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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Do any of you honestly think leaving or remaining will make any difference whatsoever to the average working class Brit?

You'll still be working like a dog until you're nearly 70, pay nearly 50% of your hard earned wages to whatever government is in power in tax & vat & then you'll get a meagre pension to just about survive on until you die.

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Do any of you honestly think leaving or remaining will make any difference whatsoever to the average working class Brit?

You'll still be working like a dog until you're nearly 70, pay nearly 50% of your hard earned wages to whatever government is in power in tax & vat & then you'll get a meagre pension to just about survive on until you die.


Leaving will make it worse, if I'm honest remaining won't have made it any better. What will make it better? No idea.

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Do the five EU Presidents know that the EU is "not a thing by itself"?


European Commission President: Jean-Claude Juncker.


President of the Euro Summit: Donald Tusk.


President of the Eurogroup: Jeroen Dijsselbloem.


President of the European Central Bank: Mario Draghi.


President of the European Parliament: Martin Schulz.


All of these important men with their important titles believe that the EU is 'an entity that transcends the sum of its parts'. The EU, in other words, is much more important than any member state.


at my last place of work i know there was AT least 4 managers and directors not counting the owner etc and thats at a small to medium factory NOT in charge of a group of 28 countries and their economies and infrastructures

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Leaving will make it worse, if I'm honest remaining won't have made it any better. What will make it better? No idea.

I don't think it will either but if leaving makes things worse whatever Government is in power will blame us & the other party.

If things get better naturally they will take all the praise.

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at my last place of work i know there was AT least 4 managers and directors not counting the owner etc and thats at a small to medium factory NOT in charge of a group of 28 countries and their economies and infrastructures


And at that place of work, did you ever here the workers say something along the lines of , That's whats up with this place too many gaffers and not enough workers

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And at that place of work, did you ever here the workers say something along the lines of , That's whats up with this place too many gaffers and not enough workers

yup, we said it all the time, but like i said it was a factory of 60 NOT in charge of 28 countries


and funnily enough they got rid of 19 of us and not one boss / manager / director Oo

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You don't have to agree. But that's the legal situation, from which the gepolitical situation stems.


The time at which to exert the brinksmanship which you mention, was before triggering Article 50, effectively threaten the EU with doing it. Not after. And still less so with making so much noise about divergence in the past 12 months, when everybody in the EU has been crystal clear since the day after the referendum, that they would not sanction any outcome which undermines the Single Market. German car manufacturers first amongst them.


You've been past the brink since March 2017. The sooner you -and everyone else, Brexiter like Remainer- understand and accept it, the more orderly and the less damaging the UK exit can be.


Where there’s a political will there’s a political way,as we are seeing with the “impossible hurdle”of the Irish border.

If you feel strongly enough that Brexit will damage the U.K. more than any perceived benefit then you pursue any avenue .

It might be an extremely long shot,but one that many in the business world and politicians would prefer.

I may well have to be satisfied with the sloppily soft Brexit,but so will those who wanted to sever all ties on day one.

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