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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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What middle path you mean like Norway? That would not be an exit from the EU, just a capitulation. they really want need our contribution. http://uk.businessinsider.com/brexit-eu-members-net-contributions-and-net-funding-2016-12


It could look similar to that during the transition.


Of course the transition - to please everyone - would have to offer routes both to return or to completely leave the SM and CU if that is best.


There’s really no other way through this.


Enacting a very specific version of Brexit by an extreme faction of a slavishly ideological party (for a form of Brexit that has little support) would be stupid. The reality is more time is needed to work this out.

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I actually very strongly supported the importance of UKIP being given a democratic voice, when other left wingers wanted to shut them down and freeze them out of the media.


I'm pleased to hear it. :)


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 08:15 ----------


Don't make me laugh. You are at the forefront of abolishing the ECHR and put it front right and central in the Leave campaign by condemning the European Court of Human Rights. Oh hang on????.


And? And? And? And? And? We're hanging on for you to work out the rest of your half thought. Its the bit about the EHCR coming into UK Law in totality,a Bill Of Rights, and repatriating final decisions to the independent UK judiciary instead of EU judges appointed by EU politicians.


Posts like this confirm that British voters haven't got a clue what working conditions are like elsewhere in Europe, proclaiming to have invented the holy grail and ignoring the fact that the rest of the bible was written somewhere else.

Posts like this confirm that some people don't have a clue about what they are posting, proclaiming the UK to be some undemocratic dictatorship that cares nothing for its people and needs the guiding hand of the EU bureaucrats, unrepresentative politicians, and elected judges. History my little Dutch friend, is a thousand years against you.


Don't give us all that guff about having a laugh and then telling half a story that completely misrepresents the better situation that the UK can create for the UK by leaving.


---------- Post added 20-12-2017 at 08:28 ----------


Or.. total silence ;)


More good news here, especially for the North.


Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of The Channel






Household finances are worse since Brexit vote



More dyscalculia, is it just a basic misrepresentation. A clearer way of representing the facts is that only 12.2% of the UK's GDP is EU related, whereas the EU is only 2.65%. That's not 12.2% "exposure", or 4.6 times greater that is at full risk and tells you just how reliant the EU is on UK trade. A 10% Brexit related drop in EU trade equates to, well you can do the maths yourself, it's this side of bugger all, or the same as every EU nation will experience on average, because that is how the basic maths works.


But all this doom and gloom talk is silly. Last year there were dire prediction that UK trade would fall by 10% this year because of Brexit. EU exports went up, not down. Ah, but it's the pound devaluation I hear you cry!! Well durr! Now translate that into future exports and it's not so doomy, or gloomy.


These half assed predictions are worth less than Andrex because at least Andrex doesn't leave a dirty stain behind.

Edited by ENG601PM
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and what was that please, for those of us unable to comprehend anything beyond the dog-whistle soundbites of freedom and sovereignty ?


Liberalisation of the market. 'unleashing the shackles of the EU' was code for - giving large corporates a big say in how we, as a country, operate.


And? And? And? And? And? We're hanging on for you to work out the rest of your half thought. Its the bit about the EHCR coming into UK Law in totality,a Bill Of Rights, and repatriating final decisions to the independent UK judiciary instead of EU judges appointed by EU politicians.


No half thought there, you claim the UK is at the forefront of human rights, yet you are happy to abolish the institute created by Winston Churchill, to ensure human rights internationally.


Posts like this confirm that some people don't have a clue about what they are posting, proclaiming the UK to be some undemocratic dictatorship that cares nothing for its people and needs the guiding hand of the EU bureaucrats, unrepresentative politicians, and elected judges. History my little Dutch friend, is a thousand years against you.


I'm not little, and I'm not your friend. The past is no guarantee for the future. I am also completely uncertain where you get the idea from that I thought the UK was undemocratic, it might have a failing antiquated democratic system, but it has got one. It is repeated claims of undemocracy in the EU that make me wonder who actually has the wrong end of the stick.


Don't give us all that guff about having a laugh and then telling half a story that completely misrepresents the better situation that the UK can create for the UK by leaving.


