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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I never mentioned Roma obviously they are the first in your mind, and Sheffield is not unique as Rotherham will testify unless you think all 200,000 are living in Sheffield.


So you are arguing that All EU immigrants are like Roma, jobless, anti-social and living in ghetto-like conditions?


Man, you are horribly brainwashed.


---------- Post added 28-11-2017 at 12:35 ----------


To the surprise of absolutely no-one invested in the Brexit debate, Davis and Fox have fudged the 58 sectoral reports disclosure to Parliament wholesale.


According to the FT, an SNP MP is looking to kickstart contempt proceedings today.


When even Rees-Moog warns about the potential consequences of the fudge:

you just know May, Davis and Fox are on cigarette paper-thin ice here.


Lest we forget:


Davis (2 Feb 2017): "We continue to analyse the impact of our exit across the breadth of the UK economy, covering more than 50 sectors, 58 at last count, to shape our negotiating position."


Davis (7 Nov 2017): "As the Government have already made clear*, it is not the case that 58 sectoral impact assessments exist."

(*on 1 November 2017, during the Opposition debate)


Either Davis has withheld the information about the impact, or he still has no idea what the impact of Brexit (of whichever form) will be for the UK.


Some sovereignty and control that's been regained there, when the government is wilfully and continually interfering with, and hiding facts from, Parliament :roll:


Accessorily, that government is the democratically elected one, which the UK electorate put in charge of managing the most important issue faced by the UK since the last world war. Didn't I mention that 'people get the government they deserve'?


They are now brazenly hiding the facts required to inform democratic decision-making.


If the reports suggest the damage to the UK is going to be substantial this is veering towards being treasonous.

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no it isnt, it isnt about the EU and pitting nations against each other, its about right wingers and they are winning, creating a "race war" when the actual war is a class war.


The manner in which capitalism pits workers against each other has long been understood. The EU operates in exactly this method, for the benefit of the Bosses. Are you unaware of this?


Perhaps you should examine EU Court of Justice anti-trade union rulings such as Viking, Laval and Ruffert? And in 2016 Norway’s dock labour scheme was ruled illegal by the European Free Trade Association because it stopped employers from bringing in cheaper labour from elsewhere in the EU.


The EU has always been a capitalist project. It is, at its heart, a regulatory and trade regime pursuing deep political and economic integration - with a large dose of market liberalisation. It has damaged bargaining power for ordinary workers and ensured wage stagnation and unemployment throughout the EU.


I don't believe that we are on the verge of a 'race war'. But the EU vote did reveal a deep fault line of resentment and simmering hatred between those loyal to the capitalist establishment (roughly upper and middle-class people) and the workers/disadvantaged (working class and those unable to work).


Those at the top will always be at the top, whether its a government, the EU, big business, the banks.


Voting to leave the EU was a blow against global finance capitalism. It was a first strike at the heart of the Capitalist beast: an unholy alliance of the banks, big business and the EU.


In 2016 US banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley handled 80 per cent of all company mergers and acquisitions in the EU. They also dominated most other financial services. No wonder Barack Obama desperately wanted us to remain in the EU.


The EU is intricately intertwined with the banks and big business. Current European Central Bank president Mario Draghi was managing director of Goldman Sachs International from 2002 to 2005.


While we squabble about race, religion, immigration, whos got what, scrambling about at the foot of the table for crumbs they stay at the top, making themselves even richer.


Mass immigration is a tool of the Capitalist class, used to enrich themselves by pitting worker against worker. Destabilising the EU will destabilise the Capitalist global economy and is a first step towards a socialist Europe.

Edited by Car Boot
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The manner in which capitalism pits workers against each other has long been understood. The EU operates in exactly this method, for the benefit of the Bosses. Are you unaware of this?


Perhaps you should examine EU Court of Justice anti-trade union rulings such as Viking, Laval and Ruffert. And in 2016 Norway’s dock labour scheme was ruled illegal by the European Free Trade Association because it stopped employers from bringing in cheaper labour from elsewhere in the EU.


The EU has always been a capitalist project. It is, at its heart, a regulatory and trade regime pursuing deep political and economic integration - with a large dose of market liberalisation. It has damaged bargaining power for ordinary workers and ensured wage stagnation and unemployment throughout the EU.


I don't believe that we are on the verge of a 'race war'. But the EU vote did reveal a deep fault line of resentment and simmering hatred between those loyal to the capitalist establishment (roughly upper and middle-class people) and the workers/disadvantaged (working class and those unable to work).




Voting to leave the EU was a blow against global finance capitalism. It was a first strike at the heart of the Capitalist beast: an unholy alliance of the banks, big business and the EU.


