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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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No we won’t be trading with member states individually.


We’ll be trading with a 27 member state bloc with a common set of rules.


No we trade at the moment with individual member states who are forced to have a common set of rules under the EU treaty. The EU itself produces nothing tangible except MEP's and organisations which employ staff to run them.


There is no latitude for a state-by-state set of rules.


Exactly, therein lies the problem and one of the reasons the EU will not last.


Any of the 27 states from the smallest to the largest can influence that set of rules. And if we want to trade with the bloc (which we do) then they are our set of rules too.


Of course they cant influence the rules as they have already been laid down and is part of that condition of joining states they have to be accepted. However they will not be our set of rules if we say no deal and go down the WTO path.


Wake up before it is too late. Seriously.


I am well awake and hope that we do what the referendum result promised and that is for the UK to leave the EU.

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No we trade with individual member states who are forced to have a common set of rules under the EU treaty. The EU itself produces nothing tangible except MEP's and organisations which employ staff to run them.




Exactly, therein lies the problem and one of the reasons the EU will not last.




Of course they cant influence the rules as they have already been laid down and is part of that condition of joining states they have to be accepted. However they will not be our set of rules if we say no deal and go down the WTO path.




I am well awake and hope that we do what the referendum result promised and that is for the UK to leave the EU.


My oh my.


They are not forced to have a common set of rules. They freely agree to have that common set of rules. And it is that common set of rules that they use. There is no individual state by state rules, just the common rules that every state agrees to.


Your whole argument seems to be based on the crazy notion that the EU is kidnapping states against their will and coercing them into arrangements they don’t agree to.


Let’s be clear. Your argument is utterly mental.


Sorry to be blunt but it’s stupid.

Edited by I1L2T3
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No we trade at the moment with individual member states who are forced to have a common set of rules under the EU treaty. The EU itself produces nothing tangible except MEP's and organisations which employ staff to run them.

No, they are not forced to. They volunteer to adopt the common set of rules when they choose to become a member of the EU.


Of course they cant influence the rules as they have already been laid down and is part of that condition of joining states they have to be accepted.

They can influence the rules after they've voluntarily accepted the set that were current when they chose to join.


However they will not be our set of rules if we say no deal and go down the WTO path.

Anybody who wants to sell good in the EU will have to abide by the rules they specify whether that be as part of the EU, as a member of a single market, under WTO rules or whatever.

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And here we have it. The myth that the EU is an entity in its own right and not a collection of 28 member states is ripped apart.


Without the will of the member states there would be no EU.




It is not some nebulous evil entity. It is the member states.

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No we won’t be trading with member states individually.


We’ll be trading with a 27 member state bloc with a common set of rules.


There is no latitude for a state-by-state set of rules.


Any of the 27 states from the smallest to the largest can influence that set of rules. And if we want to trade with the bloc (which we do) then they are our set of rules too.


This really is fundamental


Wake up before it is too late. Seriously.

You need to wake up and realise that neither "we" nor the EU trade with anyone. Businesses trade.


Business will continue to trade and the trade patterns simply cannot be untied and that is why the EU and the UK will reach a mutually beneficial post Brexit arrangement because the EU27 do not want to materially affect their national economies.


Quit with the Brussels ideology induced Stockholm Syndrome and get with the realpolitik.

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We are a relatively minor trading partner to the EU27, they are a major trading party to us. We have little leverage.

If we continue to act like fools then we will get no trade deal, and the best we can hope for is whatever deal suits the EU27.


If we want access to the free market, ie continuing as before, we will have to comply with all the EU trading rules, BUT we will no longer have any say in making those rules.

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For the last time, isn't it what we voted for. Or did you not read the propergander that cost so much, how can you not understand in or out? just get real.


No it isn’t what we voted for. We voted to leave the EU.


There was nothing on the ballot paper about a plethora of other economically damaging facets like leaving the single market, customs union and ceasing other forms of cooperation.


---------- Post added 15-02-2018 at 08:07 ----------


You need to wake up and realise that neither "we" nor the EU trade with anyone. Businesses trade.


Business will continue to trade and the trade patterns simply cannot be untied and that is why the EU and the UK will reach a mutually beneficial post Brexit arrangement because the EU27 do not want to materially affect their national economies.


Quit with the Brussels ideology induced Stockholm Syndrome and get with the realpolitik.


Nothing seems to be stopping Germany trading with the rest of the world, exporting way more than we do.

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