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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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There's this thing called ' confirmation bias' which involves looking for things that help your argument and dismissing things that don't.


Whilst this applies to both sides of this argument, the problem for the Brexiteers is that as it progresses they have less and less to confirm that they were correct in their decision.


More and more it looks as though we are headed for a situation which will leave us in a far worse position than we had as full EU members.


The 'Four freedoms' of the EU are 'freedom of movement of people,goods,services and capital over borders'.


The EU was founded upon those principles and they are non negotiable.


That fact was known to everyone who knew anything about the EU before the referendum.


That means that those who voted for Brexit cannot 'have their cake and eat it' and only ill informed morons ever thought that they could.


Unfortunately, it appears that some of those idiots were politicians on the Brexit side of the debate.




Not looking good.






Of course the City of London is the major financial centre in the world, and has been protected by the UK government at the cost of other industries over many years.


The EU tried to bring in tariffs on cheap Chinese steel in order to protect European steel industries, but the UK vetoed it in order to suck up to Chinese investment in the City and in infrastructure in other parts of the UK.


Brexit however is damaging the industry that Big Business and the Government care most about because of their vested interest.






But obviously it's all the fault of the Remainers, because the City and Financial world in general has always been known to panic and respond to what the general public think and has never bothered with the cold pragmatic view of the international market.


It'll be fine.

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Nice speech.

Clearly you're sold on Europe. You have no room to entertain anything else other than what has been already. The very idea that people can base a decision on anything but facts eludes you.

That someone can see positives or even believe that good will come of it baffles remainers because they rely on a source for anything to be possible, true or believable.


No one argues against remain much on here anymore because it's wasted time.

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What part of 'Ever Closer Union' is incomprehensible to you?

It seems fairly straightforward to everyone else.


What part of the only aims of the union were aims that we had a part in setting don't you understand?

You talk about it as if it were a thing with a will of it's own, rather than a collection of countries in a club together. :huh:


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 07:35 ----------


But everybody isn't. You need to take a long break from the 'consequences' It isn't good to spend everyday homing in on every bit of bad news you can find :)


Everybody who can actually see what's happening is.


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 07:37 ----------


The very idea that people can base a decision on anything but facts eludes you.


Is lunacy, idiocy and frankly such people have no business deciding what to wear to leave the house, never mind any decision that affects even a single other person.

If you base decisions on things other than facts then you should be in an asylum.


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 07:38 ----------



No one argues against remain much on here anymore because it's wasted time.


Because there is no credible argument to be made. Never has been. You turkeys voted for xmas for all of us, and you're so "fact free" in your world view that you refuse to see it even now.

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What part of the only aims of the union were aims that we had a part in setting don't you understand?

You talk about it as if it were a thing with a will of it's own, rather than a collection of countries in a club together. :huh:


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 07:35 ----------



Everybody who can actually see what's happening is.


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 07:37 ----------



Is lunacy, idiocy and frankly such people have no business deciding what to wear to leave the house, never mind any decision that affects even a single other person.

If you base decisions on things other than facts then you should be in an asylum.


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 07:38 ----------



Because there is no credible argument to be made. Never has been. You turkeys voted for xmas for all of us, and you're so "fact free" in your world view that you refuse to see it even now.


Your argument is meaningless and void that's why I choose to ignore it. It's circular, rotating, it grabs at every snippet of information to bolster a point of view. It won't alter a mindset. It swallows and regurgitates repeatedly the same tired argument. The whole consequence debate can last a decade and more and contain a million posts and still nothing will change. Remain will have their future view and Leave theirs. As time moves on however it'll be yours that will prove to be idiocy.


You see no good future because your clinging to the past. You have no belief that the UK can rebuild itself because there aren't any facts for you to digest. Had I voted Remain I would by now have forgotten about the result. There isn't time to dwell on past events not when I can make a future but I understand that some harbour grudges forever and a day. Keep it simmering, but always ready to boil again and again and...


Side note: I'm quite dapper when I leave the house actually. I don't need to read How to Dress tips in order to look suave :D


[YOU and YOUR are used in the context of Remain in this post]

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Your argument is meaningless and void that's why I choose to ignore it. It's circular, rotating, it grabs at every snippet of information to bolster a point of view. It won't alter a mindset. It swallows and regurgitates repeatedly the same tired argument. The whole consequence debate can last a decade and more and contain a million posts and still nothing will change. Remain will have their future view and Leave theirs. As time moves on however it'll be yours that will prove to be idiocy.


You see no good future because your clinging to the past. You have no belief that the UK can rebuild itself because there aren't any facts for you to digest. Had I voted Remain I would by now have forgotten about the result. There isn't time to dwell on past events not when I can make a future but I understand that some harbour grudges forever and a day. Keep it simmering, but always ready to boil again and again and...


Side note: I'm quite dapper when I leave the house actually. I don't need to read How to Dress tips in order to look suave :D


[YOU and YOUR are used in the context of Remain in this post]


Idiocy to not want economic mayhem?


The very definition of idiocy is ploughing ahead with actions that in many respects - only one year in - already indicate we are heading for economic mayhem.

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Nice speech.

Clearly you're sold on Europe. You have no room to entertain anything else other than what has been already. The very idea that people can base a decision on anything but facts eludes you.

That someone can see positives or even believe that good will come of it baffles remainers because they rely on a source for anything to be possible, true or believable.


Wishful thinking, lol, in the face of reality that's all that is left.


Hey, at least you're honest. :D

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Nice speech.

Clearly you're sold on Europe. You have no room to entertain anything else other than what has been already. The very idea that people can base a decision on anything but facts eludes you.

That someone can see positives or even believe that good will come of it baffles remainers because they rely on a source for anything to be possible, true or believable.


No one argues against remain much on here anymore because it's wasted time.


You really don't get it do you?


No, I am not 'sold on Europe' we are part of Europe, I'm not 'sold on' the EU.


It, like all human constructs, has many flaws.


It wastes money in an obscene fashion, the monthly switch of administration between Brussels and Strasbourg being the most high profile example of such nonsense.


There is huge room for improvement and what we needed to do was work within the EU to help bring it about.


Instead of which we've cut off our nose to spite our face.


Because despite it's faults the EU is still the most successful Trade Bloc in the world and in my opinion it was stupid to leave an organisation which commands such influence.


Our place in the scheme of things will be diminished by leaving.


And when it comes to wasting money our governments ( of whatever persuasion ) are no slouches.


£120 Billion a year is wasted on average by UK governments.




Through a mixture of complete inefficiency and ridiculous vanity projects billions of pounds of taxpayers money is wasted year on year.




If you're under the impression that once we're on our own we're suddenly going to become totally efficient and incredibly successful despite our track record to date then all I can say is Dream On.

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Wishful thinking, lol, in the face of reality that's all that is left.


Hey, at least you're honest. :D


Damn right, and me mum n' dad loved me too :D


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 19:34 ----------


Idiocy to not want economic mayhem?


The very definition of idiocy is ploughing ahead with actions that in many respects - only one year in - already indicate we are heading for economic mayhem.


Once again you've managed to miss the point in full and inadvertently underlined my meaning. You can only see as far as you want and not beyond. You have no vision :)

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