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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You don't think the under current of "send the foreigners home" and the spike in racist attacks, the constant lack of clarification from the clowns in charge hasn't made any difference?


And brexit has had a huge effect on the value of sterling!


I was being facetious.


We're unfortunately not a very attractive county to live/work anymore.

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Theresa May ‘Misquoted’ Peers And Ignored ‘Profound Concerns’ About Her Brexit Bill



Still at "cake and eat it" in the negotiations



Anti-Brexit marchers rally in Parliament Square


Edited by Magilla
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A rather interesting movie has just been released about a young Yorkshire farmer who falls in love with his Romanian farmhand..


Talk about stoking the passions!


But 'Brexit' does not impact on interpersonal relationships, UKIP/'Leave' has never been anti-foreigner (in that context), and so your post is not very relevant.

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But 'Brexit' does not impact on interpersonal relationships, UKIP/'Leave' has never been anti-foreigner (in that context), and so your post is not very relevant.


Xenophobes and racists flocked to UKIP like moths are attracted to a light.


Everyone knows it

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Your allegation is unprovable. Every vote is a secret ballot.

And even if you could prove it, so what? Voters' choice is free. Would you have it any other way? (Cf North Korea)


Hardly an allegation is it when UKIP had to use a vetting procedure to detect ex-BNP members.


Yes of course voters have a free choice, but it just isn't cricket to pretend that UKIP doesn't attract xenophobes and racists


And yes....ok.....you've forced me to agree on something: Farage is not as bad as Kim Jong-un :)

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But 'Brexit' does not impact on interpersonal relationships, UKIP/'Leave' has never been anti-foreigner (in that context), and so your post is not very relevant.


Of course Brexit will impact on interpersonal relationships,EU nationals will have to do things they didn't have to do before Brexit,depending on when they arrive/arrived in the UK,and if they leave for a certain amount of time,and they might not get what they are having to apply for,none of which they had to do before Brexit.




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You don't think the under current of "send the foreigners home" and the spike in racist attacks, the constant lack of clarification from the clowns in charge hasn't made any difference?


And brexit has had a huge effect on the value of sterling!


I can't work out what is going to happen regarding the wages to costs ratio. At the moment costs are going up due to the falling sterling and it looks as though that will continue. It also seems that due to uncertainty over future rights and the nasty xenophobic current around, already fewer EU workers are choosing to come here (the weather and the food can't be that tempting either). That probably means that in some sectors wages will go up because there will be labour shortages. But then the price will increase to reflect the higher labour costs. So whether UK workers will end up better or worse off is hard to tell - any takers?

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