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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The people who voted to Leave the EU in the 1975 referendum certainly respected the outcome. They went on with their lives, paying into the system, and didn't demand another vote because the first one had given a Remain result.


Respect and acceptance are totally different things.I accept that we have a Conservative government but will never respect their core beliefs.


These quiet, hard working people waited patiently until they got a another vote, 41 years later, to confirm their opposition to the EU's bloated bureaucracy, its 'parliament' that represents many nations but has no democratic legitimacy. And to show support and solidarity with the countries on the periphery of the EU that have been forced into poverty and austerity.


And now we vote to join the countries on the periphery of the EU,instead of fighting for reforms from within.We will remain an important customer of those countries who manufacture goods whilst losing our financial status and influence in the world.


The losing Leave vote of 1975 puts to shame the current Remainers who lost the 2016 vote and have never stopped whinging and moaning about it. The 1975 losers were of a different generation, they accepted the outcome and just got on with it.


The different generation will be our children and grandchildren who have to live with this mess.

I prefer talking and cooperating with other European countries rather than the jingoistic and misplaced nationalism that is becoming increasingly evident.

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Maybe they don't want to speak with someone whom wishes death upon others


I’m only giving it to them straight.


If the poor snowflakes don’t want to hear it, that’s tough.


Fact is, in the absence of taxing the super-rich a tiny fraction of their unused billions (which BoJo the Clown and Sir Nige’ have made it quite clear they are utterly against) the only way to balance the books is to reduce spending on the complex medical needs of the elderly, which in turn will save money paid out in pensions because they will all die sooner.


If you have a better idea, then please, let me hear it.


I’m begging you :help:

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Not my hypothesis, Cyclone's. I'm just exposing idiocy.
And what a Sisyphean and thankless job it is, isn't it? :D

I'm not hugely happy about leaving, but I'm slightly happier about leaving than staying. By about 4% I'd say.
Well played ;)
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These quiet, hard working people waited patiently until they got a another vote, 41 years later . . .


Quiet? Waited patiently?


Don’t make me laugh, they’ve been moaning about it for more than 40 years :hihi:


Still, top marks for your trolling effort :thumbsup:

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I’m only giving it to them straight.


If the poor snowflakes don’t want to hear it, that’s tough.


Fact is, in the absence of taxing the super-rich a tiny fraction of their unused billions (which BoJo the Clown and Sir Nige’ have made it quite clear they are utterly against) the only way to balance the books is to reduce spending on the complex medical needs of the elderly, which in turn will save money paid out in pensions because they will all die sooner.


If you have a better idea, then please, let me hear it.


I’m begging you :help:


But your wish for them to die in the cold isn't based on balancing the books. You just want them to stop expressing their opinion

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Funny, I watched it yesterday, it was about a made up smear campaign against the EEC, branded in the papers as the "problem of the Euro-sausage".


They use it to put forward their views over increasing interference in British affairs. Hacker gives a passionate speech in defence of Britain against encroaching European regulations that in reality, don't exist!


Hacker is made PM, he places his hand into his suit imitating Napoleon.


That does sounds familiar considering recent events ;)


Your memory does you no credit. If you were watching carefully (I watched it recently) there actually WAS a proposal to EU law would refer to bangers as High-Fat Emulsified Offal Tubes.


Towards the end Hacker and a French EU wonk diplomatically agreed after a horse trade (as in all French sossies) that the High-Fat Emulsified Offal Tube should in fact, be called the British Sausage, or indeed, das Britisher Wurst, le Saucisson Anglais, etc.


It just shows how much time, money and resources the EU wasted even back in the 80's. Ooo la la!


---------- Post added 01-12-2017 at 14:23 ----------


And what a Sisyphean and thankless job it is, isn't it? :D

Well played ;)


Alas, always between a rock and a hard place. :P

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But your wish for them to die in the cold isn't based on balancing the books. You just want them to stop expressing their opinion


The elderly population being considerably reduced by winter mortality does make perfect economic sense to the hard, uncaring, neoliberal orthodoxy of the European Union and the Remainers who espouse it on here.


Remainers see the elderly as unproductive bigots, not people, who shouldn't have even been permitted to vote in the referendum.


So they publicly voice their dispicable opinion that it is better for the elderly to suffer a winter death than it is for Remainers to contribute towards their living costs. Never mind that the elderly paid into the system and contributed towards the living costs (healthcare, education, infrastructure, welfare system, higher education etc) of the Remainers, and most probably their parents too, for decades.


So much for the 'empathy' of those who voted to Remain.

Edited by Car Boot
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We'll have a lot more austerity to pay the £100 billion plus bill. Europe has been scapegoated to hide the sins of Westminster. There will be no £350 million a week extra for the NHS, as many believed, just because it was painted on the side of a bus, or just because the xenophobic Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express said so. Nobody believed this like the pensioner population, who not only have a greater tendency to dislike foreigners, but also are more likely to get taken in by conmen and wide boys. They thought Farage was a 'man of the people' just because he popped into a pub and drank a pint before the cameras - no different from what millions of others do - but they don't do it before the cameras or get described as men of the people. And the EU hasn't forced austerity on us - Westminster has done that. They didn't stop Midland Mainline electrification - Grayling did that. They didn't turn Britain into the closest we've been to a police state - Thatcher did that. A £100 billion Brexit bill, the withdrawal of EU funding for areas like South Yorkshire, companies pulling out or abandoning plans to set up here, loss of markets - all that and more will be laid at the door of Brexiteers, who clearly think somebody else should foot that massive bill - namely the young and those who still have 10 or more years left of their working lives.


---------- Post added 01-12-2017 at 10:46 ----------


I suppose you're happy with us getting poorer over the next 10 years, just so long as you can have a pop at those hated foreigners.


---------- Post added 01-12-2017 at 10:54 ----------



If you get more sensible with age, then why do conmen largely target pensioners and not 20- or 30-somethings.


They are more likely to be remainers who can't think for themselves,


Why are conmen usually younger than their victims?


---------- Post added 01-12-2017 at 16:06 ----------


why wear a jumper under yer coat? :huh:

If you hadn't bought a jumper you could have afforded a decent coat.

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