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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Need to correct you there. You can’t say all referendums are only advisory. The Alternative Vote referendum we had was NOT advisory.


The Brexit referendum was however advisory.

That's a fair comment, ez8004, although remember (in the context of my point: Parliament enjoys sovereignty over the people) that it is only Parliament that can make a referendum non-advisory (such as the AV one), through (i) suitable provision(s) to the effect in an Act of Parliament setting up a referendum and (ii) approval of that Act -including the provision(s) of (i)- by majority vote.

If Remaining in the EU is so popular and desirable, the Liberal Democrats would be in office.

And did either of the two pro Brexit parties gain an overall majority?

Re. Car Boot's and others' posts, I'm frequently reminded of Isaac Asimov's quote on democracy, that shows how results like Brexit and Trump's election can happen:

The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
Newsweek, “A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov. Edited by L00b
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It’s the Express........again


Shall we link to some other insane Express articles so we can establish the credibility of the paper?


And maybe then think about why a hard Brexit-supporting MP might be briefing a hard Brexit-supporting comic?


Don't like the news shoot the messenger, how many messengers are you going to shoot before the message hits you,



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Don't like the news shoot the messenger, how many messengers are you going to shoot before the message hits you,




It’s very likely fake news.


Let’s hear what Airbus have to say.


It could be that Lopresti and his chums were less than positive about supporting Airbus and that has helped drive the reaction of Airbus.


Thought of that?

Edited by I1L2T3
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What do you mean "What about them?'?


---------- Post added 22-06-2018 at 23:36 ----------



I observe the fact that you, as a firm beleaver, is reveling in the demise of manufacturing in the UK. Is this typical of Leave voters?


Do you realise the impact on GDP and GVA that this will have? And the effect on the UK economy?


Are you proud of what you have done?


Relax. It's going to be fine. Under Article 24 of the WTO’s General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade we have 10 years of free trade with the EU no matter what happens.


So just relax and breathe the free air.

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Its an easy target just to say immigrants did it, but its been happening a lot lot lot longer than this current set of project fear sorry i meant mass immigration. Anybody remember schemes like YOP? YTS? Community Programme? ET (extra tenner) back in the 80s?

Did people actually get proper training from them? proper qualifications? i know i didnt, in fact when i moved up here i got told by the dole to stop being a painter and decorator (which is what i did on a community programme and ET scheme) as i didnt have any actual qualifications in it, nor time served so wouldnt find a job in it)

They were just a way to massage the figures and make it look like people were "working"


we also lag behind the rest of the world in technology jobs and training.

Our firm trained four lads Garry ,Craig and Lee Wild and Paul Simpson they all became the best trades men possible and even to this day they tell me that even though it was hard at the time they appreciate that they stuck with it as it made them all successful business men as well as at the very best trades men.

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It’s very likely fake news.


Let’s hear what Airbus have to say.


It could be that Lopresti and his chums were less than positive about supporting Airbus and that has helped drive the reaction of Airbus.


Thought of that?


Hiroo Onoda,"The leaflets they dropped were filled with mistakes so I judged it was a plot by the Americans,"

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I got a city & guilds in digital and micro electronics, and electrical installation and testing from a yts scheme. I'm now a test and inspection engineer for a large electrical manufacturing company,so they weren't all bad.


Our firm trained four lads Garry ,Craig and Lee Wild and Paul Simpson they all became the best trades men possible and even to this day they tell me that even though it was hard at the time they appreciate that they stuck with it as it made them all successful business men as well as at the very best trades men.

yeah youre gonna get some successes, but the amount of people herded through, millions thrown at it hoping some stick.

There was in most cases no after thought, some would go to college and pursue it, but in the vast majority cases, people were herded through and herded out.

Not sure what the training is like in the rest of europe but there does seem to be a lot more people better trained?

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Oh really?


For a start France and Germany are major shareholders in Airbus and what anonymous 'company bosses' may or may not have said means very little when both Airbus CEO Tom Williams and Exec Vice President Katherine Bennett gave extensive interviews on the day making it absolutely clear that a Brexit without a proper deal would cause Airbus real problems with remaining in the UK.

Pay attention to the punctuation. The sentence "But Tory MP Jack Lopresti, who spent two hours with company bosses, said they never mentioned once Brexit as a problem, and blamed France and Germany for trying to punish Britain." is written to give the impression that Airbus officials said France and Germany were trying to punish Britain but it's actually Lopresti who said that.


The Sunday Express trying to mislead its readers over brexit - what a surprise.

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Hiroo Onoda,"The leaflets they dropped were filled with mistakes so I judged it was a plot by the Americans,"


Anyway, ‘**** business’


---------- Post added 24-06-2018 at 13:32 ----------


Pay attention to the punctuation. The sentence "But Tory MP Jack Lopresti, who spent two hours with company bosses, said they never mentioned once Brexit as a problem, and blamed France and Germany for trying to punish Britain." is written to give the impression that Airbus officials said France and Germany were trying to punish Britain but it's actually Lopresti who said that.


The Sunday Express trying to mislead its readers over brexit - what a surprise.


It’s pretty low to use a private briefing to attack a major employer

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Everyone who values democracy should be terrified that some prominent Remain people are proposing that we should not implement the result of the June 2016 referendum vote - thus making voting in the future a pointless exercise.




"If successful, the group says a "people's vote" on whether to accept the final deal - which would include the option of remaining in the EU - could be held before Brexit in March 2019."


The 'Peoples Vote' campaign is not interested in democracy. Regardless of the very serious consequences for the democratic health of our country, it is about overturning the public vote and denying a democratic voice to millions of people.

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