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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Personal arn't you.


No, I'm commenting on the demonstrably and well known factually incorrect things that you're saying.

Either you've scarily ignorant or you're deliberately spreading falsehoods about how the EU operates, like the leave campaign did...

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Maybe it's finally managed to dawn on our bunch of second rate buffoons that the power is with the EU on negotiations which involve a non members ongoing relationship with the EU?


Seemed fairly obvious to most of us from the start, but perhaps the penny has finally dropped with the more obtuse blusterers among us.


No, no: our strong stable prime minister is a bloody difficult woman and Johnny Foreigner will jolly well capitulate and provide us endless free cake and unicorns.

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Yes, we couldn't possibly discuss the way the negotiations are going...


Course not.


Why, that would be as daft as discussing the way the football season is going from August onward, instead of waiting until the end of May and seeing how it all works out.


Talk to you again in March 2019.

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