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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The best way to avoid a hard border is for Ireland to also leave the EU. Then the UK and Ireland can agree to keep things as they are. The DUP are correct in saying Northern Ireland should have the same arrangement with the EU as the rest of the UK. The whole of the UK voted to leave the EU.
So, sod the sovereignty of, and any democratic choice for, the Republic of Ireland, so long as the English and Welsh get their democratic choice?


That's quite a variable-geometry understanding of 'sovereignty' and 'democracy', wouldn't you say? :hihi:

At present, I think her standing would become greater if she walked away not less. Most patriotic voters are getting fed up of dancing to their tune.
Her standing could not become any greater, than if she took a yard brush to her Cabinet and sweeped vigorously, and a weighed cosh to Arlene's noggin and bashed just as vigorously. But she won't, because she doesn't have the capacity nor the capability.


As for patriotic voters getting fed up of dancing to the EU's tune, hey, it's not as if they (including you, so far as I remember) haven't been explained, since before the referendum, and lengthways and sideways, that the EU holds the entire deck of cards, is it? That's why the UK is dancing to the EU's negotiating tune.


However unpalatable that truth may be, however much you may disregard or disbelieve it: just bear it in mind when you (as in, 'the Brexited UK') go play in the big league with the US, China, India, <etc.> without any safety net (a.k.a. the EU). Because speaking of dancing to others' tunes, you ain't nothing yet. That's been explained too.

I kind of hope we do if only to teach people like you the lesson of your lives.
Quoted for truth. With my heartfelt apologies to the 48%. Edited by L00b
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It would not become greater.


What is it going to take for Brexiters how calamitous walking away would be for us economically. Our currency would tank even further, goods would pile up at docks, planes would be grounded, we’d go into a deep recession, inflation would sky rocket.


And that is not even considering the crap storm that would kick off in parts of the U.K. that voted remain.


All this should be abundantly clear. The ‘walking away’ Brexiter fantasy is over. Only a maniac would do it.


But you know what.....I kind of hope we do if only to teach people like you the lesson of your lives.


Wow! I bet you have a nuclear bunker don’t you?

But let’s talk about your last line of hoping things go belly up to teach people a lesson.

I have never heard anything so selfish, hypocritical or childish.

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face, you would wish that the whole country suffer just to say you were right. Pathetic!

It would appear that your frustration is getting the better of you and now you have resorted to childish behaviour.

Maybe, just maybe Brexit will be a little better for this country once everything is finalised, but you know what? I bet you and Loob will still find something to carp on about in a negative fashion and abasing all those who disagree. Me, I will be magnanimous.

I wish you a peaceful day.

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Maybe, just maybe Brexit will be a little better for this country once everything is finalised,
Would you care to put a timescale on that?

but you know what? I bet you and Loob will still find something to carp on about in a negative fashion and abasing all those who disagree.
It's hard (as in, challenging) to disagree about considered posts framed with logical arguments. But then, there's precious few of those from Leavers on here. It's mostly (very) wishful thinking, which some brief research into historical precedents, and some understanding of international relations and economics, show to be very misplaced. It was ever thus, long since before the referendum.


There's not much negativity in my posts, as I'm only commenting on the unfolding of events - which are negative in and of themselves.


But I'll not hide from the small degree of perverse pleasure in being proven right every passing day.


That sentiment is however vastly overshadowed by my enduring hope that someone, somewhere on the British political spectrum, will come to the fore sufficiently early before end March 2019 to do this whole 'Brexiting thing' right for the UK, so that it is best set up to weather its actual exit from the EU. No, that's not Corbyn. And no, as you can see that's not me hoping for Brexit to be reversed or cancelled.


But that outcome requires a sufficient degree of collective awareness about both what a 'no deal' exit entails (yes, that would be cataclysmic for the UK) and how inept the current government is proving itself to be in practice, to bring about sufficient opinion change.


That can't be done in any other way than by debating and explaining, in posts on here and elsewhere. Which no doubt comes across as negative, because it creates high degrees of cognitive dissonance for all those who believed the original pro-brexit snake oil (they need us more than we need them, cake and eat it, £350m per week, no exit bill, easiest deal in the world, etc.) and can't reconcile themselves with the possibility that they've been had.


Beyond that, you know what? Considering I'll be gone by mid-Feb 2018 latest, I very much doubt I'll be "carping on" here much beyond that, or that I'll care much longer about 'Brexit'. Just so long as we can sell our house and get all our pennies out of the UK before the next GE in 2018.

