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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I quite agree that a united Europe could be good if it was was every country ( sorry it would state) paid the same tax the same contribution and getting the same benifit, sound cool is that wat you seek?


Can you imagine Britains armed forces being mobilised into action as part of an EU army as a result of a decision taken between Donald Trump, Junker and Tusk, right over the head of our Parliament?

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In June 1971 an EEC membership leaflet from the Heath government was circulated to every house in the UK which stated: "There is no question of Britain losing essential sovereignty".


In a TV political broadcast in January 1973 Prime Minister Ted Heath spoke to camera and said:


"There are some in this country who fear that in going into Europe we shall in some way sacrifice independence and sovereignty. These fears, I need hardly say, are completely unjustified."


Ted Heath deliberately deceived the British public to ensure we joined on January 1st 1973.


Add to that people are more aware now

Edited by phil752
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Ted Heath in 1975 wrote a letter to the country that joining the EU was not simply just about trade but about closer political union. Do you know who Ted Heath was? Oh yeah, a former PM of the country. So ANYONE that says we only joined for for trade is either ignorant, stupid or have no idea what they are talking about.


Why would Ted Heath write a letter to the country in 1975?


Harold Wilson was (Labour) Prime Minister.


Margaret Thatcher was the leader of the (Conservative) Opposition.


Ted Heath was a back bench MP.

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Funny how the UKs foreign aid budget (which is what you are referring to) is higher than that of most EU nations.


Ah that mirror, how is it working out for you Car Boot?


so you agree that our foreign aid budget should be cut?

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So ANYONE that says we only joined for for trade is either ignorant, stupid or have no idea what they are talking about.


The Harold Wilson Labour governments leaflet to every household in 1975 on remaining in the EEC stated:


"Fears that there might be moves towards an economic and monetary union with a fixed exchange rate for the pound, well, this threat has been removed."


The message in 1975 was all about voting to stay in to protect jobs and prosperity. The politicians, with some honourable exceptions such as Tony Benn and Barbara Castle, told the British people that we were only joining for trade.


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 21:50 ----------


Funny how the UKs foreign aid budget (which is what you are referring to) is higher than that of most EU nations.


Ah that mirror, how is it working out for you Car Boot?


I wasn't referring to the UK foreign aid budget at all.


I was writing about the devastating impact the CAP has on developing nations in Africa.

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I quite agree that a united Europe could be good if it was was every country ( sorry it would state) paid the same tax the same contribution and getting the same benifit, sound cool is that wat you seek?


Spoken like a true reactionary. Preservation of the status-quo. No change.

You are playing into the hands of the rich and privileged.


Are you part of that clique?

No. You’re not because the above sentiment would be obviously self-serving and open you up to scrutiny from the majority.


So why do you say it????

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Spoken like a true reactionary. Preservation of the status-quo. No change.


Are all those people who voted to Remain in the EU a 'true reactionary' also? They wanted no change. Preservation of the status-quo.


You are playing into the hands of the rich and privileged.


If you voted for Remain, you surely did.


Goldman Sachs raises a large glass of Dom Perignon in honour of all those who supported the bankers, big business and the EU gravy train.

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I was writing about the devastating impact the CAP has on developing nations in Africa.


Hmm - not as bad as Brexit though...


2013 reference - In general, with the possible exception of the sugar market, the changes agreed to the future CAP are not likely to have major implications for Africa (or, indeed, other third countries). Successive reforms have greatly reduced its trade-distorting impacts.


2017 reference - African sugar has enjoyed tariff-free access to Europe since the 1970s under various preferential trade arrangements and, up until 2009, African sugar producers received price guarantees for their product. Even after the price guarantee was revoked, policy intervention by the trading bloc has kept EU prices comfortably above world prices. This was an attractive deal, and several African sugar producers banked heavily on trading with the EU.


You also fail to mention the impact of Brexit on the African markets - "As the UK’s largest African market, South Africa may incur the biggest losses following Brexit. 0.1 percentage point could be shaved off South Africa’s economic growth. Fixed income securities may be influenced largely by sentiment."

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Why would Ted Heath write a letter to the country in 1975?


Harold Wilson was (Labour) Prime Minister.


Margaret Thatcher was the leader of the (Conservative) Opposition.


Ted Heath was a back bench MP.


Why shouldn't he write the letter to the nation? He was a former PM.


Go read the letter, it's not hard to find and then come back more educated.



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Can you imagine Britains armed forces being mobilised into action as part of an EU army as a result of a decision taken between Donald Trump, Junker and Tusk, right over the head of our Parliament?


We'd just do what the Americans wanted to anyway!


When has there been a conflict where Americans and Europeans have worked together and we haven't been involved?


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 23:08 ----------


The Harold Wilson Labour governments leaflet to every household in 1975 on remaining in the EEC stated:


"Fears that there might be moves towards an economic and monetary union with a fixed exchange rate for the pound, well, this threat has been removed."


The message in 1975 was all about voting to stay in to protect jobs and prosperity. The politicians, with some honourable exceptions such as Tony Benn and Barbara Castle, told the British people that we were only joining for trade.


---------- Post added 10-12-2017 at 21:50 ----------



I wasn't referring to the UK foreign aid budget at all.


I was writing about the devastating impact the CAP has on developing nations in Africa.


I think an independent UK caused far more damage to Africa over the centuries than the EU has!

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