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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You really don't get it do you?


The EU?


We are the EU, or at least we were, until last June.




In the years that the UK has been a member of the European trade organization it has played it's part and been consulted on all matters.


The UK has lost 76 votes during that time, 76 out of 2,466 votes.


Are you old enough to remember what it was like before we joined?


'The sick man of Europe'. the three day week?


If you want your opinion to be taken seriously please tell us upon which facts you based your decision to vote leave.


The facts upon which I based my decision to vote Remain were as follows.


1, Despite it's many faults the EU is the wealthiest, most successful Trade Bloc in the world.


2, Over 50% of immigration into the UK was from outside the EU and the responsibility of the British government, and therefore to use immigration as a reason to leave was ridiculous.


3, Whilst a member of the European trade organization the UK has fought wars with Argentina,Iraq,Afghanistan has bombed Libya, held a parliamentary debate as to whether or not to go to war in Syria, has a nuclear defence agreement with a non EU country and has declined to join the Euro or sign up for Schengen.


Unless you can explain precisely what exact piece of control we don't have then the 'Taking back control' nonsense is exactly that, nonsense.


4, The 'opportunities which will become available to us once we've left' garbage spouted by people like IDS with absolutely nothing to back up this pie in the sky fantasy.


It is a fact that four EU countries Germany,France,Italy and the Netherlands are currently more successful exporters than us.


What has stopped us from exploiting our opportunities to date?


What is suddenly going to change and improve our situation when we leave the most successful Trade Bloc in the World and lose the advantage of the strength of negotiation provided by access to a 500,000,000 population market place?


If you can provide me with opposing facts which paint a different picture and which persuaded you to vote Leave then fair enough, while I may very well still disagree with your decision I will accept that at least you had some facts upon which to base it.


On the other hand, if you can only come up with feelings, emotions and anti EU prejudice with no actual facts to justify them then I will continue to hold the opinion of Brexiteers which I currently have.


You hate that people can live a life in this way don't you. You can think of me in any which way you like but that's exactly how I voted.

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You hate that people can live a life in this way don't you. You can think of me in any which way you like but that's exactly how I voted.


I don't think he hates you at all. He's just pointing out how your opinion isn't based on reality, fact or the way things actually are.

That's frustrating of course, it's like arguing with a theist, no amount of rational argument alters their opinion, because it was never based on anything rational in the first place. You dislike the EU like it's your religion.

Running a country on such ill informed opinion is a really foolish thing to do though.

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I don't think he hates you at all. He's just pointing out how your opinion isn't based on reality, fact or the way things actually are.

That's frustrating of course, it's like arguing with a theist, no amount of rational argument alters their opinion, because it was never based on anything rational in the first place. You dislike the EU like it's your religion.

Running a country on such ill informed opinion is a really foolish thing to do though.


Aah! but you see, I have no malice towards the EU or its citizens, none whatsoever.

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IMF downgrades UK and US growth perspectives. Lethal for the UK at a time that sees the Eurozone gain growth. Lethal considering the very weak pound should carry the economy - stagflation is looming.


Absolutely. Have said all along that the economy trumps everything. Even the most ardent Brexiteers are going to have second thoughts when the economic reality of what they have done strikes home.


In fact it's already happening with talk of transition periods, continuation of free movement etc...


Aren't the Tories supposed to be the safe pair of hands for the economy? Right now they are wantonly wrecking it.

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Aah! but you see, I have no malice towards the EU or its citizens, none whatsoever.


Irrelevant, you think leaving it is a good idea, but you don't think that based on any kind of logic (that you can share or explain at least).

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Irrelevant, you think leaving it is a good idea, but you don't think that based on any kind of logic (that you can share or explain at least).


It was relevant enough that you suggested that I disliked it where I don't :D


I don't base life on logic, that isn't living, there's my explanation.

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