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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Do you mean like the EU dumping it's unwanted chicken parts in Africa? The EU has a long and shameful history of abusive agricultural trade practices in Africa and other developing regions.


And Remainers support this disgusting practice.



No wonder Africa is uncompetetive in price and quality with EU chicken,and their people prefer to eat EU chicken:


European farmers reject accusations of dumping. South African producers inject chickens with brine, or salt water, increasing their weight and reducing quality, Cees Vermeeren, secretary-general of AVEC, a trade body for European chicken farmers, said by e-mail.

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why dont the other 27 have a lousy deal, why is it only us?

Probably because the EU works very similar to the UK benefits system, where most able bodied people get a job and pay taxes when they've finished education and work til they retire, and some sit on their backsides drawing benefits moaning about how the rich should be taxed more.

In the EU some countries pay a lot in and get a little out and some pay a little in and get a lot out. The latter lot are hardly likely to want change.

Then in the middle at the EU distributing the money are the people on big wages, expenses and pensions, they're also hardly likely to want any changes.

Edited by gomgeg
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