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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Wrong again,it's already happening:




No, all that is happening at the moment is a development stage with some grant funding allocated of 25M Euros for 2017 which has not been given out yet. Most of the funding is yet to come and the signature of the first grant agreements is expected by the end of this year, so it is all in the very early planning stage. What is talked about is this being funded from the EU budget but the details still have to be agreed by the member states. They want to try and generate 5 Billion per year after 2020 which sounds very ambitious.


So just where will this money be coming from and will those member states be in agreement?


This seems to me to be more about creating a EU arms industry rather than a joint army.

Edited by apelike
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Dominating European dynamics, yes, imperialism is the prerogative of the Brits it seems.


While economic imperialism is the practice of the EU.


The European Union is remote, imperialist, anti-worker and anti-democratic. It is run by, and for, the super-rich and their corporations.


Those who think that the EU is a social democratic sanctuary that protects UK citizens from the wickedness of the Tories are living in an absurd fantasy. The EU is a corporatist, pro-capitalist establishment that fools the gullible with its myth of a 'social Europe'.


“Social EU legislation, which supposedly leads to better working conditions, has not saved one job and is riddled with opt-outs for employers to largely ignore any perceived benefits they may bring to workers. But it is making zero-hour contracts and agency-working the norm while undermining collective bargaining and full-time, secure employment.”


The late, and much missed, Bob Crow.


The EU is not, and never can be, either socialist or a democracy.

Edited by Car Boot
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No, all that is happening at the moment is a development stage with some grant funding allocated of 25M Euros for 2017 which has not been given out yet. Most of the funding is yet to come and the signature of the first grant agreements is expected by the end of this year, so it is all in the very early planning stage. What is talked about is this being funded from the EU budget but the details still have to be agreed by the member states. They want to try and generate 5 Billion per year after 2020 which sounds very ambitious.


So just where will this money be coming from and will those member states be in agreement?


This seems to me to be more about creating a EU arms industry rather than a joint army.


What it seems like to you is irrelevent,the important thing is that things are starting to move,if it's only just been announced,of course it's only going to be in the development stage,what you think is going to happen,an EU army by tommorrow morning?.

As it says in the article,it is funded from the EU budget.


---------- Post added 13-11-2017 at 23:35 ----------


While economic imperialism is the practice of the EU.


The European Union is remote, imperialist, anti-worker and anti-democratic. It is run by, and for, the super-rich and their corporations.


Those who think that the EU is a social democratic sanctuary that protects UK citizens from the wickedness of the Tories are living in an absurd fantasy. The EU is a corporatist, pro-capitalist establishment that fools the gullible with its myth of a 'social Europe'.


“Social EU legislation, which supposedly leads to better working conditions, has not saved one job and is riddled with opt-outs for employers to largely ignore any perceived benefits they may bring to workers. But it is making zero-hour contracts and agency-working the norm while undermining collective bargaining and full-time, secure employment.”


The late, and much missed, Bob Crow.


The EU is not, and never can be, either socialist or a democracy.


Good job you're leaving then.............goodbye.

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Good job you're leaving then.............goodbye.


The EU can say goodbye to the UK's financial contributions too.


We should just walk away and NOT PAY a single penny to the upwards of €60 billion exit fee demanded by Brussels. Let them plug their own financial gaps in the EU budget!


We must ensure that the EU is left seriously out of pocket for the last two years of its current long-term budget (2019 and 2020) to inflict as much damage as possible.


We owe the EU nothing.

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The EU can say goodbye to the UK's financial contributions too.


We should just walk away and NOT PAY a single penny to the upwards of €60 billion exit fee demanded by Brussels. Let them plug their own financial gaps in the EU budget!


We must ensure that the EU is left seriously out of pocket for the last two years of its current long-term budget (2019 and 2020) to inflict as much damage as possible.


We owe the EU nothing.


Tell me why you already haven't walked away and paid nothing,that'll be a lot more interesting.

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What it seems like to you is irrelevent,the important thing is that things are starting to move,if it's only just been announced,of course it's only going to be in the development stage,what you think is going to happen,an EU army by tommorrow morning?.


One of the reasons I said its a long way off.


As it says in the article,it is funded from the EU budget.


Only the initial amount will be funded from the budget for now, the rest has not been firmly agreed on only that they want to try and generate a budget so its not guaranteed.


Notice this bit..


"In 2018, the Commission will propose a dedicated EU defence research programme with an estimated annual budget of €500 million making the EU one of the biggest defence research investors in Europe.

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One of the reasons I said its a long way off.




Only the initial amount will be funded from the budget for now, the rest has not been firmly agreed on only that they want to try and generate a budget so its not guaranteed.


Notice this bit..


"In 2018, the Commission will propose a dedicated EU defence research programme with an estimated annual budget of €500 million making the EU one of the biggest defence research investors in Europe.




And the problem is................?,From the document I referenced,it says that more co operation can lead to money being saved through less duplication,so it's not only about money raised,it's about better pooling of resources already available:


There is a strong economic case for greater cooperation on defence spending amongst EU countries. The lack of cooperation between Member States in the field of defence and security is estimated to cost annually between €25 billion and €100 billion1. 80% of procurement and more than 90% of Research and Technology are run on a national basis2. Up to 30% of annual defence expenditures could be saved through pooling of procurement3.



Boris doesn't see one anyway:


UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the UK saw promise in Pesco and pledged to be "supportive" from the outside.

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Riled Car Boot? Your posts are becoming longer.


How about this one http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41859691 - apparently ‘WTO’ isn’t a given, it turns out you need to negotiate those terms with each party. Also turns out that tarriffs on food are upto 50%. No doubt this will help the poor working class in Britain somehow.

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You understood them well enough to reply to them until now :roll:

Now, you're going to have to tell me where and when have I knocked the UK.


Its politicians, governments past and present, Leavers, and plenty of others assorted bigots <etc.>: sure, 3 tons of it.


But the UK itself? Nope.


So, off you go. With link to post(s) or linked quotes, please.


I owe nothing to the UK, btw. Not a penny. Nada.


What do you think makes a country, here's a clue, it's people,


the sooner you go back to your failing one the better.

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