I'll ask you again - what better situation? How would this operate? What does it achieve? I'm not the one with half a story, you know how I think about it, I am the one asking you to finish yours.

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More dyscalculia, is it just a basic misrepresentation.


You sure you're not getting that mixed up with Antifa... Haahaa, dog whistle indeed :loopy:


Well you know all about "misrepresentation" don't you. Take that out of your posts and what do you have left.. not much ;)


Dyscalculia, don't make me laugh! :hihi:


Still, since you're here...your "emulsified high-fat offal tube" claim, you didn't say if you were merely a 6 percenter of going for the full 15?



Edited by Magilla
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Rather than me explain I think you ought to have read up a little on how EU laws are adopted and become enshrined in UK law, and how they may then supersede and replace ours making ours redundant.


Oh yes, you’re right, for when the UK effectively voted against the working time directive. This shows that we have such burdensome laws placed against us that protect workers. Oh yes, the UK have such a great track record at protecting workers without the EU.

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You sure you're not getting that mixed up with Antifa... Haahaa, dog whistle indeed :loopy:


LOL, well you know all about "misrepresentation" don't you. Take that out of your posts and what do you have left.. not much ;)


It's not to be helped if you can't count so I don't expect you to be able to interpret embedded statistics. All the information you need is right there in your very own post, and it still doesn't mean what you think it means. Just try not to catch any headlines about increased breast cancer risks increasing by 10% if you stand on your head during a full moon.


Still, since you're here...your "emulsified high-fat offal tube" claim, you didn't say if you were merely a 6 percenter of going for the full 15?




You do realise that the emulsified high-fat offal tube is from a scene in Yes Minister, not real life. Don't you?


I will try to treat you appropriately, maths and all.

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It's not to be helped if you can't count so I don't expect you to be able to interpret embedded statistics. All the information you need is right there in your very own post, and it still doesn't mean what you think it means.


So you claim, but like most of your claims on here, baseless.


Just try not to catch any headlines about increased breast cancer risks increasing by 10% if you stand on your head during a full moon.


Yawn, you make a good show, but no substance.


You do realise that the emulsified high-fat offal tube is from a scene in Yes Minister, not real life. Don't you?


Indeed, but then I didn't ever claim otherwise, you did ;)


If you were watching carefully (I watched it recently) there actually WAS a proposal to EU law would refer to bangers as High-Fat Emulsified Offal Tubes.


So, again, 6% or the full 15?


Don't tell me, you were joking... or are we going for the "you just didn't understand what I said" line again?


I will try to treat you appropriately, maths and all.


Oh "maths and all", no "stockholm syndrome", no "mental gymnastics"... poor you, you're slipping :loopy:


From the guy who can't work a spreadsheet... don't make me laugh!

Edited by Magilla
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So you claim, but like most of your claims on here, baseless.




Yawn, you make a good show, but no substance.




Indeed, but then I didn't ever claim otherwise, you did ;)




So, again, 6% or the full 15?


Don't tell me, you were joking... or are we going for the "you just didn't understand what I said" line again?




Oh "maths and all", no "stockholm syndrome", no "mental gymnastics"... poor you, you're slipping :loopy:


From the guy who can't work a spreadsheet... don't make me laugh!



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Oh yes, you’re right, for when the UK effectively voted against the working time directive. This shows that we have such burdensome laws placed against us that protect workers. Oh yes, the UK have such a great track record at protecting workers without the EU.


The EU is inherently anti-democratic, pro-capitalist and free-market. FACT.


The impact of UK membership of the EU on the working class has been devastating and includes the decimation of well paid manufacturing jobs, a perennial trade deficit and an influx of cheap migrant labour which has destroyed job security and reduced wage levels.


There has also been a massive sense of loss of democratic control over our lives, and the widespread feeling that our UK parliament is ineffective at best or simply a puppet of Brussels at worst.


Die hard Remainer TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady has claimed, “It’s the EU that guarantees workers paid holidays, parental leave and equal treatment of part-timers.” Absolute rubbish and easily disproved pro-EU propaganda.


In reality, it was the people and the unions that demanded that a sovereign UK Parliament enact legislation (nearly always far stronger than the weak regulations put timidly in place by the EU) to protect workers employment rights and health and safety at work.

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