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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Perhaps because we have taken so many of the EU unemployed, those supposedly hard working people who couldn't even get a job in the wonderful EU.


We’ve taken some of them on and they’re working here, paying for your services/benefits, and doing jobs that Brits don’t want to do.


At the same time they are young on the whole, and have kids. They are helping solve our upcoming demographic crisis by having white Christian children who grow up with British values. Your alternative is commonwealth immigration and taken to extremes that Brexit leaders want this means temporary workers with very low wages and poor conditions. You do not understand what you are unleashing.

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That is the problem though Peter, the country has taken on many hard working people and still the economy is flagging.


Without immigration the economy would have been shrinking significantly since the crash.


Page Hall is a good representation.

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Perhaps because we have taken so many of the EU unemployed, those supposedly hard working people who couldn't even get a job in the wonderful EU.


Lets hope that all the immigrants who came to look after your old and sick in care homes and hospitals all over the UK can hear the ungratefulness of the leavers and take the appropriate action...............leave for the EU that is more grateful and whos economies are on the up...........there must be queues of Brits already forming outside the gates and the farms and the chicken factories to replace them.

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Why would anyone hope for 'doom and gloom', we're all affected by it?


Saying 'I told you so' is pretty pointless when the novelty of leaving has worn off and facing the harsh realisation of what it actually means.

All leaving the EU means is the UK is taking a different path. If everyone got behind the democratic decision and embrace the bigger World, then the likelihood of a more prosperous future is much greater. The people who are doing our country the most harm at this moment are those who continue to complain about the decision to leave, who are looking for problems and siding with the EU negotiators. If the UK had united behind the decision to leave then we would be in a much better negotiating position with the EU than the current situation.

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To the surprise of absolutely no-one invested in the Brexit debate, Davis and Fox have fudged the 58 sectoral reports disclosure to Parliament wholesale.


According to the FT, an SNP MP is looking to kickstart contempt proceedings today.


When even Rees-Moog warns about the potential consequences of the fudge:

But Jacob Rees-Mogg, a Conservative member of the Brexit committee, already told The Guardian newspaper that the government was “in serious constitutional waters if it doesn’t provide the full information” to MPs.
you just know May, Davis and Fox are on cigarette paper-thin ice here.


Lest we forget:


Davis (2 Feb 2017): "We continue to analyse the impact of our exit across the breadth of the UK economy, covering more than 50 sectors, 58 at last count, to shape our negotiating position."


Davis (7 Nov 2017): "As the Government have already made clear*, it is not the case that 58 sectoral impact assessments exist."

(*on 1 November 2017, during the Opposition debate)


Either Davis has withheld the information about the impact, or he still has no idea what the impact of Brexit (of whichever form) will be for the UK.


Some sovereignty and control that's been regained there, when the government is wilfully and continually interfering with, and hiding facts from, Parliament :roll:


Accessorily, that government is the democratically elected one, which the UK electorate put in charge of managing the most important issue faced by the UK since the last world war. Didn't I mention that 'people get the government they deserve'?

Edited by L00b
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All leaving the EU means is the UK is taking a different path. If everyone got behind the democratic decision and embrace the bigger World, then the likelihood of a more prosperous future is much greater. The people who are doing our country the most harm at this moment are those who continue to complain about the decision to leave, who are looking for problems and siding with the EU negotiators. If the UK had united behind the decision to leave then we would be in a much better negotiating position with the EU than the current situation.


Given that the door has been open for 17 months now,and the UK has failed to go through it,then all the negotiating would stop,and the complaining pointless,tell us what the EU negotiators would do differently if everybody in the UK suddenly jumped up and said 'we all want Brexit'............given that the EU is currently trying to get you out,but you just will not go because you want your cake and eat it?

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Page Hall is a good representation.


To whom? Do you know what the census is?


The non British/Irish white population grew by around 5,000 whilst the whole population grew by 40,000 - the majority of which was either of black/black British or Asian ethnicity.


Oddly that means that whilst you're frothing over EU migration, the reality is that migration from outside the EU is impacting on Sheffield far more.


Leaving aside the nonsense claim that migrants are a 'cost' to society - GDP depends on people spending money in the national economy, without migration that would have come down.

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All leaving the EU means is the UK is taking a different path. If everyone got behind the democratic decision and embrace the bigger World, then the likelihood of a more prosperous future is much greater. The people who are doing our country the most harm at this moment are those who continue to complain about the decision to leave, who are looking for problems and siding with the EU negotiators. If the UK had united behind the decision to leave then we would be in a much better negotiating position with the EU than the current situation.


Here's the thing, no-one has ever been able to explain what 'getting behind the country' means in practical terms.


So I'll ask you, in practical terms, how are you getting 'behind the democratic decision and embrace the bigger World', and how do you see that making a more prosperous future?


It could be an example for us all to follow.

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