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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The EU is neither democratic or socialist.


It has been deliberately designed by neoliberal free-market fanatics to have significant inbuilt democratic deficits in all of its institutions and policy making area's. Inequality between its member states has been used to impose neoliberal austerity, privatisation and the theft of public wealth.


In the EU, the wealthiest 1 per cent ALWAYS come before the 99 per cent.


I was under the impression that each member country governments never had a gun held to their heads when implementing EU policy and signing treaties,they agreed to it all on their own,being elected by their individual populations to do it,so how did the EU manage to steal public wealth when all the member governments agreed to hand it over?

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The EU is neither democratic or socialist.


It has been deliberately designed by neoliberal free-market fanatics to have significant inbuilt democratic deficits in all of its institutions and policy making area's. Inequality between its member states has been used to impose neoliberal austerity, privatisation and the theft of public wealth.


In the EU, the wealthiest 1 per cent ALWAYS come before the 99 per cent.


Why did Cameron, Osborne, the CBI, IMF, WTO, World Bank, Goldman Sachs and the entire system of exploitative international finance capital want Britain to Remain in the EU?


Because the EU is 'democratic'?


To improve workers rights?



hahahaha you really dont get it do you


capitalism is the 1% before the 99%, thats almost all countries in the world. As for the EU didnt they lay down laws that protected workers rights? or did i dream it?

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Is Ian Duncan Smith the stupidest politician in the UK?............discuss.



Not today, chalga.


Today, that crown falls to Chris Grayling: "Does anybody seriously think the Spanish government, which would see hotel bookings collapse in 2019, is going to intervene to stop the planes flying? Of course they’re not".


First we had German car manufacturers, and now we have Spanish hoteliers: when Mercedes and BMW have shown no intent whatsoever to lobby for sweetheart-dealing the UK, will Costa del Sol's hotel owners do so instead?


When do you think the UK government will get it in its thick collective head, that they are negotiating with 27 collectively, not piecemeal? After 6 months of 'negotiating'? Some time before March 2019? Place your bets! :hihi:


EDIT - class link all the same chalga, thank you. I was in sore need of a good chuckle :thumbsup:

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Have a listen to what he's just said.


He's said that Barnier wants to start talking about trade,but the EU 27 are stopping him,then within a few seconds he's said that the EU 27 are wondering why we aren't talking about trade.:hihi:

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hahahaha you really dont get it do you


capitalism is the 1% before the 99%, thats almost all countries in the world. As for the EU didnt they lay down laws that protected workers rights? or did i dream it?


The global neoliberal agenda has always been for the EU to be an instrument of the large corporations and finance houses. The EU was the creation of Wall Street bankers and stockbrokers, the City of London and Germany. The EU has always enforced an agenda designed to please the financial markets and big business.


It always amazes me when people, especially those who claim to be politically aware, believe that one neoliberal nightmare (the EU) can protect us from another neoliberal nightmare (the Conservative government).


As for worker's rights, any positives for workers deriving from EU membership are now, more than ever, dwarfed by the negatives. Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan didn't fund the Remain campaign to support worker's rights! The EU has weakened collective bargaining arrangements and promoted zero-hours contracts under flexible labour market rules as part of its anti-worker 'four freedoms'.


I suspect, like many Remainers, you have dreamt a lot about the true nature of the EU.

Edited by Car Boot
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The global neoliberal agenda has always been for the EU to be an instrument of the large corporations and finance houses. The EU was the creation of Wall Street bankers and stockbrokers, the City of London and Germany. The EU has always enforced an agenda designed to please the financial markets and big business.


It always amazes me when people, especially those who claim to be politically aware, claim that one neoliberal nightmare (the EU) can protect us from another neoliberal nightmare (the Conservative government).


As for worker's rights, any positives for workers deriving from EU membership are now, more than ever, dwarfed by the negatives. Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan didn't fund the Remain campaign to support worker's rights! The EU has weakened collective bargaining arrangements and promoted zero-hours contracts under flexible labour market rules as part of its anti-worker 'four freedoms'.


I suspect, like many Remainers, you have dreamt a lot about the true nature of the EU.


Why aren't trade unions out on the streets all over Europe encouraging anti EU sentiment by their members and the general public,and advising them to have voted UKIP/Le Pen/Wilders in the past,or any other anti EU party in the future?





UK trade unions call for ‘long-term’ single market membership






The leaders of some of the U.K.’s biggest trade unions have called on their 6 million members to vote to stay in the EU, arguing Brexit would make it easier for the Tory government to erode workers’ rights.

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yup that says it all, shows how shallow, narrow minded and self centered some of us brits can be, and we still think we are so high and mighty, when in actual effect we arent great, we havent been great for decades.


You do understand that the 'great' in 'Great Britain' (Britannia Major) refers to the geographic size of the nation, in order to distinguish it from 'Little Brittany' (Britannia Minor) in the continental region? And not to some idea of British superiority?

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The global neoliberal agenda has always been for the EU to be an instrument of the large corporations and finance houses. The EU was the creation of Wall Street bankers and stockbrokers, the City of London and Germany. The EU has always enforced an agenda designed to please the financial markets and big business.


It always amazes me when people, especially those who claim to be politically aware, claim that one neoliberal nightmare (the EU) can protect us from another neoliberal nightmare (the Conservative government).


As for worker's rights, any positives for workers deriving from EU membership are now, more than ever, dwarfed by the negatives. Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan didn't fund the Remain campaign to support worker's rights! The EU has weakened collective bargaining arrangements and promoted zero-hours contracts under flexible labour market rules as part of its anti-worker 'four freedoms'.


I suspect, like many Remainers, you have dreamt a lot about the true nature of the EU.

Have you ever heard of the ECSC? The Rome Treaty? The Common Assembly? Do you know how far back EURATOM dates to? <...>


You don't have any knowledge about the 'EU'. Where it comes from. What it stands for. How it works. Who influences which bits of it and how.


Just vacuous and baseless slogans. That's the sum total of your 'contribution' to this thread so far.


You're just a poor imitation of Nigel Farage, tbh. At least, his misrepresentations were informed.


That global neoliberal agenda you're on about? It's coming to you in the UK. Very soon. Then you'll be free to bleat to your heart's content. But with reason this time.

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The psyche where half of it swallowed the lies of the leave campaign, funded by the Russian program to destabilise the EU... Perceptive bunch, the 52%.


How about when the EU destabilised Ukraine through its signature 'Eastern Partnership' foreign policy initiative?


This adventure in EU neoliberal political interventionism provoked Russian military aggression and started a revolution that ravaged a country. This EU inspired war has brought Ukraine to near economic collapse.


The financial assistance given to Ukraine by the EU is now €12 billion Euros.


A new study commissioned by the European Parliament has declared that the 'Eastern Partnership' initiative is a success, despite the current state of Ukraine - which matters little to the EU overlords.


What does matter to the EU is that 94 percent of its aid to Ukraine has been in the form of loans. Over the next five years Ukraine will have to repay €38 billion to the EU, yet there are just €5 billion in reserves in the Ukraine National Bank.


The EU has saddled Ukraine with debt that will hinder its recovery in the long term, and rejected claims that it bears any responsibility for the conflict. Conflict means profit for the bankers who direct the EU's economic and political terrorism.

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