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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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"Nigel Farage calls on EU to investigate George Soros funding, collusion"


So no accusations Soros paid people to work for the remain campaign and in breach of the rules tried to hide the fact by getting them to claim to be volunteers then.

Edited by altus
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Don't forget this either:


Nor this more recent one, which I find positively delectable:


[recall the recent revelations from the US investigation, according to which MifSud (the 'London Professor', alleged Russian agent) communicated with Papadopoulus in Trump's national security team].


Last week Boris J. said there wasn't 'a sausage' of evidence of Russian interference in Brexit. It was also reported that Professor Mifsud had stated that he'd had a meeting with Boris J. about Brexit, at a dinner where Boris J. was speaking. Boris J. denied ever having met him. (source, many more available).


Then Gavin Sheridan found this.


Sooo, is that Mifsud, to the left of Boris J...or is it 'a sausage'? :hihi:


[the other individual to his right, is Mr Prasenjit Kumar Singh, of this fame. Now, how could Brexit possibly benefit the owner of a string of private colleges and travel agencies specialising in 'importing' non-EU students, one wonders? :twisted:]


Now I'm not one for conspiracy theories. But I don't believe in coincidences, either. And there's an awful lot of those accumulating by now, all involving the same people with aligned interests.

Edited by L00b
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No I don't as I don't do social networking so no facebook either. Out of the many I know that voted leave none do twitter and only a few are on facebook and that's mainly to stay in touch with family.


Phew, at least that small group won't have been influenced by Russian mischief.

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I see that arch Brexiteer John Redwood has been advising investors to take their money out of the UK.




Such confidence in the UK :cool:



Redwood,the gift that keeps on giving:




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This argument is rather ridiculous and keeps being trotted out. Have you got any evidence that this is the result of the EU? I will give you a small pointer - it was the national governments (through the European Council) that arrived at a bail-out solution under guidance of Gordon Brown (amongst others). It wasn't a European Parliament that authorised bailouts, it was national governments.


You either have an utter lack of knowledge or can't face the truth that German finance houses are in charge via the German government and their control on the EU monetary project.




I'll not bother with the rest of your post as it's just as ill informed and/or Stockholm Syndrome.

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