would stop this IMO.


Reality: Though not possible these days, I don't think any of the recent (10 years or so) would have happened if points 1 and 2 were agreed. This all boils down to 11 Sept and their knowledge of global media as a new form of war.


Not so much on this thread but have a trawl through Twitter, theres almost a feeling of relief that this has happened.


For the record ISIS have committed many atrocities in countries that have not invaded them and killed Muslims that do not agree with their viewpoint.

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Guest sibon


1. Don't label any of these morons as terrorists, label them as murderers.

2. Media/news should stop giving these people 24/7 global continuous coverage, because that's exactly why they are doing it. And people shouldn't feed the media with so much response. Either of these would stop this IMO.


Reality: Though not possible these days, I don't think any of the recent (10 years or so) would have happened if points 1 and 2 were agreed. This all boils down to 11 Sept and their knowledge of global media as a new form of war.


Keeping this stuff quiet is very difficult. When the 7/7 attacks took place, the Government initially claimed that there was a power cut on the tube. That line was held for all of ten minutes, even in those pre-social media days.


Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your view, the news has been totally democratised. There is no way to control it. That's what is behind the recent unexpected election results. It brings good thngs and it brings bad ones.


So we can't control the news, but maybe we can control our response. There have been encouraging signs of people sticking together throughout the awful events of the last few weeks. Long may that continue.

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