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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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For me one of the silver linings nags of Brexit is the opportunity to reduce reliance on the financial sector. Problem is that May’s government has already kind of threatened to turn us into a massive tax haven if negotiations fail.


Who will pay the massive tax bill?

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For me one of the silver linings nags of Brexit is the opportunity to reduce reliance on the financial sector. Problem is that May’s government has already kind of threatened to turn us into a massive tax haven if negotiations fail.


Hammond has since contradicted himself on that,and took the ridicule for doing so,but the speculation was that the last GE result didn't give them the power to go ahead with the plan.

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No.. you haven't as if you did then you would understand that those who voted leave are by and large happy to accept the outcome and are not the ones complaining. Just look at the larger makeup of the leave voters, older, poorer and disadvantaged who have already suffered from the banking crisis and the austerity it has caused.

errrm yeah cos it was the EU that caused all that?


it wasnt greedy bankers, it wasnt US subprime mortgage lenders, it wasnt worldwide.

It wasnt the tories deciding on austerity it was the EU :roll:

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It's already 'hit the fan' for the poor, the weak, the disadvantaged. It happened decades ago - and is still happening. The EU has only made matters worse, driving down wages and increasing the cost of living.


The EU is dominated by a group of extremely powerful international civil servants, lobbyists and business people. This unelected elite is getting richer and richer. The Remoaners would do well to remember that sticking up for the EU means they are defending a neo-liberal capitalist club that is run for the benefit of the very wealthy, at the expense of the poor.


Love Europe. Hate the EU.


I'll just leave this here.

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One of the ironic things about all this is that over the years Eurosceptic Britain had been one of, if not THE most compliant of the member states when it comes to adherence of rules and directives from the EU, whereas the French for instance, the people that is, seemed to forever be sticking their fingers up to the EU, forever protesting about this and that.

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