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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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France and the Netherlands came this >< close to voting in anti EU parties en masse.


but that’s not true either, is it?


Macron trounced Le Pen almost 2:1 in Le French election. Not even Sir Nige’ would argue that wasn’t a comprehensive victory.


Next time their voters might have more confidence when they see that Brexit isn't so bad after all.


yes, I’m sure Le French would love to experience a 10% drop in Le French Euro, leading to a 20% cost increase in the cost of imported goods.


Of course, if Le French leave the EU, hopefully their economy will tank and we can overtake Le French and become the 5th largest economy in Le Monde again

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Greece are still in the EU,why,if it is that bad for them?

We've been through this scenario time and time again,politicians scapegoating the EU for the mess that their countries democratically elected government policies have gotten them into.

We've seen it on here daily,the EU is wrong for doing stuff.the EU is wrong if it doesn't do stuff...........the EU/banks should just keep out of it in future and let these countries go to the wall,make an example of them.

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Greece are still in the EU,why,if it is that bad for them?

We've been through this scenario time and time again,politicians scapegoating the EU for the mess that their countries democratically elected government policies have gotten them into.

We've seen it on here daily,the EU is wrong for doing stuff.the EU is wrong if it doesn't do stuff...........the EU/banks should just keep out of it in future and let these countries go to the wall,make an example of them.

Read the book. I have.

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Greece are still in the EU,why,if it is that bad for them?

We've been through this scenario time and time again,politicians scapegoating the EU for the mess that their countries democratically elected government policies have gotten them into.

We've seen it on here daily,the EU is wrong for doing stuff.the EU is wrong if it doesn't do stuff...........the EU/banks should just keep out of it in future and let these countries go to the wall,make an example of them.


The alternative is much, much worse for them. They are almost like a captive state.


The treatment of smaller states is the absolute worst thing about the EU. I’ve questioned whether we should remain because of that alone. My decision boiled down to whether we could help more in or out. I think we have greater capacity to intervene as members but that would require a redefinition of our attitude to the other countries and a lot of bravery on our part - we could veto or wreck the majority voting that allows bad things to happen to the smaller countries. We can’t do that outside the EU.


Said it before the deal that Cameron came back with before the referendum was the vehicle for defining that new relationship. It’s a shame enough people didn’t realise it.

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Said it before the deal that Cameron came back with before the referendum was the vehicle for defining that new relationship. It’s a shame enough people didn’t realise it.


That deal was the catalyst for my Leave vote. It represented the future direction of the EU and I wasn't happy with that.


Interestingly the remainder of your post shows a remarkable similarity to my own thinking. It seems that our outcome is the only real difference.

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The Poles have elected a Euro sceptic party,but they haven't got the guts to put a referendum to their population because they are the biggest beneficiaries of EU money.


Actually that's not quite true in terms of being a beneficiary. Poland is about midway, with Spain receiving the least and Luxembourg receiving the highest. The stats on Luxembourg are distorted by the fact they receive more because of their close ties with the EU.


When you look at the figures its not surprising that its the poorer countries that receive the most are generally, at the same time, places where a lot of imported cheap labour also comes from. Its that cheap labour that many successful EU countries now rely on to drive their economy, but what happens when these poorer countries start to gain ground. Basically at the moment the EU is bribing those countries in exchange for cheap labour and when that dries up the EU will face its biggest crisis. Another reason they want us to pay them a divorce settlement.

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Allowing the economic differences across Europe to even themselves out over time via the free movement of people, capital and goods seems like a much better way of dealing with those differences than ignoring those tensions and eventually going to war.

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Actually that's not quite true in terms of being a beneficiary. Poland is about midway, with Spain receiving the least and Luxembourg receiving the highest. The stats on Luxembourg are distorted by the fact they receive more because of their close ties with the EU.


When you look at the figures its not surprising that its the poorer countries that receive the most are generally, at the same time, places where a lot of imported cheap labour also comes from. Its that cheap labour that many successful EU countries now rely on to drive their economy, but what happens when these poorer countries start to gain ground. Basically at the moment the EU is bribing those countries in exchange for cheap labour and when that dries up the EU will face its biggest crisis. Another reason they want us to pay them a divorce settlement.


What crisis will they face?.............describe the future of the EU when cheap labour dries up.


---------- Post added 22-12-2017 at 14:28 ----------


Allowing the economic differences across Europe to even themselves out over time via the free movement of people, capital and goods seems like a much better way of dealing with those differences than ignoring those tensions and eventually going to war.


Exactly,you have hit the nail on the head.I don't want to live in a Europe that becomes like Africa,or the Middle East,where poverty and starvation in countries run alongside richer ones who are driving ahead,or even in South America where dictators run down countries and make their people suffer.

Eastern Europe is coming along very nicely thank you with the help of the EU and them keeping in check corrupt governments who are steeped in the way of communism and are determined in some cases not to shake off the last remnants of it to the detriment of their own people.

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