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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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No pretence at all. I admit I was borderline. Neither the leave campaign or the remain campaign persuaded me one way or the other way. I decided to vote remain because I wasn't convinced it was good for a change. I was surprised by the result but accepted the result. What is pathetic is other remain voters still keep bringing up the £350 million NHS discussion long after the result, when it was fully debated long before referendum day. It's very sad and soul destroying that some remain voters still keep trying to twist the facts long after the referendum result.


I disagree - a lie is a lie. It cannot be unsaid.


As a staunch remainer who has already suffered financially due to the misled minority (the leavers) I will do anything I can to have a third referendum and reverse the suicidal direction that the second one took us in.

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No pretence at all. I admit I was borderline. Neither the leave campaign or the remain campaign persuaded me one way or the other way. I decided to vote remain because I wasn't convinced it was good for a change. I was surprised by the result but accepted the result. What is pathetic is other remain voters still keep bringing up the £350 million NHS discussion long after the result, when it was fully debated long before referendum day. It's very sad and soul destroying that some remain voters still keep trying to twist the facts long after the referendum result.


The most complete conversion since Paul on the road to Damascus. Well done.

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I disagree - a lie is a lie. It cannot be unsaid.


I agree and the same goes for the Remain lies as well.


As a staunch remainer who has already suffered financially due to the misled minority (the leavers) I will do anything I can to have a third referendum and reverse the suicidal direction that the second one took us in.


As a staunch Leaver who has not suffered financially ;) I accept the decision to leave in the same way as I would have accepted the decision to remain. Unfortunately for you its the markets that have dictated what has happened since the vote and not the voters so blame them as when you lose its the markets that gain.

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I will do anything I can to have a third referendum and reverse the suicidal direction that the second one took us in.


Good luck with that because neither the Tories nor Labour have any appetite of plunging the country into a constitutional crisis. We are leaving the European Union and there will not be another referendum.


But don't despair - the vast majority of arrangements we currently have with the EU will actually just remain intact, albeit re-packaged and re-branded.

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Unfortunately for you its the markets that have dictated what has happened since the vote and not the voters so blame them as when you lose its the markets that gain.


would Sterling have dropped 20% overnight if Sir Nige’ lost the referendum vote?

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better-than-expected growth


Its that line that puzzles me. Better than who expected?


Growth has been 1.3% for the previous 2 quarters, and now its risen to 1.4% - BIG DEAL. Maybe it could be revised, at a later date.

As they did say on the follow-up on BBC news, a few years ago we could have expected double or even triple that figure.

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Please stop embarrassing yourself and tarring other remain voters with the same brush.


What I thought would happen is happening, so I don't feel overly embarrassed but thanks for the sentiment :D


It's very sad and soul destroying that some remain voters still keep trying to twist the facts long after the referendum result.


No twisting required, the £350 claim (in all it's forms) was nothing short of a plain faced lie.


I disagree - a lie is a lie. It cannot be unsaid.


Doesn't seem to be stopping some people trying though ;)


As a staunch Leaver who has not suffered financially ;)


Go on... pull the other one.....



1st comment says it all:-


"Still lower than any time in the last decade pre-June 2016. Hardly soaring. Is this the kind of positive reporting Brexiteers want. Exaggeration and delusion."

Edited by Magilla
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This is getting serious. Clients we’ve been working with are preparing their 2018-19 budgets right now, and most are very advanced. Serious amounts of contingency funds are being set aside and if the government doesn’t take this seriously there will be some huge announcements in first 3 months of 2018.


We’re not just dealing with clients at banks, but other sectors too. And we’re not just dealing with clients in London but all across the country.


Brexit is a massive act of self-harm. Nothing less. Businesses are exasperated by all this nonsense.

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