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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You argue that the EU is anti worker but we have shown you that is was because of EU legislation that workers’ rights in this country have been strengthened like never before, whether it is health and safety legislation or working hours.


The much publicised EU Social Chapter, while it potentially gave some extra legal protection on a small number of issues, has never offered much more than crumbs from the table. A political gesture, to disguise the reality of the European Union as a neoliberal bosses union.


Designed by free-market fanatics, the EU is corporatist and pro-capitalist. A 'social' Europe has never been a part of the EU super-state project. How on earth could it be?


The EU was created for, and is about, big business and the super wealthy. It's 'four freedoms' come before any national interest and drive flexible labour markets, low pay, privatisation of public services and the eventual eradication of welfare states.


---------- Post added 18-12-2017 at 12:04 ----------


Anyway, here's another remainer prediction:-




Didn't you say that was never on the cards?


We’ve had holiday pay enshrined in UK legislation since 1938, and if the Tories were really so desperate to withdraw these rights they could have done it decades ago. Even before we joined the EU bosses union.


So why haven't they?


The reason is democracy.


Unlike the unelected and remote European Commission, the Tories face the British public at the ballot box at every general election. They know that removing paid holidays from British workers would cost them power, perhaps for a generation. Labour would have a landslide election victory and simply reinstate the holidays.


What protects workers in the UK is not the few social rights from supposedly benevolent bureaucrats in Brussels (which can be withdrawn at any time by a kangaroo European Court of Justice ruling as Greece and others have discovered), but a sovereign Parliament and the ability to sack our political representatives at election time.


Jean-Claude Juncker, the unelected Head of the EU has made it clear: “There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties.”

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Judging from the comments on The Sun article, looks like its readers smell a rat.

I'm surprised. In a nice a way :)


Because feast you eyes on this one:

The paradox is summed up by two women I interviewed recently. Both were single mothers living on benefits they denounced as far too low. Both had voted for Brexit. Both believed there were too many foreigners here. And both were scandalized when I asked whether they would take vacant jobs in cafes or shops. “They’re immigrants’ jobs,” one said.
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! :hihi:
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We’ve had holiday pay enshrined in UK legislation since 1938


Oh yeah, what does that say about the maximum working week?


and if the Tories were really so desperate to withdraw these rights they could have done it decades ago. Even before we joined the EU bosses union.


In this case, no they couldn't ;)


But now they can, they're trying.... and seemingly, with your approval! So much for yet another one of your claimed goals of Brexit eh. :loopy:


Since as an employee you could already opt out, this will only effect those who either don't want to work long hours, or don't get paid for doing so.


This is in no way a benefit to "workers", it's utterly indefensable and shows your "workers rights" claims are, like your "anti-capitalist" notions.... a complete joke!


---------- Post added 18-12-2017 at 12:13 ----------


Because feast you eyes on this one:

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! :hihi:


Was that you Angelfire? :P

Edited by Magilla
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OK, I'll try my best. In a nutshell...


Neoliberalism: Populations don't count, countries don't count, only those at the top. Increasingly a very small elite of people run the entire show for their own benefit.


For example, Russia may be Communist, but that hasn't stopped Putin and the Russian Oligarchs amassing vast (and I mean VAST) fortunes. India, I believe, has more millionaires per head of population than anywhere else, but still huge numbers of the population are in dire poverty, and so on. The EU isn't so different: a small unelected elite at the top wield immense wealth and power, largely for their own ends.


The top 0.05% (it's been suggested that as little as 60 people actually run the world,) have banded together, regardless of nationality, to take make themselves the richest, most powerful and unassailable people in the world. What do you think they talk about at Bilderberg? And all the other closed talking shops?


Democracy is just a scam. We are just the worker ants, servicing their greed, and gathering up the crumbs. More and more of the world's wealth (and therefore power) is in fewer and fewer hands.


I greatly oversimplify of course. Entire books have been written on this phenomenon, so I can hardly do it justice in a SF post. Try reading some of them:


'Profit over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order' by Noam Chomsky


'Masters of the Universe: Hayak, Friedman and the birth of Neoliberal Politics' by Daniel Steadman Jones


'Never let a serious crisis go to waste: How Neoliberalism survived the Financial Meltdown' by Philip Mirowski.



Seems just the sort of world envisaged by Johnson, Gove, Fox, Redwood, Rees-Mogg etc.

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We don't elect our Prime Minister. We elect individual MP's who belong to various political parties which then, depending on the number of seats they have, may be able to form an executive with a Prime Minister. The point is, we can vote against political parties and even the Prime Minister to remove them from office.


We cannot remove any EU Commissioner from office.


---------- Post added 18-12-2017 at 11:11 ----------


Each EU Commissioner has to swear an Oath of Allegiance to the EU.


'The Solemn Declaration before the Court of Justice of the European Union':


'Having been appointed as a Member of the European Commission by the European Council, following the vote of consent by the European Parliament I solemnly undertake: to respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the fulfilment of all my duties; to be completely independent in carrying out my responsibilities, in the general interest of the Union; in the performance of my tasks, neither to seek nor to take instructions from any Government or from any other institution, body, office or entity; to refrain from any action incompatible with my duties or the performance of my tasks.'


EU Commissioners have to obey only the EU. They must, and do, work against the interests of member state parliaments to implement the will of the Commission.


Why don't the member states governments who are unhappy with that just say that they disagree with it and leave the EU?...............what is stopping them?

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You should also include Jean Monnet, the capitalist banker and founding father of the EU, in that list.


No - those Tory Neoliberals would have been against so much that Monnet envisaged.




"In 1955, Monnet founded the Action Committee for the United States of Europe in order to revive European construction following the failure of the European Defense Community (EDC). It brought political parties and European trade unions together to become a driving force behind the initiatives which laid the foundation for the European Union"


I can just imagine Johnson, Gove, Fox, Redwood, Rees-Mogg etc giving an important role to trade unions ..............not.

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An EU financial punishment beating.


Or... a massive roll back of workers rights :)


Come on... if you're so "workers rights" why are you wasting your time on here, you need to get out there to prevent those rights being rolled back.


You know, it's not like you're not in some way responsible if it happens....... :loopy:

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