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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The Foreign Office of Japan


The Australian High Commissioner says hard Brexit and quickly.


Australia's High Commissioner in London on February 12 reiterated his calls for Britain to unilaterally liberalize its trade regime in order to boost its ties with its Oceanic cousin.


Speaking to BBC4 Radio, the former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer lent his support to those advocating a full break from European institutions such as the Customs Union and the Single Market, warning that Britain will "lose control" of its trade policies and deprive itself of the freedom to strike independent commercial agreements with other parts of the world.

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The Australian High Commissioner says hard Brexit and quickly.


He does if you only read Sputnik News.. :suspect:, even The Express couldn't spin it that badly :D


What he's really stating is the obvious, while insisting that he did not want to express a view on which scenario was preferable.

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The people want to leave.



Brexit: Majority of British people believe UK should stay in the EU


British people have turned their backs on Brexit, according to a new poll released just as Theresa May prepares to give a make-or-break speech on her plans for EU withdrawal.


The exclusive survey for The Independent by BMG Research shows a majority now believe the country should remain in the EU, after weeks in which deadlocked Brussels talks and cabinet splits exposed the sheer complexity of withdrawal.




More than half of Britons now want to stay in EU, poll finds, in biggest gap since referendum


More than half of Britons back staying in the European Union, with a 10-point lead for people who want to remain over those who still back Brexit, according to an opinion poll.


The BMG Research poll for The Independent found 51% favoured staying in the EU while 41% backed Brexit.



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Brexit: Majority of British people believe UK should stay in the EU






More than half of Britons now want to stay in EU, poll finds, in biggest gap since referendum






I never got asked if I wanted to stay or leave regarding this survey so they didn't ask everyone did they?

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The Australian High Commissioner says hard Brexit and quickly.


Australia's High Commissioner in London on February 12 reiterated his calls for Britain to unilaterally liberalize its trade regime in order to boost its ties with its Oceanic cousin.


Speaking to BBC4 Radio, the former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer lent his support to those advocating a full break from European institutions such as the Customs Union and the Single Market, warning that Britain will "lose control" of its trade policies and deprive itself of the freedom to strike independent commercial agreements with other parts of the world.


His chums in the right wing think tank 'Policy Exchange',where he is due to take up office soon,will have been cheering him to the rafters...........and much less scary than if Jacob Rees Mogg was saying it.:hihi:

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The Australian High Commissioner says hard Brexit and quickly.


Australia's High Commissioner in London on February 12 reiterated his calls for Britain to unilaterally liberalize its trade regime in order to boost its ties with its Oceanic cousin.


Speaking to BBC4 Radio, the former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer lent his support to those advocating a full break from European institutions such as the Customs Union and the Single Market, warning that Britain will "lose control" of its trade policies and deprive itself of the freedom to strike independent commercial agreements with other parts of the world.


There is a significant difference between a 'High Commissioner' who is essentially an ambassador for a country that has little relevance to the UK economy and a Foreign Office of the third biggest economy in the world.

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Brexit is becoming a bit like climate change. Just because its cold for a few days doesn't mean climate change is rubbish.


The government's own analysis says that all regions and all sectors will fare worse under all forms of Brexit compared with staying in the EU.


We'd be better off staying in the EU and revoking article 50 now.

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Just a load of media hype that does not add up..


Have a read of this and you notice a difference in the figures and also realise that the company already grows fruit in other countries anyway.




To be honest I really feel sorry for them.. cough!

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