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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I don't know if they deliberately lied,maybe it was just a symptom of how out of touch the UK is with the EU that they don't know exactly what is being planned.


Hang on.


Nick Clegg, one of the better informed of the EU Remain side puppets, described the idea of an EU army as "a dangerous fantasy". He deliberately lied to the electorate.


Now that this "dangerous fantasy" is actually going to become an expensive dangerous reality it just goes to prove that those who voted Leave were ahead of the curve in ditching this dangerous economic and militaristic EU World Order.


Better off out.


NO to EU Militarism.


NO to an EU army.

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I'm not sweeping them under the carpet. I don't doubt that some voted with the intention of UK coding it's borders. But the majority voted for controlled migration.


Your view that the UK is closed is misguided


I didn't say that the UK is closed,I said that some Brexiters comments I read included walling up the Channell tunnel,also that Brexiters wanted closed borders,which also means controlled borders,plus,I was replying to car boot,a Brexiters post who was advocating open borders in the style of the EU,without any checks or controls,which goes against the Brexit argument of closed [controlled] borders,so that is his Brexit double standard.


---------- Post added 07-12-2017 at 11:22 ----------


Hang on.


Nick Clegg, one of the better informed of the EU Remain side puppets, described the idea of an EU army as "a dangerous fantasy". He deliberately lied to the electorate.


Now that this "dangerous fantasy" is actually going to become an expensive dangerous reality it just goes to prove that those who voted Leave were ahead of the curve in ditching this dangerous economic and militaristic EU World Order.


Better off out.


The EU are free of the UK yoke that was holding them back,maybe there wouldn't have been an EU army if the UK was in the EU with a voice,an opinion and a vote..........it no longer is,so you've got what you've got,the EU will have their army,and you got to leave............everybody happy,oh,except Farage.:hihi:

Edited by chalga
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"Controlled", like the UK could do it at any time (under the same EU statutes used by all other EU 27 Member States to deny EU migrants access to social welfare and to deport them if still jobless after 3 months) but chose not to?


Or a different kind of immigration control?


If this has always been an option and the government have ignored the public, then voting to leave forces their hand and sends a message to not ignore the voters. Seems like labour and conservatives have been arrogant enough to ignore people

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Hang on.


Nick Clegg, one of the better informed of the EU Remain side puppets, described the idea of an EU army as "a dangerous fantasy".


A "dangerous fantasy" of Junckers! He was agreeing with you!


He deliberately lied to the electorate.


No, you just misrepresented what he said.


Now that this "dangerous fantasy" is actually going to become an expensive dangerous reality


.. as a result of our waning influence due to Brexit and loss of veto.


it just goes to prove that those who voted Leave were ahead of the curve in ditching this dangerous economic and militaristic EU World Order.


Nah, leavers aided in the creation of something they claimed to hate.

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If this has always been an option

It has.


Just point your Google to civil information of most other EU Member States about EU immigration, for a simple verification within a few minutes.

and the government have ignored the public,

It has, but only to an extent where EU immigration is concerned.


Anti-immigration was never a political vote-winner before 2008, when the economic party was going on full-blast. But when recessions happen, immigrant labour always becomes one of the most visible stooges to be finger-pointed and classed as undesirables by opportunistc populists à la Farage, Le Pen <etc.>.


Nothing new under the sun, it's been the way of the world since the year dot, and pretty basic human nature.

then voting to leave forces their hand and sends a message to not ignore the voters.
Indeed, and which is the conclusion reached by very many across the entire political and non-political spectrum since June 2016 in the context of the referendum, and later on in the US in the context of Trump's election (same causes, same consequences).


The problem, of course, is that -all imperfect that the EU is- none of this lack of implementing EU law to curb EU immigration, nor of this ignorance of the public over the years, has been by the EU. At all. It's been 100% by Westminster and No.10. So voting for exiting the EU as a protest against that state of affairs is going to achieve...what?


The compounding of the problem is that after 8 years of cuts and under-investment by the government, the UK is less well-equiped than ever to start paying attention to the public and delivering to the changes sought by the public; and that, after triggering Article 50 TEU, the UK isn't going to get better-resourced for improving its capability on that front, either.


Corbyn is no solution in that context: « For the many, not the few » means £250bn of public investment over 10 years, 1m new social housing, nationalisation of railways, utilities and postal services, all with the multi-multi-multi £bn NHS still in tow...who's going to pay for all this?

Edited by L00b
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Do we? News to me. If you look at the EU25 (that have agreed to form the new EU army) as a whole, the combined military might will be very significantly more capable than what we have. Name me one thing the UK has in numbers and comparable that the EU will not have?..... Just one


Of course the COMBINED EU 25's military will be greater by comparison the UK's on its own, but I'm sure the EU will Britains armed forces being a part of their EU army. That was the point I was making.

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Of course the COMBINED EU 25's military will be greater by comparison the UK's on its own, but I'm sure the EU will Britains armed forces being a part of their EU army. That was the point I was making.


English please. I have no idea what you are saying.

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Corbyn is no solution in that context: « For the many, not the few » means £250bn of public investment over 10 years, 1m new social housing, nationalisation of railways, utilities and postal services, all with the multi-multi-multi £bn NHS still in tow...who's going to pay for all this?


The EU loving, out of touch, rich folk.


That's who.


Let's soak 'em!

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No they won't,we already have been through that,and I posted a link where large savings can be made by less duplication and and pooling of military resources of EU countries.


And as pointed out it states that large saving could be made providing billions of euros are paid up front first. That also depends on whether the EU nations also agree to funding and as always it will also take a few decades. By that time there will be no EU as we currently know it.

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