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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You ask a lot of questions . Funny that Now , labour are realising that foreign cheap labour is under cutting a lot of tradesmen when its been talked about for years . I am not a tradesman . . Hope that in the future you will be responsive to questions


It’s been talked about but never prominently in the media. There has never been a sustained political campaign that ever used it. Benefits and cultural differences have usually been the proxies for the anger.


Question is are we now going to see prices increase for tradesmen? And how are you going to prevent the replacement immigrants (say from South East Asia) also undercutting tradesmen? Remember that unrestrained competition is the vision of the likes of Fox.

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This thread turned into a dick measuring contest ages ago, very rarely visit now. :|


Yeah, we did ask the Brexiters if any of the pre-referendum promises had been kept (£350million a week for the NHS, reduced immigration, full access to EU markets without paying them a penny) and all we got in return was several pages of abuse.


It’s almost as if Brexit isn’t the economic and political success it was supposed to be.

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It’s going to be soft Brexit now.


And it seems that public sentiment is turning against Brexit with a poll showing that remain is now 10% ahead. Every day the demographic shifts towards remain.


There is no way any politician can force through a hard Brexit now. It’s unthinkable. The actions of the 11 Tory MPs last week have been decisive. They are national heroes.


By the way I’m still waiting for one single Brexiter on this thread to condemn the death threats to the 11 Tory rebels.

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remind me, was that before or after Sir Nige’ ran away like a coward after being faced with a bunch of placard wielded Rovvrem folk?


Sir Nige’ ran off and left his followers holding the bag, didn’t he?


Just like he did immediately after the referendum vote :o


Goodness me, he’s got form hasn’t he ??


My, what a brave, determined and loyal politician he is :)


And the egg incident! How can we forget the egg incident?? It set his political career back for years! Do you think that’s why he failed to become an MP seven times?


Just like Jo Cox you keep quoting, difference is he hasn't been murdered yet.

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Just like Jo Cox you keep quoting, difference is he hasn't been murdered yet.


Great way to turn things on their head.


Let’s not forget that Jo Cox was murdered on the same day that Farage unveiled his racist ‘breaking point ‘ poster.


Farage is not like Jo Cox. Never in a million years.

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Sorry, but your dismissal of everything ever said on QT suggests that; you don't watch QT, or you don't understand what is being said on QT, or you watch it and understand it but dismiss everything ever said on there - any of which suggests that you are a liar or dumb...


Prove us wrong please.


I don't think that you should be suggesting that any poster is a 'liar' or 'dumb'. Certainly not with some of the contributions that you have previously made on this thread.


I am a worker.

I am also in the capitalist elite - the very fact that I live in the UK and am proud to be British puts me in that bracket - you can't escape it, except by giving it all up and leaving.


Being British and living in the United Kingdom does NOT automatically mean that a person belongs to a capitalist elite. How could it? It would mean that every person living here has a private ownership of some form of trade or industrial business production, which they use to generate profit.


Everyone would have to be entrepreneurially active.


As the majority of the economically active in the UK are wage slaves (workers) your assertion is entirely incorrect.


Trades Union are in their very make up elitist - think about it - you need to be employed and earning a wage to be in a Trade Union - the majority of the world don't do that - therefore you are in an elite group.


Again, another example of a very flawed thought process. Anybody, including the unemployed, can join a trade union (many trade unions offer reduced rates of membership for the unwaged). I can join the RMT union although I have never been employed in that sector, simply as a show of solidarity if I wish to do so.


You need freedom to express your opinions - the majority of the world don't do that - therefore you are in an elite group.

You have a voice which can make a statement - the majority of the world don't have that - therefore you are in an elite group.


The freedom of speech, given to us by sovereign UK parliaments not the EU, does not make one a capitalist. Or a member of a capitalist elite.


As you clearly have little understanding of the economic system of either the UK or the EU, I suspect that when you voted to Remain you didn't really understand just what it was you were supporting.


I have spoken to many Remainers who also voted out of ignorance. This does not make them 'dumb' or a 'liar'. Just uninformed.


---------- Post added 17-12-2017 at 10:03 ----------


This thread turned into a dick measuring contest ages ago, very rarely visit now. :|


Well, Leave voters did ask the Remainers why 'Project Fear', which promised that a Leave vote would "cause an immediate and profound economic shock" never happened.


Or why a Leave vote hasn't pushed the UK into a deep recession and caused a sharp rise in unemployment, again as promised if we voted the 'wrong' way.


It’s almost as if the economic meltdown that was supposed to happen in the days immediately after a Leave vote, hasn't actually happened.

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The freedom of speech, given to us by sovereign UK parliaments not the EU, does not make one a capitalist. Or a member of a capitalist elite.


ummm no, freedom of speech wasn't given to us by a uk parliament, it's just they haven't chosen to remove it from us yet. They could by a simple majority in both houses or possibly by an individual who was never elected using one of the upcoming "henry viii" powers.


the american constitution guarantees freedom of speech, we don't have that sort of protection, the only protections we have along those lines come from things like the EU charter of fundamental rights, which i don't think is being included in the eu withdrawl bill.

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Well, Leave voters did ask the Remainers why 'Project Fear', which promised that a Leave vote would "cause an immediate and profound economic shock" never happened.


. . .


It’s almost as if the economic meltdown that was supposed to happen in the days immediately after a Leave vote, hasn't actually happened.


So what do you call the 10% overnight drop in £ sterling, leading to price increase of 20% on imported goods?


An economic triumph?


It’s true. You do inhabit an alternate universe.

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Great way to turn things on their head.


Let’s not forget that Jo Cox was murdered on the same day that Farage unveiled his racist ‘breaking point ‘ poster.


Farage is not like Jo Cox. Never in a million years.


Your right he's still alive and lives in fear of the next maniac.

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