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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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My head is not in the sand at all, its your head that is in the clouds wishing and hoping for Brexit not to happen when it will, so get used to it.


I'd rather have my head in the clouds thinking that the complete and utter diarrhoea storm that is about to hit isn't going to hit if I stop now, than ignore all the warning signs and carry straight on eating that Phall Curry because the Eton educated lot in London said it would be a great idea.

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Actually the article has changed and so has its headline since I first posted the link, it actually read "EU paves way for trade talks to begin."




My head is not in the sand at all, its your head that is in the clouds wishing and hoping for Brexit not to happen when it will, so get used to it.


So no comment on the rest of my points in my post?


I'll take it that I am right and that you have no reasoned argument to comeback with. You should listen to the 10am LBC show. The way he describes you and your ilk and the pathetic sound bites you continuously use is spot on.

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So no comment on the rest of my points in my post?


Not worth commenting on that's why as stuff like that has been mentioned many time on SF already.


You should listen to the 10am LBC show. The way he describes you and your ilk and the pathetic sound bites you continuously use is spot on.


Oh dear, "me and my ilk." :hihi: And what sound bites?


It was me and my ilk that won the game and out manoeuvred the intelligentsia, and because of that I don't have to use pathetic comments like you because I can deal with it, you lost so get used to it..

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because I can deal with it, you lost so get used to it..


You still haven't actually provided any, I'll stress ANY, retort to the multiple questions as to what will happen when you get your full Brexit. I'd like to have some evidence/insight/expert opinion.


All I've heard is a Tory explaining that nobody will miss £8 bottles of Prosecco as we can buy English sparkling at £20 instead, it will make us drink less apparently.

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Hard Brexiters are at their most shrill when their dream is under threat.


Plenty of squealing in the news this week.


To a man/woman the leaders are middle aged or old, privileged and/or rich with little to trouble them about years of economic chaos.


Their foot soldiers are the people who stand to lose the most.



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Hard Brexiters are at their most shrill when their dream is under threat.


Plenty of squealing in the news this week.


To a man/woman the leaders are middle aged or old, privileged and/or rich with little to trouble them about years of economic chaos.


Their foot soldiers are the people who stand to lose the most.




"most shrill" " squealing" , Look at the posts on this thread from remainers all squealing because they lost the referendum , all predicting doom and gloom , before we have got to the end of the process

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"most shrill" " squealing" , Look at the posts on this thread from remainers all squealing because they lost the referendum , all predicting doom and gloom , before we have got to the end of the process


So what will be the ‘end of the process’? Who will benefit? You? Me? What about some facts? How will you benefit? What will actually make your llife better?

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Well I think the salmon will sing in the street before there's a Europe-wide capital/wealth tax, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

As Piketty says in the piece that I linked to,


"The political strategy which consists in transforming the wealth tax into a property tax (impôt sur la fortune immobilière), to avoid a complete suppression of the wealth tax, quite frankly leaves me speechless. There is no logical reason to levy a higher tax on a person who invests their fortune in a house or a property rather than in a financial portfolio, a yacht or any other type of good. We can only hope that elected members remember that they were not elected to be part of this kind of farce."


Though one logical reason might be that the Macronistas are by and large upper middle class MBA types who are, perhaps, more heavily invested in business/financial assets than they are in property. As this not-exactly-left-wing American magazine puts it ...


"an overwhelming majority of En Marche deputies — slightly more than 70 percent — issue from the rarefied ranks of the upper-middle class ... Not surprisingly, the En Marche legislative agenda reflects its members’ professional socioeconomic backgrounds. Just as the revision of the Labor Code seeks to give employers greater leeway in hiring and firing workers, the promised tax reforms seek to lessen the fiscal burden on their businesses."


Sorry to keep going on about Piketty, but one of the main points in his book is that capital has ballooned to the extent that it is now a vast subterranean reservoir that could be used to replenish those vessels.



You can keep quoting and referring to Thomas Pickett all night as far as I’m concerned. Macron has such a large majority of deputies/Parliamentarians that it’s almost government by decree. The new labour laws appear to make it easier to hire and fire people.


One recent magazine had Margaret Thatchers hair and Macrons face superimposed on it.


Loub will know more about this than I do although I suspect our politics will be different.

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You still haven't actually provided any, I'll stress ANY, retort to the multiple questions as to what will happen when you get your full Brexit. I'd like to have some evidence/insight/expert opinion.


All I've heard is a Tory explaining that nobody will miss £8 bottles of Prosecco as we can buy English sparkling at £20 instead, it will make us drink less apparently.


And save your teeth.

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