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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I suggest you look in a dictionary to find the definition of sovereignty. I don't need to explain anything to you. The UK voted to leave the EU and I just want our elected politicians to honour the EU referendum result. Yesterday's vote in our own Parliament, was a big step towards honouring the democratic referendum result


No, yesterday was the first step in giving absolute power to the most inept bunch of politicians - all parties- this country has ever known. So goodbye to your employment rights!

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I suggest you look in a dictionary to find the definition of sovereignty. I don't need to explain anything to you. The UK voted to leave the EU and I just want our elected politicians to honour the EU referendum result. Yesterday's vote in our own Parliament, was a big step towards honouring the democratic referendum result


It isn't that you don't need to explain anything to me,it's that you aren't capable of explaining anything with regard to Britain's sovereignty within the EU to me because you quite clearly don't understand it.


Britain and the other 27 EU members were - and are - sovereign nations within a mutually agreed Trade Bloc to which they contributed funds,legislative personnel and voting input among other things.






Once out of the EU Britain will lose prosperity and influence in the world, and will still have to conform to whatever terms and conditions imposed upon it to secure trade deals.


Yesterdays vote in parliament was a step toward handing over control to an internally elected cabinet which won't need to seek the approval of the House before carrying out their desires.


Once rights are lost they are not so easily regained.

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You will get your chance to air your views at the next General Election, that's democracy, no one is denying you that, as for your remainer landslide victory, best of luck with that one :hihi:


Actually I won't get the chance to ' air my views ' at the next general election because the electoral system in this country isn't democratic and isn't fit for purpose.


Surprised a lover of democracy such as yourself doesn't appear to be aware of that small problem.


So, any guesses as to who the politician was that stated that our problems were our own fault and blaming Brussels was just a coverup which would be exposed if we ever left the EU?

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It isn't that you don't need to explain anything to me,it's that you aren't capable of explaining anything with regard to Britain's sovereignty within the EU to me because you quite clearly don't understand it.


Britain and the other 27 EU members were - and are - sovereign nations within a mutually agreed Trade Bloc to which they contributed funds,legislative personnel and voting input among other things.






Once out of the EU Britain will lose prosperity and influence in the world, and will still have to conform to whatever terms and conditions imposed upon it to secure trade deals.


Yesterdays vote in parliament was a step toward handing over control to an internally elected cabinet which won't need to seek the approval of the House before carrying out their desires.


Once rights are lost they are not so easily regained.


You are correct I don't understand it. I don't understand anything. I didn't know which way to vote and tossed a coin. I chose heads to vote leave and tails to vote remain. The coin landed with our Queen's head up and I voted to leave the EU. Similarly I didn't know which horse to pick in this year's Grand National, so I put a pin in the list of runners. I was lucky and chose the winning horse. When I went to the bookmakers to collect my winnings, the nice lady behind the counter gave me my money. The nice lady didn't ask why I chose that horse or ask for any other explanation and honoured the bet. Similarly I expect my own Government to honour my winning choice on the EU referendum ballot paper.

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You are correct I don't understand it. I don't understand anything. I didn't know which way to vote and tossed a coin. I chose heads to vote leave and tails to vote remain. The coin landed with our Queen's head up and I voted to leave the EU. Similarly I didn't know which horse to pick in this year's Grand National, so I put a pin in the list of runners. I was lucky and chose the winning horse. When I went to the bookmakers to collect my winnings, the nice lady behind the counter gave me my money. The nice lady didn't ask why I chose that horse or ask for any other explanation and honoured the bet. Similarly I expect my own Government to honour my winning choice on the EU referendum ballot paper.


Sounds about right as far as choosing to vote to leave the wealthiest most successful Trade Bloc in the world is concerned.


Tossing a coin is as good an explanation as any for cutting off your nose to spite your face I suppose.


Unless of course you can astound us all by providing some facts behind your reasoning to vote leave?


Actual facts, not your opinions, but actual reasoning behind your decision which will provide some assurance to those of us that can't see any positives in the situation.


You see I really want to be wrong on this one.


I have children and grandchildren who's future I worry about, and it is of no comfort to me to be able to say " I told you so " when they are going to pay the price for what appear to be uninformed jingoistic delusions without any substance to justify them.


Hopefully you can set our fears to rest by explaining what advantages we are going to gain which justifies leaving an organisation which ( despite its many faults ) is still the most successful of its type on the planet.


Fire away.

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Sounds about right as far as choosing to vote to leave the wealthiest most successful Trade Bloc in the world is concerned.


Tossing a coin is as good an explanation as any for cutting off your nose to spite your face I suppose.


Unless of course you can astound us all by providing some facts behind your reasoning to vote leave?


Actual facts, not your opinions, but actual reasoning behind your decision which will provide some assurance to those of us that can't see any positives in the situation.


You see I really want to be wrong on this one.


I have children and grandchildren who's future I worry about, and it is of no comfort to me to be able to say " I told you so " when they are going to pay the price for what appear to be uninformed jingoistic delusions without any substance to justify them.


Hopefully you can set our fears to rest by explaining what advantages we are going to gain which justifies leaving an organisation which ( despite its many faults ) is still the most successful of its type on the planet.


Fire away.


Sorry, I don't know anything. I don't know any facts. If only I had known you before the referendum vote and you could have educated me with facts. I wish your children and grandchildren a good future. They are blessed in having you as a father and grandfather, who knows so many facts.


Just remembered a fact. It's a fact Lady Rex is looking forward to having a dark blue passport after Brexit, which will match her dark blue handbag.

Edited by Lord Rex
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