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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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cant wait to be out of the EU. They've been holding us back for years. Britain will prosper when out.




Tell me what we can offer, what are we going to produce - from scratch - that we will be better than say germany or cheaper than china. We're clearly going to lose a huge chunk of the financial services industry.


So, I ask, yet again, how will it be better?

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Tell me what we can offer, what are we going to produce - from scratch - that we will be better than say germany or cheaper than china. We're clearly going to lose a huge chunk of the financial services industry.


So, I ask, yet again, how will it be better?


This country can sustain itself. Every country in the world will want to trade with us. Not going into a long detailed discussion. Will be back in a few years to say "told you so".:P remoaners are just selling our country to the EU. Not becoming a United states of Europe, so they can control us and destroy our country even more.

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This country can sustain itself.


Not at the moment it can't.


Every country in the world will want to trade with us.


But not with deals as favourable as we have as part of the biggest trading block on earth.


Not going into a long detailed discussion.




Will be back in a few years to say "told you so".:P


If the last 12 months is anything to go by, chances are you won't.


remoaners are just selling our country to the EU. Not becoming a United states of Europe, so they can control us and destroy our country even more.


Ahh, and there it comes, illogical, ill-informed nonsense.

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It seems you don't understand politics very well as its basically the same principle as in an election, holding a secret ballot. In a GE the parties wanting to be elected put up a manifesto and its up to the voters to make a choice, and the voters absolutely do not have to explain their reasons to anyone. Whether that manifesto is a lie or carried out is not up to the voters and the same goes for the referendum which was also a secret ballot.


Whether Brexit is a success or not is up to the Government as they are the ones in charge of it after the votes have been cast and in this case the result acted upon.


I understand perfectly well. Brexiters, be they Left or rightwing have to make their case, and that case feeds directly into public perception every minute of every day.


If the case is not made and there is a groundswell against Brexit, then no government is going to carry this through in the face of strong public opposition.


In fact it could be an ideal deal get out card for hard Brexit.

Edited by I1L2T3
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Not at the moment it can't.




But not with deals as favourable as we have as part of the biggest trading block on earth.








If the last 12 months is anything to go by, chances are you won't.




Ahh, and there it comes, illogical, ill-informed nonsense.


We will see. Just being patriotic. Obviously not your strong point. There is a lot of misinformation out there. So what makes yours non-nonsense?


---------- Post added 04-11-2017 at 15:03 ----------


I understand perfectly well. Brexiters, be they Left or rightwing have to make their case, and that case feeds directly into public perception every minute of every day.


If the case is not made and there is a groundswell against Brexit, then no government is going to carry this through in the face of strong public opposition.


In fact it could be an ideal deal get out card for hard Brexit.


I personally would prefer a hard Brexit. And then watch as the bloc crumbles as more and more countries leave, except for the poor ones obviously. Oh, the 27 are mostly poor countries sponging.

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We will see. Just being patriotic. Obviously not your strong point. There is a lot of misinformation out there.


There's nothing patriotic about voting to make you and your country less wealthy & less relevant.


So what makes yours non-nonsense?


The fact that the things I mention are happening now or have already happened.


I personally would prefer a hard Brexit.


Clearly, and your views on that costing ~£900 pounds per household per year extra in food costs alone?


And then watch as the bloc crumbles as more and more countries leave, except for the poor ones obviously. Oh, the 27 are mostly poor countries sponging.


Brexit has stengthened the EU, even the Anti-EU Italians are having second thoughts now they've seen what a shambles Brexit is:-



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There's nothing patriotic about voting to make you and your country less wealthy & less relevant.




The fact that the things I mention are happening now or have already happened.




Clearly, and your views on that costing ~£900 pounds per household per year extra in food costs alone?




Brexit has stengthened the EU, even the Anti-EU Italians are having second thoughts now they've seen what a shambles Brexit is:-




"BUT" will it? listen, right. Like it or not, its happening. Bet you was one of the anti democratic that signed the petition for a second referendum, lol. Try to <removed> all over democracy :o why would meat have to go up, do we not have British meat? for god sakes. Just read the packaging when you purchase things. I bet your a Mercedes or BMW or a VW driver?

Edited by Total Chaos
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This country can sustain itself. Every country in the world will want to trade with us. Not going into a long detailed discussion. Will be back in a few years to say "told you so".:P remoaners are just selling our country to the EU. Not becoming a United states of Europe, so they can control us and destroy our country even more.


But it will be on their terms - we arent in a position of power. We arent a colonial power, we arent a military power and anyone wanting a sweet trade deal will want something for themselves.


If its all roses afterwards - great - Ill vbe over the moon. But youve suggested nothing that will make me think it will happen


---------- Post added 04-11-2017 at 15:29 ----------


"BUT" will it? listen, right. Like it or not, its happening. Bet you was one of the anti democratic that signed the petition for a second referendum, lol. Try to <removed> all over democracy :o why would meat have to go up, do we not have British meat? for god sakes. Just read the packaging when you purchase things. I bet your a Mercedes or BMW or a VW driver?


What do you drive? Parts come from all over the globe. And we cant feed ourselves by a mile.

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