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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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France get an awful lot from the EC, German haven't formed a government, have they?


Are the French getting more than their fair share then? Merkel is still German chancellor and still very much pro eu and very much in charge despite inviting millions of migrants in. But that's by the by. France have stronger unions than ours and Germans have far better employer/employee relations. Surely they'd be anti eu in car boots world unless they're stupid right?

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And John Bercow should know.


He was a member of the 'Monday Club' in the early 1980's, where he openly supported the forced repatriation of non-white immigrants and made speeches attacking gay people and feminists.


In 1982 he joined the 'Federation of Conservative Students' and became it's chairman during the time it was producing literature with the slogan "Hang Nelson Mandela".


Nice people these Remainers.


Some more diligent googling to rebuff any slur on Brexit.

As regards unanswered questions please just give me a short list of the benefits of leaving the EU which might comfort me in these uncertain times.

This question has been ignored or evaded by so many for too long.

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Are the French getting more than their fair share then? Merkel is still German chancellor and still very much pro eu and very much in charge despite inviting millions of migrants in. But that's by the by. France have stronger unions than ours and Germans have far better employer/employee relations. Surely they'd be anti eu in car boots world unless they're stupid right?


of course the French get a far better deal http://uk.businessinsider.com/brexit-eu-members-net-contributions-and-net-funding-2016-12, why are the Germans unable to for a collision government?


---------- Post added 19-12-2017 at 02:05 ----------


Are the French getting more than their fair share then? Merkel is still German chancellor and still very much pro eu and very much in charge despite inviting millions of migrants in. But that's by the by. France have stronger unions than ours and Germans have far better employer/employee relations. Surely they'd be anti eu in car boots world unless they're stupid right?


of course the French get a far better deal http://uk.businessinsider.com/brexit-eu-members-net-contributions-and-net-funding-2016-12, why are the Germans unable to for a collision government?

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France get an awful lot from the EC, German haven't formed a government, have they?


Speaking of which - EP just announces it is extending its investment program that was designed to alleviate a lack of investment. The UK received 3 billion euro which triggered 22 billion in return investment.


Of course the UK will receive more of that money the coming years.

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The Electoral Commission has fined 'Open Britain' (which campaigned as 'Britain Stronger in Europe' during the EU referendum campaign) for failing to fully register all of its spending.


Lord Stuart Rose and Will Straw, the leaders of the pro-EU campaign group, did not ensure that 'Britain Stronger in Europe' provided a complete and accurate spending return.

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hundreds of thosands of leave voters are already dead and have been replaced with young voters who

... are getting older and wiser and more conservative with the passing of each old person.


Demographics is a two way street and always has been, hence the well worn phase If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.


---------- Post added 19-12-2017 at 14:43 ----------


Thanks. As far as I’m aware the first Brexiter on here to explicitly state that since the recent threats to Grieve, Soubry and the others.


Respect due.

Enough of the virtue signalling already. It's such a mind bogglingly obvious thing that it doesn't need saying, still less questioning.


But you answered the dog whistle!

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The Electoral Commission has fined 'Open Britain' (which campaigned as 'Britain Stronger in Europe' during the EU referendum campaign) for failing to fully register all of its spending.


Did Vote Leave commit a crime over its funding?



There's a difference between an error, and a concerted effort to decieve.

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Do any of you honestly think leaving or remaining will make any difference whatsoever to the average working class Brit?


It will be a damp squib economically for 99% of people, most of whom will just be thankful that it's not on the news all day every day.


What people might notice is that they will (for example) be able to get their kids into the nearest school, or a near future doctors appointment, IF immigration, and therefore the social infrastructure dependant population, is cut substantially. That's the sort of thing that a lot of working class people voted for but it is the one thing that I don't see happening in a meaningful way.

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It will be a damp squib economically for 99% of people, most of whom will just be thankful that it's not on the news all day every day.


other than the 10% drop in sterling that led to a 20% increase in the cost of imported goods, and the inevitable cuts to public services to pay for the £billions that Brexit will cost, and the £1billion bribe to the sectarian bigots of the DUP to side with our Strong and Stable leader then yes, I haven’t noticed a thing.




What people might notice is that they will (for example) be able to get their kids into the nearest school, or a near future doctors appointment, IF immigration, and therefore the social infrastructure dependant population, is cut substantially. That's the sort of thing that a lot of working class people voted for but it is the one thing that I don't see happening in a meaningful way.


Do you really think immigration levels will be cut?


I suspect they’re going to increase considerably when India demands immigration caps be lifted if we wish to sign a trade deal with them.


Which isn’t what the working classes voted for :|

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Would we still have to contribute to these EU agencies and institutions?


If so, and its not a freebie, we would be nothing more than a tributary state sending gold, produce and slaves as a mark of submission to an evil empire.


Do you advocate that we pay protection money to the EU?


I think it's an excellent idea to pick and choose which services the UK decides it wishes to contribute to and benefit from. It's thoroughly democratic right down to local level, and gives flexibility far into the future for investment that will ensure that the EU becomes agile to survive in the faster world that's coming. The EU is moribund and overcome by bureaucratic inertia, and that is just the way the gravy train likes it.


---------- Post added 19-12-2017 at 15:08 ----------


other than the 10% drop in sterling that led to a 20% increase in the cost of imported goods, and the inevitable cuts to public services to pay for the £billions that Brexit will cost, and the £1billion bribe to the sectarian bigots of the DUP to side with our Strong and Stable leader then yes, I haven’t noticed a thing.


It was probably an accident but you just made the case for beingon the World stage instead of in the EU.


Do you really think immigration levels will be cut?


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