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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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No, the UK has finally arrived at the solution proposed by the EU years ago but required significantly damaging its own economy and losing almost all influence in the EU to arrive at the conclusion that the EU was right.


It is like that kid in the class who never pays attention but always knows better and blurts out the answers... after the teacher has provided the right answer.


Makes you wonder why the EU are so desperate to keep the UK in their club, could it be the kid has a big bag of sweets.

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Makes you wonder why the EU are so desperate to keep the UK in their club, could it be the kid has a big bag of sweets.


Maybe they're concerned for the 63% of the UK that didn't vote to leave.


Just a thought.

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Makes you wonder why the EU are so desperate to keep the UK in their club, could it be the kid has a big bag of sweets.


As far as I can see,it's the UK that wants access to the EU single market,why don't they just do what was voted for and walk away?,the truth is what May has already said,if the UK don't get a favourable deal with the EU,it will be a disaster for the people of the UK,is she lying?:



Theresa May has issued dire warnings about the dangers of Britain failing to secure a good Brexit deal while also threatening to walk away with no deal at all.


The prime minister said in Wolverhampton on Tuesday that “the terms of the Brexit deal we negotiate with the EU . . . will define our country for generations to come”.


“Our place in the world, our economic security, the vital public services upon which we all rely, our future prosperity — everything depends on, and will be defined by, the outcome of these next five years.




That sounds to me like your big bag of sweets are gobstoppers,because if she's right,that's what the Breiteers will have shoved in their mouths for years to come.

Edited by chalga
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As far as I can see,it's the UK that wants access to the EU single market,why don't they just do what was voted for and walk away?,the truth is what May has already said,if the UK don't get a favourable deal with the EU,it will be a disaster for the people of the UK,is she lying?


I seem to remember her saying,


“Make no mistake, the central challenge we face is negotiating the best deal for Britain in Europe.


“Our future prosperity, our place in the world, our standard of living, and the opportunities we want for our children – and our children’s children – each and every one depends on having the strongest possible hand as we enter those negotiations in order to get the best Brexit deal for families across this country.


“If we fail, the consequences for Britain and for the economic security of ordinary working people will be dire. If we succeed, the opportunities ahead of us are great.


Always look on the bright side.

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I seem to remember her saying,


“Make no mistake, the central challenge we face is negotiating the best deal for Britain in Europe.


“Our future prosperity, our place in the world, our standard of living, and the opportunities we want for our children – and our children’s children – each and every one depends on having the strongest possible hand as we enter those negotiations in order to get the best Brexit deal for families across this country.


“If we fail, the consequences for Britain and for the economic security of ordinary working people will be dire. If we succeed, the opportunities ahead of us are great.


Always look on the bright side.


So in what way are the EU desperate to keep the UK in the EU?

They would have given Cameron all he asked for before the referendum,they gave him a take it or leave it option on what they were prepared to negotiate.

When the UK comes up with proposals for EU talks,they would say'that sounds like a good idea,let's do it',they are saying the opposite,so it sounds to me like they couldn't care less about any sweets that the UK might or might not have,or if they leave or not.

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So in what way are the EU desperate to keep the UK in the EU?
The EU is not. Not in a month of Sundays.


It's certainly inconvenienced, financially, by the temporary loss of the UK contribution. But between some budgetary belt-tightening by the EU for a few years at the most, the UK's exit bill, the UK's new contribution level for continuing to access the SM on preferential terms, and the EU's renewed economical growth, nothing that can't be managed.


But it's greatly relieved, politically, to see the back of the weight-throwing, exception-this and exception-that -seeking UK, not to mention the UK's contingent of UKIP MEPs (...and their EU expense excesses). For EU federalists in particular, well cheap at the price of a reduction in the UK's contribution level.


Win-win both for the EU, as an entity, and for the EU27 'grabbing' EU agencies and other value-adding jobs relocated from the UK in the wake of Brexit, whichever way you look at it. It'll be up to the UK to excel, for making good its losses.

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I seem to remember her saying,


“Make no mistake, the central challenge we face is negotiating the best deal for Britain in Europe.


“Our future prosperity, our place in the world, our standard of living, and the opportunities we want for our children – and our children’s children – each and every one depends on having the strongest possible hand as we enter those negotiations in order to get the best Brexit deal for families across this country.


“If we fail, the consequences for Britain and for the economic security of ordinary working people will be dire. If we succeed, the opportunities ahead of us are great.


Always look on the bright side.


The best opportunities were alway going to be as part of the eu. Former colonies, who many misty eyed brexiters think can't wait to deal with us, will be queuing up to grab as much as they can.

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