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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Do the five EU Presidents know that the EU is "not a thing by itself"?


European Commission President: Jean-Claude Juncker.


President of the Euro Summit: Donald Tusk.


President of the Eurogroup: Jeroen Dijsselbloem.


President of the European Central Bank: Mario Draghi.


President of the European Parliament: Martin Schulz.


All of these important men with their important titles believe that the EU is 'an entity that transcends the sum of its parts'. The EU, in other words, is much more important than any member state.


That's interesting then,according to the Anti EU brigade,it's just a vehicle for Germany to dominate.....now we hear that they are not important at all........must be sheer coincidence,didn't they do well?:hihi:

Edited by chalga
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Ooh that hurts . But as you said it was used as an excuse , and all the gaffers kept their jobs

well it was, in my eyes, they always jump before thinking, then again thats brexit through and through, and yes they did, funnily enough a director retired just after, after id gone back, arent they supposed to find out whos leaving before they sack people?

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well it was, in my eyes, they always jump before thinking, then again thats brexit through and through, and yes they did, funnily enough a director retired just after, after id gone back, arent they supposed to find out whos leaving before they sack people?


That's common sense ,unfortunately businessmen don't have any . Anyway , good luck , and I wont hold it against you , that you are one of Them :)

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at my last place of work i know there was AT least 4 managers and directors not counting the owner etc and thats at a small to medium factory NOT in charge of a group of 28 countries and their economies and infrastructures


Quite correct.


The unelected EU Presidents and their undemocratic EU Commission ARE in charge of a group of 28 countries, and their economies and infrastructures. And that's a serious problem and a huge democratic deficit.


The democratically elected politicians in these 28 countries are not in charge of their nations, for they have ceded national power and authority to an unelected cabal of failed former politicians and bureaucrats. EU law has primacy over national law, so the citizens of these 28 countries have effectively been disenfranchised.


The EU is remote and alien, it ensures that ordinary people do not understand who proposes, who decides, and who monitors EU rules and laws. The influence of the big multi-national lobbyists is everywhere in the corridors of Brussels.


The EU stands high above its member states, and will administer a financial punishment beating if they do not obey its will. Such as failing to take in an EU Commission defined quantity of asylum-seekers, as Hungary and Poland have done.


The EU is not Europe. The EU is an economic and political union with designs on being a world government. For the benefit of the few.

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The EU is an economic and political union with designs on being a world government. For the benefit of the few.


So the EU has designs on taking over Russia, China, USA, India,Canada, South America etc etc.


Give us a laugh and explain how :cool:

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Quite correct.


The unelected EU Presidents and their undemocratic EU Commission ARE in charge of a group of 28 countries, and their economies and infrastructures. And that's a serious problem and a huge democratic deficit.


The democratically elected politicians in these 28 countries are not in charge of their nations, for they have ceded national power and authority to an unelected cabal of failed former politicians and bureaucrats. EU law has primacy over national law, so the citizens of these 28 countries have effectively been disenfranchised.


The EU is remote and alien, it ensures that ordinary people do not understand who proposes, who decides, and who monitors EU rules and laws. The influence of the big multi-national lobbyists is everywhere in the corridors of Brussels.


The EU stands high above its member states, and will administer a financial punishment beating if they do not obey its will. Such as failing to take in an EU Commission defined quantity of asylum-seekers, as Hungary and Poland have done.


The EU is not Europe. The EU is an economic and political union with designs on being a world government. For the benefit of the few.


Poor EU,they thought they had all that power,and suddenly,some people put a cross on a piece of paper,and it was all over.:hihi:

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