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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Discussion? What discussion?


Brexiteers haven't got any reasoned thought out plan of action on which we could have a discussion.


Provide some actual facts as to why you consider that we are doing the right thing for the countries future and then we can have a discussion.


Just for info - I've been against the EU for years and posted countless times over the years about it. I wasn't influenced by a bus.


(if anything I was about to abstain/spoil from the vote at the last minute as I wrote in here, because I thought the whole process was nonsense - however, the day before ref, Tony Blair popped up on TV to promote Remain, and as I was watching that piece of ****, it pushed my into going to the booth - since I blame him for all of this)


In a previous post I provided the facts upon which I based my decision to vote Remain and asked for comparable facts used by a Brexiteer to provide the reasons as to why they voted Leave.


Answer came there none.


Because their decision didn't include facts, just wishful jingoistic thinking and a distrust of the EU, despite the fact that membership has been good for the country, taking us from ' the sick man of Europe ' and the three day week to the relatively healthy position we were in before we pulled the plug and started circling the drain.


So give us some facts to justify your position and to provide some hope that it will all end well.


Facts, not opinion.


I can't post facts about the future can I? We haven't left yet (to quote remainers when anything goes right)


My belief is the same as it was before the vote - the EU will collapse within 10 years and we'll be better off in the future if we bail out now. I also said it would be messy for a while. The latter I was right.


The truth is and this will be fact and shown already, that the remainers that go on about it all day - will not be happy with any deal whatsoever, even if it turns out a positive thing, they'll accredit any positives to something else. I see the same thing in here with left and right politics.

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On the other hand ash many Brexiters it seems will not be happy with anything other than a complete hard disconnect from the EU.


In some ways they're behaving like young children. They want something regardless of the consequences.

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Just for info - I've been against the EU for years and posted countless times over the years about it. I wasn't influenced by a bus.


(if anything I was about to abstain/spoil from the vote at the last minute as I wrote in here, because I thought the whole process was nonsense - however, the day before ref, Tony Blair popped up on TV to promote Remain, and as I was watching that piece of ****, it pushed my into going to the booth - since I blame him for all of this)




I can't post facts about the future can I? We haven't left yet (to quote remainers when anything goes right)


My belief is the same as it was before the vote - the EU will collapse within 10 years and we'll be better off in the future if we bail out now. I also said it would be messy for a while. The latter I was right.


The truth is and this will be fact and shown already, that the remainers that go on about it all day - will not be happy with any deal whatsoever, even if it turns out a positive thing, they'll accredit any positives to something else. I see the same thing in here with left and right politics.


On what facts did you base your antipathy to the EU, presumably it wasn't just xenophobic bias?



Exactly, you can't post facts about the future because you don't have any and yet you expect those of us who have taken the current facts of the situation into consideration to accept your ' feelings' and unsubstantiated beliefs and go along with it?


There are many Trade Blocs in the world and virtually every advanced country is either a member of one or has trade agreements with them.


The EU is the most successful Trade Bloc in the World, it will not fail despite Brexiteers wishful thinking.


It will change because change is inevitable in all things but it won't fail because it is a strength and benefit to its members, most of whom acknowledge that fact.

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Unfortunately that's not true is it.


Both the UK and EU have said agreeing a deal and implementing it within a 2 year window is unrealistic, so the two year window will be used for negotiations alone with a further 2-3 year implementation (transitional) period being agreed subject to negotiations.


The UK have said they will be leaving the SM & CU. Brussels are in agreement. The EU have said if you leave the EU you lose your membership of the SM & CU.


What the UK is now trying to achieve is a comprehensive FTA which mirrors the SM to the furthest extent possible without getting stung by free movement. The same is true for the Customs Union. We're leaving the CU but want a customs agreement instead which mirrors the current arrangement as much as possible without the restriction of a common external tariff (the restriction which stops us striking our own deals with the rest of the world).

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On the other hand ash many Brexiters it seems will not be happy with anything other than a complete hard disconnect from the EU.


In some ways they're behaving like young children. They want something regardless of the consequences.

