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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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so many of our friends on the continent are worried about being gobbled up by Germany without Great Britain being there to act as a political counterweight.




We always knew Germany would be our biggest problem, it's why we dispatched the royals to German in a charm offensive. It clearly hasn't paid off.


I’m still fighting Ze Germanese in WWII in my imagination too.


They send us €millions of Germanese binwagens each year, and we send our most famous German immigrant family back home for a holiday. Sounds like a fair deal.


How do you think so many of our friends on the continent feel, now we’ve abandoned them to be eaten by Ze Germanese.



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UK growth is still low, the BBC are putting a positive spin on it, because its one point higher than the last quarter. But overall, the last three quarters have been below average.


2017 growth is likely to be 1.5%

2016 growth was 1.7%




Not sure what your point is. We all know the referendum result was a big surprise. The referendum result brought about uncertainty because it was not predicted. UK business seems to be lazy in my opinion and have had things far too easy for too many years. We should all accept the referendum result and plan for a no Brexit deal. We are all lucky to live in the UK and should have positive outlook on life rather than complaining.

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UK business seems to be lazy in my opinion and have had things far too easy for too many years. We should all accept the referendum result and plan for a no Brexit deal.


would you like to explain this ridiculous statement please?


Unless businesses are thinking:


“Imported products are cheap. Let’s wipe 20% off the value of sterling overnight, and raise the cost of imports by 20%”


Or perhaps businesses were instead thinking:


“These Eastern Europeans are hard-working but cheap labour. Why don’t we send them back to Eastern Europe and employ English people instead”


Is the world of business really that stupid??


We are all lucky to live in the UK and should have positive outlook on life rather than complaining.


and all that’s gonna down the pan, isn’t it?


£350million a week extra for the NHS ?


Remind me how that’s working out.


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would you like to explain this ridiculous statement please?


Unless businesses are thinking:


“Imported products are cheap. Let’s wipe 20% off the value of sterling overnight, and raise the cost of imports by 20%”


Or perhaps businesses were instead thinking:


“These Eastern Europeans are hard-working but cheap labour. Why don’t we send them back to Eastern Europe and employ English people instead”


Is the world of business really that stupid??




and all that’s gonna down the pan, isn’t it?


£350million a week extra for the NHS ?


Remind me how that’s working out.


UK business is lazy. The whole £350 a week for the NHS was fully discussed before the referendum vote. If you weren't a lazy joker yourself, then you would google Gisela Stuart about that statement. I voted remain but I am not a sore loser and accept the result.

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3 brexit bits of "news" that caught my eye today.


First up Theresa May has now said the commons vote will be done intime before the UK leaves, apparently David Davis had previously said it wouldnt happen in time.


During Prime Minister's Questions, she was pressed on comments by David Davis who earlier said a vote might not happen before the March 2019 deadline.


He said the vote's timing hinged on when a deal was done and this may be at the "59th minute of the 11th hour".

So we will see whos right.


also former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg is not a fan of brexit.


Meanwhile, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has criticised Brexit, saying it was the "stupidest thing any country has ever done" apart from the election of Donald Trump as US president.


and finally, a conservative mp has said the UK needs to stash away a billion pounds in the budget for a rainy day, sorry i mean a brexit no deal.



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You said that earlier. I’m still waiting for an explanation



You are a one trick pony, who keeps going on about the £350 million NHS issue. Please explain why you keep going on about that, when it was fully debated and explained months before the referendum vote.

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You are a one trick pony, who keeps going on about the £350 million NHS issue. Please explain why you keep going on about that, when it was fully debated and explained months before the referendum vote.


it wasnt tho was it? it was plastered on the side of a bus and then found out to be lies after the referendum


talking of the bus claims lets go back to July



and about the bogus figure itself






Edited by melthebell
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UK business seems to be lazy in my opinion and have had things far too easy for too many years.


Businesses are international, and logical, not sure where you get lazy from.

Businesses respond to Government policy, if there is anything wrong with businesses, blame the Conservatives.

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