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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The referendum which was non binding was a close run thing.


Nigel Farage chief Brexiteer stated before the result that if it was 52% for to 48% against it " wouldn't be over by a long way " and it should lead to a second referendum.


As everyone voted without a clear understanding as to what leaving would actually entail, then surely both commonsense and democracy would demand that once it becomes clear what the situation will be then a second referendum should take place to either affirm or reverse the decision.


Or does your love of democracy only apply when it suits you?


Has your face gone white?


Democracy won, get over it.

The referendum binding or not was a decision by the country to leave, politicians have accepted by majority to carry out that decision, after being held back by such as yourself, if you don't like it I suggest you lump it.

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What's going to happen in your crystal ball, I don't have one.


Have you joined the embarrassment club?


Have you literally no idea what will happen?




---------- Post added 12-09-2017 at 18:23 ----------


Accept that we are leaving the EU and contribute positively towards getting the best deal for the country. :thumbsup:


Oh right, let's have an example of what your positive contribution is

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Currently reading Democracy and Its Crisis by A. C. Grayling. Against the back drop of the binary vote choice we were given in what after all is supposed to be a representative democracy. Give it a read whichever side of the debate you are on


With the advent of authoritarian leaders and the simultaneous rise of populism, representative democracy appears to be caught between a rock and a hard place, yet it is this space that it must occupy, argues Grayling, if a civilized society, that looks after all its people, is to flourish


‘A. C. Grayling applies his great intellectual prowess to the most pressing issue of our times – the subversion of modern democracies by dark money, corporate power, Big Data, social media and fractured political party systems. Utterly brilliant. Urgently needed. A book for NOW.’


(Helena Kennedy, QC)

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Democracy won, get over it.

The referendum binding or not was a decision by the country to leave, politicians have accepted by majority to carry out that decision, after being held back by such as yourself, if you don't like it I suggest you lump it.


Democracy isn't a one off non repeatable offer, you do understand that don't you?


That's why General Elections are held every few years in every democracy throughout the world, to see if the people are still content with the current situation or whether they require a change of direction.


You're terrified by the opportunity to vote again on the same subject aren't you?


Because although you won't admit it you know that it's a disaster don't you?


You know that the majority of people have realised that the decision was wrong, and that in addition the politicians we have attempting to handle it on our behalf are that much out of their depth it's an embarrassment to the country.


Another vote now would reverse the result, another vote in a year or so would be a landslide for remain.


Of course if you disagree then what's the problem? Hold another vote and remove all doubt about the country's wishes.


Any idea yet as to the identity of the British politician that I quoted in post 1523?

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This comment intrigues me. It has been used by Brexiteers on a regular basis and would appear to be their main reason for voting to leave.

So perhaps you could explain to me precisely what you mean by us becoming "a sovereign nation again " and why you don't consider EU nations to be sovereign?


Whilst a member of the European group we have fought wars in Argentina, Afghanistan,Iraq and bombed Libya.


We have continued a nuclear deterrent partnership with a non EU nation and have refused to join the Euro or sign up to the Schengen agreement.


Currently we are exercising our right to withdraw from our membership of the organisation.

Could you explain precisely what exact additional requirement would you consider essential to satisfy you as to our genuine 'sovereignty'?


Because it seemed to me that what we had was a partnership for mutual benefit, which involved agreeing to rules which we voted on before their implementation.


Presumably you understand that any future trade deals which we sign up to will contain terms and conditions which both parties will need to abide by?


In other words we will still be bound by rules but will have lost the strength of a 500 Million population market behind us when negotiating those rules.


All the indication thus far is that we have made a catastrophic mistake and will pay for it in an economic recession once we have finally left.


Still, as this link explains people tend to believe what they want to and facts aren't allowed to interfere with prejudice.



I suggest you look in a dictionary to find the definition of sovereignty. I don't need to explain anything to you. The UK voted to leave the EU and I just want our elected politicians to honour the EU referendum result. Yesterday's vote in our own Parliament, was a big step towards honouring the democratic referendum result

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Democracy isn't a one off non repeatable offer, you do understand that don't you?


That's why General Elections are held every few years in every democracy throughout the world, to see if the people are still content with the current situation or whether they require a change of direction.


You're terrified by the opportunity to vote again on the same subject aren't you?


Because although you won't admit it you know that it's a disaster don't you?


You know that the majority of people have realised that the decision was wrong, and that in addition the politicians we have attempting to handle it on our behalf are that much out of their depth it's an embarrassment to the country.


Another vote now would reverse the result, another vote in a year or so would be a landslide for remain.


Of course if you disagree then what's the problem? Hold another vote and remove all doubt about the country's wishes.


Any idea yet as to the identity of the British politician that I quoted in post 1523?


You will get your chance to air your views at the next General Election, that's democracy, no one is denying you that, as for your remainer landslide victory, best of luck with that one :hihi:

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