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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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hahahaha you really dont get it do you


capitalism is the 1% before the 99%, thats almost all countries in the world. As for the EU didnt they lay down laws that protected workers rights? or did i dream it?


You should listen to this. Its only 6 minutes long.

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How about when the EU destabilised Ukraine through its signature 'Eastern Partnership' foreign policy initiative?


This adventure in EU neoliberal political interventionism provoked Russian military aggression and started a revolution that ravaged a country. This EU inspired war has brought Ukraine to near economic collapse.


The financial assistance given to Ukraine by the EU is now €12 billion Euros.


A new study commissioned by the European Parliament has declared that the 'Eastern Partnership' initiative is a success, despite the current state of Ukraine - which matters little to the EU overlords.


What does matter to the EU is that 94 percent of its aid to Ukraine has been in the form of loans. Over the next five years Ukraine will have to repay €38 billion to the EU, yet there are just €5 billion in reserves in the Ukraine National Bank.


The EU has saddled Ukraine with debt that will hinder its recovery in the long term, and rejected claims that it bears any responsibility for the conflict. Conflict means profit for the bankers who direct the EU's economic and political terrorism.


The EU had nothing to do with what happened in Ukraine,the people of the Ukraine rose up against a corrupt leader who was taking them further into the orbit of Putins Russia.The majority of Ukraine people wanted European values not Russian,and did not have to accept any help from the EU or western banks and organisations,they freely chose to take the help to take them out of being dependent on Putins gas.Putin was responsible for the annexation of Crimea on false pretences.

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What a load of ****


The freedom to send my children to Eton or to sell arms to Saddam Hussein.


If that's what you took from that clip then you're in a world of your own.

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hahahaha you really dont get it do you


capitalism is the 1% before the 99%, thats almost all countries in the world. As for the EU didnt they lay down laws that protected workers rights? or did i dream it?


You didn’t dream it. Apparently setting limits on the maximum hours in a working week is insignificant and the protection designed to protect irregular shift workers such as zero hour contract workers isn’t worth anything. I tell you what, that idiot who said that protection of irregular shift workers needs to understand the legislation. I work irregular shifts, but it is part of my job. My office hours are 37 hours a week. But I can be called to work 90 hour weeks. Because of this, I was paid AN ADDITIONAL £300/day when I took my holidays which were paid holidays anyway. 21 days of my holiday accrued this payment, I I got an extra £6300 this year because of this EU legislation. So tell me £6300 a year is insignificant.

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Still £12bn of welfare cuts to work through the system, public services spending due to be 3.6% lower than today by 2022. Wages in 2021 lower in real terms than 2008. Eeek!


Civil unrest a real possibility





Was never about that now (apparently) :P




UK economy faces 'longest fall in living standards in 60 years':-


That sure is a large revision since March.


No End in Sight to the Brexit Madness



Meanwhile, "The eurozone’s 'booming' economy powered ahead in November with jobs growth and new manufacturing orders reaching 17-year highs"


Yeah :|


... so, err...I served my notice today.


That wasn't fun, they're in the s***ter now and they know it.


The house has had 4 valuations this week and is going on the market next week.


All for real now.

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Oh, so only "you and many others" voted to be worse off.... good to know.


Again you are changing words as I did not state "worse off" as I reminded you in post 3797.


You also said people voted out with no consideration of being better or worse off, that's clearly nonsense too.


I didnt so maybe you could provide the link where I actually stated that. ;)


---------- Post added 24-11-2017 at 22:29 ----------


Maybe next time, you could include the whole post you're replying to and be a little less selective eh?


Er no as a lot of it was not worth replying to.

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You should listen to this. Its only 6 minutes long.


No Alan....that is a bizarre six minute stream of thought from an extremely confused person.


You can’t be so stupid that you can’t see the glaring holes in his argument?

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Again you are changing words as I did not state "worse off" as I reminded you in post 3797.


If they didn't vote to be better off (ala the promises)...... ;)


I didnt so maybe you could provide the link where I actually stated that. ;)


Post 3100

No, people vote to be out, being worse off or it being a success was never mentioned.


Untrue, people voted based on the promises of the Leave campaign which promised better off. Better off would seem to imply success, as I stated from the outset.


It's the reason, by their own admission, that the Vote Leave campaign won the referendum and why (as I originally stated) Brexit now has to be a success.


I'm not the only person who thinks there's a good chance of social and political unrest if peoples standard of living doesn't improve after Brexit:-


Is he worried that the country’s economic woes are leading us towards the threat of civil unrest? “Yes – or certainly just to the rise of politicians who don’t believe in our democracy. I think that’s a genuine risk. I am genuinely fearful for the fabric of what we think of as this nation, if we don’t address these problems.” In his lifetime is this threat unprecedented? “Yes, of course it is. This is the most scary time since the second world war.”


Post 3341

I voted for Brexit regardless of the outcome and most did so knowing it would cause problems and just wanted to be out.


Most people voted to be out because they were told leaving would make their lives better. That's not looking like it's going to happen any time soon.


It only took 7 years of moderate austerity for all this misplaced resentment of the EU to form, just interested who you're going to try to pin the blame on for the years to come?


Er no as a lot of it was not worth replying to.


And of course, to do so honestly would undermine the nonsense you're trying to peddle...... LOL, Stay classy dude :hihi:

Edited by Magilla
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And of course, to do so honestly would undermine the nonsense you're trying to peddle...... LOL, Stay classy dude :hihi:


Any nonsense I'm trying to pedal (according to you) pales into insignificance when compared to the twisting words and dissent the remainers, including you peddle.. Oh and BTW, I'm always classy :D

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