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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I have already made my point clear and so have others on here. Its very simple to work out, if it was rotting in the fields then that would be a great photo opportunity for the press, and as none has been put forward the report is very suspect.


I didn't mention the report was a lie did I? I said I will believe it when I see some evidence and so far none has materialised. :)


Cant say fairer than that :thumbsup: . But you are wrong according to some

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the less of a transition the better put the pressure on them, we will never get out or turn into a Norway if we have any or a prolonged transition.



The EU 27 first have to agree that the UK request for a transition period be granted,if the EU 27 think it's not in their interest for there to be one,there might not be one.

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again, when did food last rot in the fields? did it do that pre-fee movement?


Read the report.


---------- Post added 12-11-2017 at 23:08 ----------


Its not hard is it ? Some of the press would jump at the chance to show evidence of this ,to kick the brexiters . But still, nothing . And you believe it


I believe the report more than I believe brainwashed Brexiters from keyboardsville


---------- Post added 12-11-2017 at 23:09 ----------


I have already made my point clear and so have others on here. Its very simple to work out, if it was rotting in the fields then that would be a great photo opportunity for the press, and as none has been put forward the report is very suspect.


I didn't mention the report was a lie did I? I said I will believe it when I see some evidence and so far none has materialised. :)


The report is not evidence because it didn’t have some pictures? Really?

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Stop it with the name calling . The report , the report the report . Officer , I have just seen this man wee in my garden , Officer "have you got any proof" Me "no" . Officer "stop wasting my time" . But if it was printed in the Sheffield Gazette ,it would be true


You can read it here:




Section 10

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its the usual racist claptrap that is spouted between pub regulars, workmates etc

They get this this and this and we dont boo hoo


Penis envy


almost all of it is just that...talk, not the truth


If you believe I am promoting racism, moron, please report me.


How much working tax credits and child tax credits do economic migrants get paid to work in the low skills sector?

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Guest makapaka
Please tell me what I have shouted about and then give your thoughts on spurious claims about food /crops rotting in the ground


The problem with brexit is - no one knows whether it’s going to be like - completely unknown territory.


I personally think it’s a bad idea.


But here’s a thought - since then - can you think of anything you’ve heard about the government doing for the country since the referendum?


Any initiatives on work / youth / housing / transport anything?


We are standing completely still whilst trying to sort something which we have no idea as to whether it’s good or bad.


Such a waste of time and resources that we’ll never get back.

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thanks for that , just read it , and still no definitive proof . Now please could you be so courteous in return , and tell me why with all the anti Tory/brexit press out there ,why none of these organisations have shown proof of what you claim . As , has been said before , proof could sway some of us


---------- Post added 12-11-2017 at 23:46 ----------


The problem with brexit is - no one knows whether it’s going to be like - completely unknown territory.


I personally think it’s a bad idea.


But here’s a thought - since then - can you think of anything you’ve heard about the government doing for the country since the referendum?


Any initiatives on work / youth / housing / transport anything?


We are standing completely still whilst trying to sort something which we have no idea as to whether it’s good or bad.


Such a waste of time and resources that we’ll never get back.


Apart from brexit , the best job the government are doing , is keeping Corbyn / labour out of power

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