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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You'll find out how long you will live when you take your last breath, your generation have been ingesting more chemicals than mine, and don't forget you may be the result of an error by your parents.


Death has no favourites.


Basically you're arguing for US-style standards for our food


You think we've got an obesity crisis.....take a look at the cheap rubbish poor people eat over there.

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Basically you're arguing for US-style standards for our food


You think we've got an obesity crisis.....take a look at the cheap rubbish poor people eat over there.



I'm not arguing for US standards at all, most of the younger generation already eat that type of food anyway, can't cook won't cook, have a takeaway generation.


---------- Post added 27-07-2017 at 10:02 ----------


Is that seriously supposed to be a defence of the practice? :roll:


You've probably eaten chlorinated food for years, yet complain now it comes to Brexit :rolleyes:

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I'm not arguing for US standards at all, most of the younger generation already eat that type of food anyway, can't cook won't cook, have a takeaway generation.


---------- Post added 27-07-2017 at 10:02 ----------



You've probably eaten chlorinated food for years, yet complain now it comes to Brexit :rolleyes:


Anything for Brexit it seems, anything at all.


You'll only be happy when your rights have been stripped away, your job was been transferred to a developing country and the only food you can afford is cheap processed crap.


No joke but that is Liam Fox's vision for most of us

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Anything for Brexit it seems, anything at all.


You'll only be happy when your rights have been stripped away, your job was been transferred to a developing country and the only food you can afford is cheap processed crap.


No joke but that is Liam Fox's vision for most of us


You're getting more and more desperate, give it up :hihi:

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Anything for Brexit it seems, anything at all.


You'll only be happy when your rights have been stripped away, your job was been transferred to a developing country and the only food you can afford is cheap processed crap.


No joke but that is Liam Fox's vision for most of us

The irony is much of the EU's food and farm animal welfare standards come from us convincing the rest of the EU to adopt our standards. retep's "It's the EU is must be bad" position completely ignores the origins of that legislation. Michael Gove seems to disagree with Liam Fox's vision:

Gove agreed that the US would have to “kiss goodbye” to a trade deal if it included such imports. “Critically, we need to ensure that we do not compromise those standards. And I said last week when I was speaking to the WWF environmental charity that we need to be in a position as we leave the European Union to be leaders in environmental and in animal welfare standards.”
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Just saw on BBC site that they have announced free movement will end in March 2019.

That's just the immigration minister rather than anyone who will be making the decisions about what actually happens with Brexit. He also said they were going to get net migration down to the tens of thousands and you know how successful Conservatives in charge of immigration been with that claim.

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The irony is much of the EU's food and farm animal welfare standards come from us convincing the rest of the EU to adopt our standards. retep's "It's the EU is must be bad" position completely ignores the origins of that legislation. Michael Gove seems to disagree with Liam Fox's vision:


And that's the crux of it nobody is going to be forced to eat chlorine, just another scare story by the desperate remoaners.

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And that's the crux of it nobody is going to be forced to eat chlorine, just another scare story by the desperate remoaners.


But it's highly likely rules on packaging will be changed as well so you won't know if you are eating it or not. How did you feel about eating horse meat the other year when it wasn't labelled correctly? Yes it is a choice but it should be v clear exactly what is and what isn't in our foods, choice is important.


Why is it that you cannot say a single thing that's even the teeniest bit critical of Brexit and the resultant outcomes? Even the most ardent pro-EU campaigner is capable of pointing out where the EU is les than perfect yet so many of the Brexiters are almost apostle in their support of Brexit to the point where it's becoming satire. Surely having to accept lower food standards from abroad undercutting our own farmers and forcing them out of jobs is a bad thing? Regardless of whether you still believe Brexit to be the right thing for other reasons.

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May's senior team is beginning to look very thin on the floor. The other key advisor in her Brexit team, advising her on how to announce Brexit etc. has left as well now. That means there are very few people in senior positions left to support her.


Read between the lines and what we see is a Prime Minister stripped from all her influencers in Whitehall and beyond - a puppet on strings dancing to the tunes of whatever comes her way.


Britain is genuinely not in any position to negotiate anything. The cabinet is completely disparate at the moment with Hammond fighting off challenges from Gove, BoJo and DaveDave all the time - and he is the only person we know loyal to the Prime Minister, so what does that say about May?


The only way forward for the UK now is to have May agree that she can't make decisions on her own and declare a government of unity with Labour, but she won't do that, she'd rather run the country off the cliffs and into the Atlantic.

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