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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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We have a popuation that narrowly voted for Brexit but a political class and broadcast media who are overwhelmingly in favour of Remain.


The real problem is that the political classes are completely out of touch with the real world, so they have to prove how in touch they are by delivering the will of the people...

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Damn right, and me mum n' dad loved me too :D


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 19:34 ----------



Once again you've managed to miss the point in full and inadvertently underlined my meaning. You can only see as far as you want and not beyond. You have no vision :)


You said this


'Remain will have their future view and Leave theirs. As time moves on however it'll be yours that will prove to be idiocy.'


I'm simply pointing out the ridiculousness of you saying that in spite of all the economic evidence starting to destroy whatever flimsy arguments leavers had.

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You said this


'Remain will have their future view and Leave theirs. As time moves on however it'll be yours that will prove to be idiocy.'


I'm simply pointing out the ridiculousness of you saying that in spite of all the economic evidence starting to destroy whatever flimsy arguments leavers had.


Yes I'm fully aware of what your saying and I'm not denying it's gonna be crap for a while. What I'm saying is there's promise the other side. I know what we're capable of and I believe we'll pull it off.

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Yes I'm fully aware of what your saying and I'm not denying it's gonna be crap for a while. What I'm saying is there's promise the other side. I know what we're capable of and I believe we'll pull it off.


Good to know, any chance that you might explain to the rest of us exactly how you have arrived at that conclusion?


This promise that you refer to, what is it precisely?


The future welfare of this country is at stake, and as much as most people like to be proved right in their opinions, this is a situation where most Remainers want to be proven wrong.


Schadenfreude isn't an option when your family and you are going to be the recipients of the outcome.


Do you have some solid reason to believe that " we'll pull it off" or are you just some pie in the sky overly optimistic dreamer with no grasp on reality or idea as to what will happen?


Because if that is all you are then it begs the question why are you commenting on this thread?


Wishing, hoping and dreaming are fine as far as it goes, but in the real world - which unfortunately is where we live - they mean little to nothing.


So go on, tell us why we shouldn't be concerned.

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We have a popuation that narrowly voted for Brexit but a political class and broadcast media who are overwhelmingly in favour of Remain.


I do wonder if Brexit will ever happen.


what's to stop it?


unless there is something like a alien invasion then I can't see anything to stop it happening

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Yes I'm fully aware of what your saying and I'm not denying it's gonna be crap for a while. What I'm saying is there's promise the other side. I know what we're capable of and I believe we'll pull it off.


Can you flesh this out a bit? Do you think our PM will suddenly organise a sweet deal for the financial sector so they don't leave? Will we be europes sweat shop? Where are the jobs going to come from? When the crap (your word not mine) finishes, what will we be left with or what do you think will save the day?


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 23:05 ----------


what's to stop it?


unless there is something like a alien invasion then I can't see anything to stop it happening


Maltese PM thinks it might not happen. I'm leaning towards the ultimate **** sandwich of access to the single market, no (or very little) eu immigration controls, following most of the eu regs, paying close to £350m a week but having sod all say in what happens.

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what's to stop it?


unless there is something like a alien invasion then I can't see anything to stop it happening


Well maybe this?



Or this?



Or even this?



What is most likely to happen is that Commonsense will prevail, and after years of negotiations another referendum will take place.


At which point it will be obvious to even the most hard of understanding that leaving the most successful Trade Bloc in the World ( which will have responded to Brexit by reforming somewhat ) was a stupid decision.


The second referendum will include votes from Brexiteers who have come to realise the errors of their ways, those youngsters who regard themselves as European because that's the way it's been all their lives but couldn't be arsed to vote, because everyone from the polls to the bookies said Remain would win, so why bother?


So maybe it won't take an Alien invasion.

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In 2008 Ireland rejected the Lisbon treaty and the EU kept encouraging a vote until they got the result they wanted.


Heres an article from 2008....its from the Daily Mail but actually turned out to be true in the end.




This is what is happening in the UK with Brexit. They EU are using propaganda, fear and lies to get the result that they want, which is a second referendum.


We have to stay strong.

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In 2008 Ireland rejected the Lisbon treaty and the EU kept encouraging a vote until they got the result they wanted.


Heres an article from 2008....its from the Daily Mail but actually turned out to be true in the end.




This is what is happening in the UK with Brexit. They EU are using propaganda, fear and lies to get the result that they want, which is a second referendum.


We have to stay strong.


What lies? Specifically.

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In 2008 Ireland rejected the Lisbon treaty and the EU kept encouraging a vote until they got the result they wanted.


Heres an article from 2008....its from the Daily Mail but actually turned out to be true in the end.




This is what is happening in the UK with Brexit. They EU are using propaganda, fear and lies to get the result that they want, which is a second referendum.


We have to stay strong.


No,the EU are trying to negotiate the UK out of the EU,despite the best efforts of the UK to appear to have no clue as to how they want to get out,mainly because they want to get back in again on their terms.The EU have told them for months now that is not going to happen.

The propaganda,fear and lies were bought and sold by Brexiteers,that brought us to the position where we are now with the EU looking on at the circus that is the UK since the referendum.

When the UK finally does go,the passing will cause barely a ripple in the lives of millions of people in the EU who actually couldn't care less if you are in or out,now get on with it and go,or at least look as if you have some coherent plan to go.

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