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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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And the funny thing is, this puts you at odds with your beloved European Union who actually want to work with Theresa May.


Would you find it surprising if I told you it was actually Brussels who were worried about TM's slim majority before she decided to call a GE? Why do you think that was?


I think they’d be happy to work with Corbyn by the looks of things.

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Has to be asked who has the most to gain from such a leak.


Obviously the hard Brexiters


Has it ever occurred to you that there are hardline factions on the other side of the channel that despise the very idea of the European Union trying to reach an amicable agreement with the UK?


Of course you can't because you've dressed this up as Fight Club™ from day one, and now you can't can't see the wood for the trees.


London and Brussels have been trying to scratch each other's backs, but there are other influential personalities within the EU27 that want a very different outcome for ideological reasons.

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