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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Division at home is undermining our hand during the exit negotiations


Every credible economic report worldwide predicts serious damage to the UK economy and we are starting to see the beginning of this now. Not only do the EU negotiators know that but so do May, Davis, Johnson and Rees Mogg.


So our negotiating position is incredibly weak right from the kick off and the difference between a good deal and a bad deal will be very narrow. At the end of the day we are not going to get a good deal because a) politically it is not in the interest of the EU to give a good deal and b) because the EU doesn't have to give a good deal as they simply don't have to. Their negotiating position is infinitely stronger than the UKs.


So people 'shutting up' for the sake of a good deal is a nonsense from the start. It is actually much more important that the majority of people in this country are allowed to voice their genuine concerns. Every poll now shows that a clear majority of UK citizens do not want to leave the EU. That majority can only grow as the folly of leaving becomes clearer. How big does that majority have to get before most Leave supporters accept that they they got lucky? They just scraped a 'yes' vote after a chaotic campaign where the leave voted was massively helped by politicians telling outright lies, fake news, the two most widely read tabloids running a 15 year long scare story about immigrants and even very rich leave supporters paying IT firms to use stolen data to influence the vote.


Even with all this help, as well of many remain voters refusing to take part in the poll, Leave scraped through by the narrowest of margins. That is why Brextremists are so paranoid about a second referendum or even Parliament being given a say as they know that the tide has now turned against them.

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<...> They just scraped a 'yes' vote after a chaotic campaign where the leave voted was massively helped by politicians telling outright lies, fake news, the two most widely read tabloids running a 15 year long scare story about immigrants and even very rich leave supporters paying IT firms to use stolen data to influence the vote
Let’s not forget opportunistic insider trading in that particular mix...including by none other than Brexiteers’ poster boy Mr Nigel Farage.


Embarrassed to have supported him? So you shoud be: that’s the £ in your pocket, that he helped those hedge funds run down.


Now, Brexiteers, adopting your moral yardstick for a minute here: show me a remainer who acted even half as ‘treasonously’ as Nigel and the pollsters named in that article.

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No, that's not how democracy works.


You DO know that the referendum was only ADVISORY, with no Parliamentary or Constitutional obligations attached, don't you?


The way some Brextremists on here bang on about it you would think that it was an election. It wasn't. It was a state funded poll which showed that on Thursday 23rd of June 2016 a very small majority of people who participated, expressed a preference to leave the EU.


Out of an electorate of 46.5 million people, 17.5 million (37%) voted leave, and 29 million (63%) either didn't vote or voted to remain. So even as an advisory poll, the only real conclusion that can be drawn is that less than 40% of the electorate wanted to leave the EU enough to go out and vote for it.


So anyone shouting 'what about democracy!' and 'it's the will of the people!' are making themselves look foolish and desperate, and will look more and more so as we get further from that date in June 2016 and every poll continues to show a growing majority of people who prefer to remain.


At the end of the day the reason why they are so desperate to oppose a second referendum or even a Parliamentary vote is because they well know that they will lose both. In 2018 the people of the U.K. DO NOT want to leave the EU. So they are desperately clinging on to that discredited, narrow victory they had over two years ago because they know it is unlikely ever to happen again.

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Foreign businesses to UK: solve Brexit or risk £100bn in trade



Oh dear :(


---------- Post added 25-06-2018 at 18:58 ----------


Let’s not forget opportunistic insider trading in that particular mix...including by none other than Brexiteers’ poster boy Mr Nigel Farage.


Lying conman on the con SHOCKER!

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You DO know that the referendum was only ADVISORY, with no Parliamentary or Constitutional obligations attached, don't you?


The way some Brextremists on here bang on about it you would think that it was an election. It wasn't. It was a state funded poll which showed that on Thursday 23rd of June 2016 a very small majority of people who participated, expressed a preference to leave the EU.


Out of an electorate of 46.5 million people, 17.5 million (37%) voted leave, and 29 million (63%) either didn't vote or voted to remain. So even as an advisory poll, the only real conclusion that can be drawn is that less than 40% of the electorate wanted to leave the EU enough to go out and vote for it.


So anyone shouting 'what about democracy!' and 'it's the will of the people!' are making themselves look foolish and desperate, and will look more and more so as we get further from that date in June 2016 and every poll continues to show a growing majority of people who prefer to remain.


At the end of the day the reason why they are so desperate to oppose a second referendum or even a Parliamentary vote is because they well know that they will lose both. In 2018 the people of the U.K. DO NOT want to leave the EU. So they are desperately clinging on to that discredited, narrow victory they had over two years ago because they know it is unlikely ever to happen again.

Anyone who couldn't be bothered to vote has no right to complain after the event.

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Anyone who couldn't be bothered to vote has no right to complain after the event.


And those who weren't old enough to vote then might like a say on something as monumental as this. And dead people can't vote so you may well get a different result.


What am I saying, of course the result would be different. 60% to remain if there's another vote - easy.

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Boris Johnson is finished as a serious politicain. He said he would lay down in front of the bulldozers in order to stop the third runway, and he hasnt even voted against it.


Another one, a lot of people must be feeling pretty duped by now... I mean, just how daft do you have to be?


That he still has a job seems to sum up just how disfunctional this government is! You couldn't make it up!

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Anyone who couldn't be bothered to vote has no right to complain after the event.


How about the 16 or 17 year olds who were deemed not old enough to vote...they're going to be massively affected by Brexit..now thay are 18 shouldn't they have the right to complain?

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