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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Everyone who values democracy should be terrified that some prominent Remain people are proposing that we should not implement the result of the June 2016 referendum vote - thus making voting in the future a pointless exercise.




"If successful, the group says a "people's vote" on whether to accept the final deal - which would include the option of remaining in the EU - could be held before Brexit in March 2019."


The 'Peoples Vote' campaign is not interested in democracy. Regardless of the very serious consequences for the democratic health of our country, it is about overturning the public vote and denying a democratic voice to millions of people.


You saying you wouldn't win second time around?


Telling .

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Because they never said such, they are your words based on a comma.:hihi:

I know. My whole point was that the Express deliberately worded their report of what a Brexit supporting MP said to imply that his words were said by the Airbus representatives. (And yes, I should have used "impression", as I did in an earlier post, rather than "claim" in my last post.)

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Airbus seem to be in a state of confusion about their position.


OK let's look at this rationally.


On one hand you have the Airbus CEO and their UK Vice President giving extensive interviews to say that if a deal isn't done then this will cause Airbus serious problems with their production bases in the UK (mainly their A380 and A350 wing production at Broughton in Wales.)


On the other hand you have a pro Brexit Tory MP trying to claim that unnamed Airbus bosses may or may not have claimed that France and Germany were pressuring Airbus on UK withdrawal in a pro Brexit, pro Tory newspaper.


No confusion there at all.


Official sources always trump 'unnamed sources' every time.

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There were many Remain headbangers on yesterday's march carrying placards which stated 'Exit Brexit' and 'B******s to Brexit'. They want the voice of big business to be heard, but not the electorate.


Leavers are the anti-democratic ones. Democracy is about being able to change one's mind and it looks like the electorate are changing their minds, but not being allowed to by the beleavers.

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OK let's look at this rationally.


On one hand you have the Airbus CEO and their UK Vice President giving extensive interviews to say that if a deal isn't done then this will cause Airbus serious problems with their production bases in the UK (mainly their A380 and A350 wing production at Broughton in Wales.)


On the other hand you have a pro Brexit Tory MP trying to claim that unnamed Airbus bosses may or may not have claimed that France and Germany were pressuring Airbus on UK withdrawal in a pro Brexit, pro Tory newspaper.


No confusion there at all.


Official sources always trump 'unnamed sources' every time.


Threats can work both ways,


Minister warns Airbus it will lose huge defence contracts if it pulls out of UK over Brexit .


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Threats can work both ways,


Minister warns Airbus it will lose huge defence contracts if it pulls out of UK over Brexit .


These huge defence contracts?


As for contracts already granted, my money is on the early termination clauses (those drafted by Airbus legal types): I seem to recall the last time the government looked to cancel defence contracts early, it was cheaper to still go ahead and build the 2nd aircraft carrier, than face the early termination penalties...


...and I'm afraid I haven't seen anything in the past 18 months, apt to demonstrate that Whitehall types have yet learned to negotiate their way out of a paper bag.


Dear-o-dear-o-dear-lolololol :hihi:


Jokes aside, I'm sure such proclamations by a UK Minister will work wonders on foreign investor types :roll:

Edited by L00b
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Jeremy Hunt says big business should not speak of the negative effects of Brexit .

What’s the problem.

He can just stick a finger in each ear and sing Lalalalala.


Because it’s the truth and the Tories don’t like the truth

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Leavers are the anti-democratic ones. Democracy is about being able to change one's mind and it looks like the electorate are changing their minds, but not being allowed to by the beleavers.


Keep voting till we all vote remain you mean?

Like hell that is democracy..

Leave won so we should go ahead and leave without remainers undermining the process as they are doing at the moment.....

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