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Is anyone proud to be British these days?

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Pride is usually a personal thing, no two people would necessarily be proud of the same things, I look at threads like this one and I see the op has an issue with certain things he sees as problems (which they are), but they are not unique to Britain and the British people, threads like this have been done before on here. The thing about many British citizens today, and they can compare themselves with certain parts of the media, they are quick to put Britain and the British down, but they can do this only because we have, like it or not, set such high standards IMHO !

More people in this country should be grateful for having been born and living here, they should realise how lucky they are and that there are many far worse places in the world to live.

What I do find annoying is this apologetic stance some have about things that happened way before any of us on here were born, and so in reality have little perspective of living in those times, the days of Empire being an example ..... all the historically strong nations were building Empires at that time.

Look at the Germans, should we judge them or should they judge themselves now for what happened in the past world wars ..... No, it's over, confined to history, lessons have been learnt, generally, the current generation in Germany has nothing to apologise for and likewise we have nothing to apologise for in our past history !

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