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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I'm surprised. In a nice a way :)


Because feast you eyes on this one:

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! :hihi:


You can get your rocks off on the notion that Brits are inherently lazy, but there was a time when this country was the workshop of the world. Its the deliberate de-industrialisation policies of successive governments that is the reason we're now mainly a "service based economy".

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You can get your rocks off on the notion that Brits are inherently lazy, but there was a time when this country was the workshop of the world. Its the deliberate de-industrialisation policies of successive governments that is the reason we're now mainly a "service based economy".


Ah yes a golden age of back to back housing, no welfare state, higher infant mortality, high levels of industrial accidents, rampant pollution etc... etc... etc...


Curiously it’s the kind of future that Fox et al have in store for you

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Ah yes a golden age of back to back housing, no welfare state, higher infant mortality, high levels of industrial accidents, rampant pollution etc... etc... etc...


Curiously it’s the kind of future that Fox et al have in store for you


The things endured that gave you a better life and you're still not grateful.

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You can get your rocks off on the notion that Brits are inherently lazy, but there was a time when this country was the workshop of the world. Its the deliberate de-industrialisation policies of successive governments that is the reason we're now mainly a "service based economy".
Ah no, completely wrong: just the idiot ones, like the two example ladies quoted in the article (I'm reliably informed there's a few more in Grimsby and Wales :D). The people they make these signs for.


Which is less than 52% of 33.6 millions...thankfully ;)

Those people were Brexiters.... it's not a reflection on Brits in general.
Of course it wasn't. But then, how else are die-hard fantasists like Alan going to save face over the coming months and years, other than through misrepresenting statements and facts with still more bad faith?


The Brexit wheels started coming off a few weeks ago over the NI/IE border, they're going to get jettisoned with momentum during the 'Phase 2' talks to follow early next year: all you're going to see Brexiters do (well, those amongst them who don't understand facts and rules), is shove fingers still deeper in their ears and shout la-la-la-la-la-I'm-not-hearing-you louder still ;)

Edited by L00b
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The Sun is spinning like it's gone out of fashion "Post-Brexit overtime boom" :loopy:



The Sun shows contempt for it's own readers:-



Just wanted to say thanks for referencing my article. As a first year journalism student starting out and trying to get myself noticed, what on the face of it may seem like a silly little thing means a lot.

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It might do you good and make you more appreciative of the older generation instead of wishing them dead.


No it wouldn’t do me any good.


And once again I am not celebrating elderly Brexiters dying off. Just stating that they are dying off and that their replacements are heavily pro-remain.It’s just facts.

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The Sun is spinning like it's gone out of fashion "Post-Brexit overtime boom" :loopy:



The Sun shows contempt for it's own readers:-



Just wanted to say thanks for referencing my article. As a first year journalism student starting out and trying to get myself noticed, what on the face of it may seem like a silly little thing means a lot.


Please, please specialise in investigative journalism. Not an easy path and most of the time you won't get any thanks for it, but we need you...


Good Luck.

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