I voted to leave the EU. There was no option to stay half in and half out, or part in and part out. The consequences are irrelevant because there was never and could never be any guarantees, that the country would be better off or worse off after leaving or staying in the EU. The people who are behaving like children are the sore loses, who have no respect for democracy and have been throwing their toys out of their prams, ever since the referendum result. The sore losers have dragged out country down and made it more likely we won't get a good deal from the EU, because they will exploit the problems which have arisen in our country as a consequence of our nation not collectively pulling together and getting behind a democratic decision. If our country had been inhabited by the same collective people with the same spoilt mindset in 1939, then we would all be typing in German now. Our country is going to the dogs.

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Perhaps Sibon should change his avatar because it looks too similar to apelike. Some people might think they are the same person, who keeps changing their viewpoint.


To be fair as Sibon has been here longer it should be me.

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I voted to leave the EU. There was no option to stay half in and half out, or part in and part out. The consequences are irrelevant because there was never and could never be any guarantees, that the country would be better off or worse off after leaving or staying in the EU. The people who are behaving like children are the sore loses, who have no respect for democracy and have been throwing their toys out of their prams, ever since the referendum result. The sore losers have dragged out country down and made it more likely we won't get a good deal from the EU, because they will exploit the problems which have arisen in our country as a consequence of our nation not collectively pulling together and getting behind a democratic decision. If our country had been inhabited by the same collective people with the same spoilt mindset in 1939, then we would all be typing in German now. Our country is going to the dogs.


And as predicted, the whining starts from the delusional Brexiteers.


Please explain how not stopping ' half in or part out ' was going to effect the country in real terms?


Because of the Brexiteers we have been placed at the mercy of the remaining 27 members of the European Union.


They will decide our fate.


Anyone with a ha' porth of commonsense understood that is what would happen from the beginning of the debacle.


Obviously the Brexiteers are going to claim that the EU is 'punishing us' when in fact all they are doing is exactly what we asked for.


We were the ones that asked to leave the organisation, being a member we enjoyed certain terms and conditions of membership, we asked to leave of our own volition, and therefore we lose those terms and conditions, how could it be any other way?


Incidentally, my father fought for this country in WW2, seeing action in France,North Africa and Italy, his elder brother served in the Royal Navy in WW1 and their first cousin died on the first day of the Somme in 1916.


I have visited my cousins grave in Picardy and the beach at Dunkirk where my father spent five days in June 1940.


The way that Brexiteers attempt to claim patriotism for themselves is pathetic, and shows them up for what they are.


Xenophobic jingoistic myth believers, without an ounce of reasoned argument to support their misguided fantasies.

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I voted to leave the EU. There was no option to stay half in and half out, or part in and part out. The consequences are irrelevant because there was never and could never be any guarantees, that the country would be better off or worse off after leaving or staying in the EU. The people who are behaving like children are the sore loses, who have no respect for democracy and have been throwing their toys out of their prams, ever since the referendum result. The sore losers have dragged out country down and made it more likely we won't get a good deal from the EU, because they will exploit the problems which have arisen in our country as a consequence of our nation not collectively pulling together and getting behind a democratic decision. If our country had been inhabited by the same collective people with the same spoilt mindset in 1939, then we would all be typing in German now. Our country is going to the dogs.


If the country had been inhabited by many people with a spoilt mindset during the last 30 or 40 years whose automatic knee jerk reaction was to blame "them" in Europe for all our problems, we would probably have cut our nose off to spite our face and voted to leave regardless of the impact on our future. Oh wait, we did.


I wonder who the brexiters will blame if/when it is not all milk and honey in the future.


It's looking like it's going to be the remainers.

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Just for info - I've been against the EU for years and posted countless times over the years about it. I wasn't influenced by a bus.


Same here but that obviously don't count with the remainers as it spoils their rhetoric as we all must be xenophobic and ill educated as they just cant understand how people could vote different to them.


My belief is the same as it was before the vote - the EU will collapse within 10 years and we'll be better off in the future if we bail out now. I also said it would be messy for a while. The latter I was right.


Again, same here as the EU cannot sustain the way it operates for much longer. Just like Empires, which is becoming, it will eventually collapse under its own weight.


---------- Post added 02-07-2017 at 14:58 ----------


Xenophobic jingoistic myth believers, without an ounce of reasoned argument to support their misguided fantasies.


See above as you are a great example.

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If our country had been inhabited by the same collective people with the same spoilt mindset in 1939, then we would all be typing in German now. Our country is going to the dogs.


It's no secret Hitler's military objectives involved the creation of a European empire that was administered centrally from Germany with it's own flag, anthem, currency, and army.


Sound familiar?

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