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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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At the end of the day, whatever drivers we have for Brexit (right wing globalist or left wing anti-globalis/pro-nationalisation) are unrealistic and not rooted in any way in real world practicalities.


Both ignore that the economic consequences outweigh everything else. Doesn't matter - Corbyn, May, McDonnell, Fox or whoever - all of them will lead us off an economic cliff edge if they get their way.

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I LOVE reading this thread. The Remoaners are aptly named, I expect the Country to be in a state of collapse when we Brexit, if we believe all they say.


Get over it and find something else to moan about, we are leaving - the sooner the better.



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I LOVE reading this thread. The Remoaners are aptly named, I expect the Country to be in a state of collapse when we Brexit, if we believe all they say.


Get over it and find something else to moan about, we are leaving - the sooner the better.




It ain't over until the grey lady signs...


Oh, and by the way, the country IS already in a state of collapse following the vote to leave.

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I LOVE reading this thread. The Remoaners are aptly named, I expect the Country to be in a state of collapse when we Brexit, if we believe all they say.


Get over it and find something else to moan about, we are leaving - the sooner the better.




Recent polling indicates that many leavers accept economic mayhem as a price with paying for Brexit.


So it isn't just remainers who expect severe economic issues.

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I LOVE reading this thread. The Remoaners are aptly named, I expect the Country to be in a state of collapse when we Brexit, if we believe all they say.


Get over it and find something else to moan about, we are leaving - the sooner the better.




If it all go tits up then will you give me some money?

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You don't appear to be on the same wavelength here.


A reason to leave would be one which overwhelmingly outweighed any reason to remain.


There isn't one, add together all the gripes that people had with the EU and they do not provide a reason for bringing about the economic damage and uncertainty which is taking place and which will continue for years to come.


Therefore there was no reason to leave.


Many Brexiteers seem under the illusion that we can break all connections and commitments to other countries and simply do as we please.


The world doesn't work like that, we will have to make new arrangements with everyone we trade with and we will be doing so from a position of weakness.


We are a relatively small economy on our own, we have a significant trade deficit and any future agreements will come with terms and conditions which may well be more onerous than those we currently have as members of the EU.


Brexit is a clear folly, so by your definition our pro Brexit politicians are all fools?


---------- Post added 06-08-2017 at 12:45 ----------



People that make comments about others on the internet without knowing anything about them, other than their view on a particular topic come across as none too bright.


The experience that the UK is going to have after Brexit promises to be an extremely painful one.


In which case you must be half candle power, and that's giving credit.

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Recent polling indicates that many leavers accept economic mayhem as a price with paying for Brexit.



You are right a few people I know who voted Brexit said they would still vote to leave, as I would, if there is economic unstability for a while, but we don't really know, all we hear is this is not going to end well, just words.

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Recent polling indicates that many leavers accept economic mayhem as a price with paying for Brexit.



You are right a few people I know who voted Brexit said they would still vote to leave, as I would, if there is economic unstability for a while, but we don't really know, all we hear is this is not going to end well, just words.



It wasn't just a few. It was a lot. And to add to the mix some said losing their own jobs would be worth it, and seeing members of their families lose their jobs would be worth it.


It's one of those moments where you have to step back and question what on earth is going on. Either people don't really understand what they are saying, or they do and they really are wishing economic harm on themselves and others.


Can you think of any other modern economies where this has happened? I can't.


The only thing close is Zimbabwe, where the population accepted radical economic reform in pursuit of an ideological goal they'd been brainwashed into believing they wanted.

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As I've posted several times before: nobody knows the future.

So no decision on a matter of principle can be resolved by knowing which option will lead to a better result financially.

Hence the 'Remain'/'Leave' decision was best decided as a matter of principle- not on financial advantage.

AND whatever happens in fact cannot rationally be compared with an alternative future based on an opposite decision. Life is a one-way street!

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