I wish you a peaceful day.
Thank you, and likewise :) Edited by L00b
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But you know what.....I kind of hope we do if only to teach people like you the lesson of your lives.


I honestly don't know if the Remain supporters on here are at all representative of the larger Remain vote, but what we have experienced on this forum is shocking.


One Remainer posted that he wished the entire elderly population of this country would perish in the winter chill. All because some of them may have voted to Leave the EU.


And the Remain poster quoted above desires an economic armageddon to 'teach Leave voters a lesson' for democratically asserting their free will.


I did read that affluent middle class liberals were the only social group to almost entirely vote to Remain in the EU. My own personal experience of this social group is that many - but not all - are pampered, selfish and greedy.


Nothing that I have read on here has convinced me otherwise.


Sorry for the moan.

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So, sod the sovereignty of, and any democratic choice for, the Republic of Ireland, so long as the English and Welsh get their democratic choice?

Northern Ireland like Wales and England are part of the UK. The referendum vote was to decide if the whole of the UK were to leave the EU. London is also part of the UK and voted to remain in the EU, so there are parts of England unhappy with the democratic choice the whole of the UK made. If the Republic of Ireland wasn't a member of the EU, then there wouldn't be a issue with the border. There really shouldn't be any discussion about the border other than making arrangements to secure it like what happens to other sovereign nations shared borders, who both are not members of the EU.

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I honestly don't know if the Remain supporters on here are at all representative of the larger Remain vote, but what we have experienced on this forum is shocking.


One Remainer posted that he wished the entire elderly population of this country would perish in the winter chill. All because some of them may have voted to Leave the EU.


Now to be fair to that Joker of a poster he wished the elderly would perish throughout winter because they dare express their opinion re Brexit on Question Time.


Still, hopefully, the views expressed on this forum do not represent the majority of those that voted remain.

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Northern Ireland like Wales and England are part of the UK. The referendum vote was to decide if the whole of the UK were to leave the EU. London is also part of the UK and voted to remain in the EU, so there are parts of England unhappy with the democratic choice the whole of the UK made. If the Republic of Ireland wasn't a member of the EU, then there wouldn't be a issue with the border. There really shouldn't be any discussion about the border other than making arrangements to secure it like what happens to other sovereign nations shared borders, who both are not members of the EU.


But the Republic is a member of the EU,so what are you going to do about that?

The DUP don't want a hard border,and they are propping up Theresa May because she called a GE to get a better mandate for Brexit,but got a worse mandate,so what are you going to do about that as well?

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Wow! I bet you have a nuclear bunker don’t you?

But let’s talk about your last line of hoping things go belly up to teach people a lesson.

I have never heard anything so selfish, hypocritical or childish.

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face, you would wish that the whole country suffer just to say you were right. Pathetic!

It would appear that your frustration is getting the better of you and now you have resorted to childish behaviour.

Maybe, just maybe Brexit will be a little better for this country once everything is finalised, but you know what? I bet you and Loob will still find something to carp on about in a negative fashion and abasing all those who disagree. Me, I will be magnanimous.

I wish you a peaceful day.


Seriously, it is now the only way people are going to learn. They are so entrenched in their views that they can’t see the folly of it all. Brexit will not be better for this country. Not a chance.


Bring it on. Let’s walk away. Do it.


---------- Post added 05-12-2017 at 11:10 ----------


Now to be fair to that Joker of a poster he wished the elderly would perish throughout winter because they dare express their opinion re Brexit on Question Time.


Still, hopefully, the views expressed on this forum do not represent the majority of those that voted remain.


The remainers are the ones who are equipped to pull this country out of the mess.


Are pensioners and poorly educated people going to put the necessary graft and mental effort in? Nope.


Don’t forget that. The people who you depend on to fix this mess are the ones who are getting severely peed off.

Edited by I1L2T3
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Seriously, it is now the only way people are going to learn. They are so entrenched in their views that they can’t see the folly of it all. Brexit will not be better for this country. Not a chance.


Bring it on. Let’s walk away. Do it.


---------- Post added 05-12-2017 at 11:10 ----------



The remainers are the ones who are equipped to pull this country out of the mess.


Are pensioners and poorly educated people going to put the necessary graft and mental effort in? Nope.


Maybe not but I don't hope people freeze to death based on the way they voted

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