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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Only when talking to supposed adults acting like children who can't have their way.


Obviously remoaners don't otherwise they'd accept the result.


So all discussion is banned in your version of how things work is it?


As it becomes increasingly clear that the country has made a mistake which is going to cause huge harm to the future prosperity of the country and future prospects of the next generation everyone is just supposed to accept it are they?


When it looked as though Remain was going to win Farage made it quite clear that if it was as close as 48% to 52% it wouldn't be over " By a long way " but that doesn't apply the other way around?


The political establishment in this country care very little about anything outside the South East and Home Counties.


Their main concern is to retain the strength and influence of the City of London financial centre in international finance.


When the EU tried to bring in tariffs on cheap Chinese steel to protect the European steel industry Britain vetoed the move because they were more interested in gaining approval from the Chinese in order to encourage their continued investment in the City.


Because of Brexit many of the largest banks are now planning to move to EU countries in order to retain EU 'Passporting' privileges.


Dublin,Paris,Frankfurt and others are eager to take advantage of the situation for their own benefit, and why not, our decision to alter status quo.


We will also lose the European Medicine Agency and the European Banking Authority currently located here.


Our politicians may not care about provincial steel workers and industrial workers in general, but once damage to The City becomes the order of the day watch the twisting turning and whining start then.


Which way will you vote next time? :)

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So all discussion is banned in your version of how things work is it?


As it becomes increasingly clear that the country has made a mistake which is going to cause huge harm to the future prosperity of the country and future prospects of the next generation everyone is just supposed to accept it are they?


When it looked as though Remain was going to win Farage made it quite clear that if it was as close as 48% to 52% it wouldn't be over " By a long way " but that doesn't apply the other way around?


The political establishment in this country care very little about anything outside the South East and Home Counties.


Their main concern is to retain the strength and influence of the City of London financial centre in international finance.


When the EU tried to bring in tariffs on cheap Chinese steel to protect the European steel industry Britain vetoed the move because they were more interested in gaining approval from the Chinese in order to encourage their continued investment in the City.


Because of Brexit many of the largest banks are now planning to move to EU countries in order to retain EU 'Passporting' privileges.


Dublin,Paris,Frankfurt and others are eager to take advantage of the situation for their own benefit, and why not, our decision to alter status quo.


We will also lose the European Medicine Agency and the European Banking Authority currently located here.


Our politicians may not care about provincial steel workers and industrial workers in general, but once damage to The City becomes the order of the day watch the twisting turning and whining start then.


Which way will you vote next time? :)


The opposite to you to make sure your vote doesn't count.

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The opposite to you to make sure your vote doesn't count.


Errr, in a referendum ( unlike our undemocratic FPTP election system ) everyone's vote counts.


And, as I'm someone who is prepared to change my mind if presented with verifiable facts which contradict my previous opinion then who knows, maybe I'll vote Leave next time?


So far however, not one Brexiteer has been able to come up with any facts explaining why it is a good idea to leave and how we can improve our situation without the benefit of EU membership, but over the next year or so who knows?


Maybe our politicians are far more Machiavellian than we think, perhaps their apparent inability to organise a drinks party in a beer factory is all a ruse?


Perhaps they have a 'cunning plan' and they are lulling the EU negotiators in to a false sense of superiority, before totally bamboozling them with a masterstroke of pure genius!


If so they are doing a brilliant job on the lulling front, because they're coming across as a right load of clueless incompetents.


We shall see.

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The main problem is, as I saw posted on another site, is that the British people were narrowly in favour of leaving the EU. The British political classes on the other hand, are massively in favour of Remain.


How we got to this rather large imbalance is probably a topic in itself.


But the latest Remainer wheeze is obviously the transitional exit from the single market. I have seen the date 2022 mentioned. Which as it happens will probably be the date of the next General Election.


So if either Labour or the Tories get an unabashedly pro-EU leader in for then, the result of the General Election will be held to overrule the referendum result and we will start negotiating to go back into the EU.

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The main problem is, as I saw posted on another site, is that the British people were narrowly in favour of leaving the EU. The British political classes on the other hand, are massively in favour of Remain.


How we got to this rather large imbalance is probably a topic in itself.


We elect politicians to make decisions on our behalf. We expect them to carry out that duty in good faith and by educating themselves as to the pros and cons of whatever subject is up for discussion and decision.


That is their job, what we elected them for and pay them for.


We have other priorities, work to do, and lives to be lived.


The system isn't perfect, no human construct is, but it fulfills it's purpose, people who are knowledgeable on the subject get to decide upon what action , if any, to take.


David Cameron panicked over the possible loss of Tory seats to Ukip in the election and stole their thunder by promising a referendum on the EU.


For purely selfish party reasons Cameron allowed a vote on an extremely complex issue with enormous consequences to be decided by the uninformed on emotional grounds.


The reason that there is such a difference for and against EU membership between the general public and politicians is that politicians know what the benefits of membership are, and the general public have been conned by the media slating of the EU at every opportunity in order to appeal to the xenophobes among us and sell 'newspapers'.

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It's questionable whether the result should continue to be respected.


The country is clearly making a huge mistake.


It should be respected, but the country should be asked if they really want to stick with it with the caveats that there has to be more than a tiny majority one way or the other.

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It should be respected, but the country should be asked if they really want to stick with it with the caveats that there has to be more than a tiny majority one way or the other.


Well, that's another way of putting it.


Same outcome.


A second referendum is inevitable now anyway.

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