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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Who cares if we are better or worse?!?! We'll have our SOVEREIGNTY goddammit.


Has there been a poll on here, to see if people would vote the same way?


---------- Post added 12-09-2017 at 11:03 ----------


Sounds like whatever you want to hear, as usual.


What's it to you, anyway: one less EU immigrant in the country, I'd have thought you -of all posters- would be happy, surely?


Or don't you want us EU types to go, now? :huh:


We are getting another 248,000 in the country every year, the population is still increasing.



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From a high view, what' happened with Brexit is really simple:


Rich bosses pay workers too little and CEOs too much.

Workers complain.

Rich bosses buy newspapers, and have the papers blame EU immigrants and the EU for bad pay.

Workers vote for Brexit, taking themselves out of EU social protections and leaving themselves at the mercy of the Tories who are also bought by the rich bosses.

Now rich bosses say they are competing with China and India, instead of France and Germany.

So they must pay workers even less, so there is still as much (or more) for themselves and their Tory pets' golden castle moat duck islands.


So to answer your question: the UK will pull up the drawbridge for EU immigrants (per leaked papers) which will put a stop to most of the EU immigration, skilled and unskilled. The UK will continue to mass-import non-EU immigrants in greater numbers than EU immigrants, the same way it has for the 5+ years. At today's prices, a Kenyan GP is cheaper to hire than a German one, likewise a Filipino nurse relative to a Spanish one. So wages will continue to stagnate, then depress further once trading under WTO-grade conditions takes hold and profits dive. Worker's rights will be gradually trimmed by Ministers without Parliamentary oversight, in aid of their sponsors now competing with the world and its dog directly, i.e. without the EU's safety-in-numbers net (which went a long way to restore parity into the cost base of imported products).


Net result: all those who voted for Brexit as a cry for help out of their socio-economic situation and lack of opportunities, shall be the worst-affected. As usual.


That all seems about right and rather depressing.


The NHS cannot fill its large staff shortage by ceasing EU recruitment. Already it recruits a lot from other countries and still has that shortage. It costs more to recruit from overseas than nearby.


Once in employment, a Kenyan costs the same as any other nationality. Pay is by national scales, not by country of origin.

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We are getting another 248,000 in the country every year, the population is still increasing.



Notwithstanding that I was on about EU immigration and your 248,000 is made up of both EU and non-EU immigration...did you read your link of May 2017? These are the first three lines of it:

Net migration to the UK was estimated to be 248,000 in 2016 - a fall of 84,000 from 2015, figures show.


The Office for National Statistics said the change was driven by "a statistically significant" increase of 40,000 people leaving the country.


These were mostly EU citizens - 117,000 emigrated, up 31,000 from 2015

You may wish to inform yourself, ElCid, rather than hang onto populist messaging and sound bites.

Once in employment, a Kenyan costs the same as any other nationality. Pay is by national scales, not by country of origin.
For now. But that's one easy enough for the relevant Minister to change, once conferred powers to amend by decree :| Edited by L00b
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---------- Post added 12-09-2017 at 09:41 ----------


Well said. We will soon be a sovereign nation again and rule ourselves.


This comment intrigues me. It has been used by Brexiteers on a regular basis and would appear to be their main reason for voting to leave.


So perhaps you could explain to me precisely what you mean by us becoming "a sovereign nation again " and why you don't consider EU nations to be sovereign?


Whilst a member of the European group we have fought wars in Argentina, Afghanistan,Iraq and bombed Libya.


We have continued a nuclear deterrent partnership with a non EU nation and have refused to join the Euro or sign up to the Schengen agreement.


Currently we are exercising our right to withdraw from our membership of the organisation.


Could you explain precisely what exact additional requirement would you consider essential to satisfy you as to our genuine 'sovereignty'?


Because it seemed to me that what we had was a partnership for mutual benefit, which involved agreeing to rules which we voted on before their implementation.


Presumably you understand that any future trade deals which we sign up to will contain terms and conditions which both parties will need to abide by?


In other words we will still be bound by rules but will have lost the strength of a 500 Million population market behind us when negotiating those rules.


All the indication thus far is that we have made a catastrophic mistake and will pay for it in an economic recession once we have finally left.


Still, as this link explains people tend to believe what they want to and facts aren't allowed to interfere with prejudice.



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Sounds like whatever you want to hear, as usual.


What's it to you, anyway: one less EU immigrant in the country, I'd have thought you -of all posters- would be happy, surely?


Or don't you want us EU types to go, now? :huh:


Don't let the door hit you on the way out, and don't forget to leave a thank you for giving you a living.

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