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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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When the referendum was announced I never heard anything said about it being advisory. It was said that it would be a binding result.
Pity Parliament didn’t make it binding, then, isn’t it?


Don’t believe everything you hear, nor entertain beliefs, which you haven’t fact-checked for yourself; would be my friendly advice.


May I invite you to use the advanced search feature of this here forum, because I must have explained (factually so, with links to the actual Referendum Act) how the referendum was strictly advisory at least a dozen times already :)


(I understand the truth of the -legal- fact may be uncomfortable to consider and accept for some -hopefully not you, of course- but discomfort does not cancel that truth, lest one suffers from a particularly bad case of the denials :()

Edited by L00b
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Pity Parliament didn’t make it binding, then, isn’t it?


Don’t believe everything you hear, nor entertain beliefs, which you haven’t fact-checked for yourself; would be my friendly advice.


May I invite you to use the advanced search feature of this here forum, because I must have explained (factually so, with links to the actual Referendum Act) how the referendum was strictly advisory at least a dozen times already :)


(I understand the truth of the -legal- fact may be uncomfortable to consider and accept for some -hopefully not you, of course- but discomfort does not cancel that truth, lest one suffers from a particularly bad case of the denials :()

I know referendums are not legally binding in the UK. I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount. I thought we should have stayed in the EU and voted accordingly but I fully expect the result


---------- Post added 26-06-2018 at 12:20 ----------


I know referendums are not legally binding in the UK. I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount. I thought we should have stayed in the EU and voted accordingly but I fully expect the result unlike some others.


---------- Post added 26-06-2018 at 13:16 ----------


I know referendums are not legally binding in the UK. I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount. I thought we should have stayed in the EU and voted accordingly but I fully expect the result


---------- Post added 26-06-2018 at 12:20 ----------


I know referendums are not legally binding in the UK. I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount. I thought we should have stayed in the EU and voted accordingly but I fully expect the result unlike some others.


---------- Post added 26-06-2018 at 13:19 ----------


I know referendums are not legally binding in the UK. I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount. I thought we should have stayed in the EU and voted accordingly but I fully expect the result unlike some others.
Edited by hobinfoot
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I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount.


How is that measured?


In a non-binding referendum, many of the people who wish things to remain tend not to vote.


In a binding referendum, supporters of both sides of the argument are much more likely to vote.


So not only are 'advisory only' referendums not binding, they are of little use even as advisory as they have this in built bias against the status quo.


If the EU referendum had been binding, most estimates put that result around 55% Remain, 45% Leave.


So what is the 'democratic will of the majority?'

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A remoaner, confused as to whether he should jump country or not, couldn't quite make it to the finish.



Better than being a lemming I suppose...they all make the finish...for what good it does them..

Edited by truman
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When the referendum was announced I never heard anything said about it being advisory.

I know referendums are not legally binding in the UK.
Can you make up your mind, sometime?

I believe if one is held then the democratic will of the people should be paramount.
Remember that sovereignty-reclaiming argument of the Leavers?


About 2 pages back, you’ll find a post of miné explaining to you that this “will of the people” guff is populist crap, because Parliament is sovereign in the U.K., not the British people. So says the highest Court in the land.


Last I checked, the U.K. thankfully still isn’t an ochlocracy and, if you want a referendum result to be binding (so the “will of the people” expressed in majority at the ballot box has to be respected), then either Parliament must make and vote it so; or, like eg Ireland, you need a written constitution that says it is so.


You didn’t get the first in the EU Referendum Act 2015 and you haven’t got the second, so you can either make your peace with the notion that the EU referendum was advisory only and that this “will of the people” haranguing is snake oil for the easily-led...or wallow in ignorance.


I’m really not bothered which, tbh: I’ve given you the (heavily-)abridged factual version as a primer, to either take as is, or to build your own research and inform your opinion from. You’re entirely free to dismiss it and continue buying the simplistic rethoric of millionaire ex-banker turned British pound-shorting insider trader Farage, and asset/fund manager stashing-it-in-Ireland-in-a-hurry Mogg :)

Edited by L00b
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