In 2016 US banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley handled 80 per cent of all company mergers and acquisitions in the EU. They also dominated most other financial services. No wonder Barack Obama desperately wanted us to remain in the EU.


The EU is intricately intertwined with the banks and big business. Current European Central Bank president Mario Draghi was managing director of Goldman Sachs International from 2002 to 2005.




Mass immigration is a tool of the Capitalist class, used to enrich themselves by pitting worker against worker. Destabilising the EU will destabilise the Capitalist global economy and is a first step towards a socialist Europe.


Nowhere did the ECJ say that the right to strike was illegal in their ruling,they referred it to national courts and only gave guidance to them,so you are misleading and misrepresenting what they said.

They even said that there was a right to strike if all other means had been exhausted,freedom of movement or not.

The EU is going nowhere unless democratic votes by populations of individual countries say it is going somewhere,so with each post,you might as well be complaining about the weather,especially with the role that the UK will have in future,which will be the square root of zero.

Edited by chalga
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Nowhere did the ECJ say that the right to strike was illegal in their ruling,they referred it to national courts and only gave guidance to them,so you are misleading and misrepresenting what they said.

its what the right do best, its why we are in this mess, the BNP, The EDL, Nigel Farage and his cronies won, they twisted facts and mislead so many people, got them riled up on immigration and religion

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Is there something wrong with a desire to reduce mass immigration, legal and illegal?




Finger wagging accusations of xenophobia and racism do not distract from the economic reality of the EU bosses front, which has been designed to pit workers from different nations against each other from the start.


I remain totally opposed to the EU, and feel embarrassed and ashamed of the middle class liberals who voted to Remain. They only see the world in terms of how much money they can screw out of it, always at the expense of others. Greedy, selfish, EU worshipping vultures.


Third time of asking, how is brexit going to improve the lives of the working class under a rather right wing tory government?

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Nowhere did the ECJ say that the right to strike was illegal in their ruling,they referred it to national courts and only gave guidance to them,so you are misleading and misrepresenting what they said.


Dearest Chalga, you are so very loyal to your EU Master's. What rewards have they promised you?


The European Court of Justice (ECJ) anti-trade union rulings, which are mandatory, in the Viking, Laval and Ruffert cases have strengthened employers and weakened a trades unions ability to protect the pay and conditions of their members through the use of industrial action.


The ECJ has given priority to EU free movement principles over fundamental collective labour rights to equal pay and conditions. There is no avoiding this fact, however much you twist and squirm.


They even said that there was a right to strike if all other means had been exhausted,freedom of movement or not.


How very magnanimous of them!


The EU has legislated to make it much more difficult for trade unions in the EU to defend workers against unfair competition on wages and working conditions.


The EU has given all the power in the fight for equal treatment to the employers...

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Dearest Chalga, you are so very loyal to your EU Master's. What rewards have they promised you?


The European Court of Justice (ECJ) anti-trade union rulings, which are mandatory, in the Viking, Laval and Ruffert cases have strengthened employers and weakened a trades unions ability to protect the pay and conditions of their members through the use of industrial action.


The ECJ has given priority to EU free movement principles over fundamental collective labour rights to equal pay and conditions. There is no avoiding this fact, however much you twist and squirm.




How very magnanimous of them!


The EU has legislated to make it much more difficult for trade unions in the EU to defend workers against unfair competition on wages and working conditions.


The EU has given all the power in the fight for equal treatment to the employers...


Then why are the trade unions not out in the streets all over the EU urging anti EU sentiment and at national elections,getting behind anti EU candidates,Le Pen/Wilders who will guarantee their countries leaving the EU?

Norway,if they did not want to be subject to free movement of people,should not have signed an agreement with the EU that means they have to accept free movement,it's as simple as that.

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Dearest Chalga, you are so very loyal to your EU Master's. What rewards have they promised you?


The European Court of Justice (ECJ) anti-trade union rulings, which are mandatory, in the Viking, Laval and Ruffert cases have strengthened employers and weakened a trades unions ability to protect the pay and conditions of their members through the use of industrial action.


The ECJ has given priority to EU free movement principles over fundamental collective labour rights to equal pay and conditions. There is no avoiding this fact, however much you twist and squirm.


How very magnanimous of them!


The EU has legislated to make it much more difficult for trade unions in the EU to defend workers against unfair competition on wages and working conditions.


The EU has given all the power in the fight for equal treatment to the employers...


The EU has some of the highest wages in the world, and highest living standards.


Some EU countries are a model of how collaboration between unions and companies can be highly effective and mutually beneficial.


You are projecting the failures within the U.K. onto the EU and trying to portrays them as the fault of the EU. Bizarre.


The failure of and history of industrial relations in entirely unique to the U.K.

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