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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Are you unemployed or on benefits? Has that affected the way you voted?


I’m interested because the other night on QT the Labour panellist said something interesting: she said she wanted to end the undercutting of wages by immigrants. Has that happened to you, or maybe worse? Serious questions.


Three answers , No ,No and No . And still you no nothing about me , but keep digging with the childish comments . If you think that she ( labour panellist ) on QT has ever said anything interesting , then I find that worrying

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I don't think posting on a thread and referencing a previous post is considered stalking :roll:


Yeah, that's what Jo Cox MP probably thought so too.


But you can always report me or click that ignore button precious


And deny myself the opinions of a political and intellectual heavyweight such as yourself?? Nah, I'm good thanks

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Three answers , No ,No and No . And still you no nothing about me , but keep digging with the childish comments . If you think that she ( labour panellist ) on QT has ever said anything interesting , then I find that worrying


Sorry, but your dismissal of everything ever said on QT suggests that; you don't watch QT, or you don't understand what is being said on QT, or you watch it and understand it but dismiss everything ever said on there - any of which suggests that you are a liar or dumb...


Prove us wrong please.

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Three answers , No ,No and No . And still you no nothing about me , but keep digging with the childish comments . If you think that she ( labour panellist ) on QT has ever said anything interesting , then I find that worrying


Why are you so angry about the EU then?


It was interesting what she said, and important I thought. Are tradesmen being severely undercut by foreign competition? Does that explain some of the anger, maybe not from you but from others?

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Sorry, but your dismissal of everything ever said on QT suggests that; you don't watch QT, or you don't understand what is being said on QT, or you watch it and understand it but dismiss everything ever said on there - any of which suggests that you are a liar or dumb...


Prove us wrong please.


"a liar or dumb " classy . More name calling . Strange that in my post I stated that the Labour Mp on QT was a she . but you will probably say that I had to look it up . Ive watched QT for over 30 years now , even though its seriously going downhill now due to no serious political debate . But forget that because I am either a liar or dumb . Read my post again

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Why are you so angry about the EU then?


It was interesting what she said, and important I thought. Are tradesmen being severely undercut by foreign competition? Does that explain some of the anger, maybe not from you but from others?


You ask a lot of questions . Funny that Now , labour are realising that foreign cheap labour is under cutting a lot of tradesmen when its been talked about for years . I am not a tradesman . . Hope that in the future you will be responsive to questions

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remind me, was that before or after Sir Nige’ ran away like a coward after being faced with a bunch of placard wielded Rovvrem folk?


Sir Nige’ ran off and left his followers holding the bag, didn’t he?


Just like he did immediately after the referendum vote :o


Goodness me, he’s got form hasn’t he ??


My, what a brave, determined and loyal politician he is :)


And the egg incident! How can we forget the egg incident?? It set his political career back for years! Do you think that’s why he failed to become an MP seven times?

Edited by The Joker
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