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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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More trade for Skeggy.


---------- Post added 11-08-2017 at 18:51 ----------



Pity it was flawed.


Problem for you is the logic was sound.


And all the warnings are becoming reality.


Let's be sensible and halt this Brexit nonsense. So destructive.

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Ha, a holiday in Skeggy and people will begging to rejoin the EU :gag:


Are you sure,

"Brits travelling to popular European holiday destinations have reportedly been warned to be vigilant after militants protesting against mass tourism promised more attacks."


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Problem for you is the logic was sound.


And all the warnings are becoming reality.


Interest rate rise soon + stagnant wages + lack of consumer confidence, job losses, some people are going to be losing their houses in the near future.


Wonder how many it'll take?


---------- Post added 11-08-2017 at 20:55 ----------


Are you sure,

"Brits travelling to popular European holiday destinations have reportedly been warned to be vigilant after militants protesting against mass tourism promised more attacks."



Lol, yep.. pretty sure.

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LSE also says - All of a sudden Britain has become the slowest growing of the major western economies, and there are increasing concerns about its medium-term outlook.


But the beleavers don't mention that...





The results show that every local authority area is predicted to see a fall in Gross Value Added (GVA) as a result of Brexit. The impacts are predicted to be more negative under ‘hard Brexit’ in every local authority area, as the increase in trade costs would be larger.



But the beleavers don't mention this one..



Or this one


Japanese inward investors, backed by the Japanese government, have been keen to stress that future investment in the UK depends on tariff-free and barrier-free trade with the EU that is as uncomplicated and predictable as possible. A Japanese government memorandum has expressed concerns over the continued viability of Japanese investment in the UK in the event of a hard Brexit without access to the Single Market. Nissan has also commented that it will review its decision to build the next generation of the Qashqai model in the UK when the form of Brexit is clearer.



So Nissan - the 'told you so' company of the brexiteers, is suddenly not so bullish about staying in the UK even with the bribes promised by Mrs May-be...



Perhaps the remoaners doom and gloom merchants were just that, but also right!!

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One EU rule that makes Britain attractive to Wall Street investment is the “passporting” that allows banks registered in an EU country to operate in the whole bloc. Andrew Henderson, a financial services lawyer with international firm Eversheds Sutherland, says losing this could mean US banks leave London.


When asked whether Wall Street thought the benefits of the UK being in the EU outweighed any potential gains from Brexit, Henderson said they did, largely because of the value of passporting.


Something tells me this will cost more than £350m a week.

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But implies the remain side need hitting with a brick to get through their skulls leave means leave, and is a democratic result.


No, it just implies that you asked a load question. Perhaps where you lied to the people about the need to be hit in the head.


---------- Post added 12-08-2017 at 00:22 ----------


You made a bad decision get over it.



By reversing it, I'm on board with that.

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